Snow. Snow and more Snow

Azemo's eyes opened to a dark, cramped, squishy room. His legs were not fully stretched out and Azemo found it difficult to move his arms.

Slightly lifting his nose, Azemo took a good whiff of the odd chamber he was in. The smell reminded him of a fresh kill, when he hunted as a monster.

Wiggling a bit, Azemo turned around and saw a crack of light. Reaching out, Azemo widened the gap in whatever he had slept in and was instantly hit with a wave of freezing cold snow.

'Oh that is right, I am inside a bear.'

The cold was all that was necessary to wake up Azemo and his memories of the night before. 

'Reginald? You awake and is it possible for me to transform again?'

"You can transform again, my lord, but I will probably need to rest again, every night."

"Okay please transform me." Azemo shivered just remembering the biting cold on his pale fingers.