An Uncaring Moon

"Get into formation."

As the commander shouted, the troops smartly gathered up and formed into a phalanx. Stragglers off to the sides stumbled out of their tents and turned to see the figure, silhouetted by the moon change shape.

The hat wearing humanoid suddenly morphed into a large round monster. The shaken soldiers barely had time to reach for their weapons as the monster charged towards them at breakneck speeds.

Since Azemo's demon body was not as strong as it used to be, almost all of his stats were better when he was in monster form.

"Fire. Fire. Don't just stand there, that is the enemy."

Archers heard their orders and began to unleash a storm of arrows. Since they were panicked the arrows were not fired together and instead shot at random.

As Azemo charged down the hill it was easy enough to dodge the arrows without slowing in the slightest. In the midst of his transformation he had begun to think attacking was a bad idea.