A Hidden Trial

Azemo glanced around the room one time, taking a cursory glance to see if he was alone. In his quick look all Azemo could see were stone walls, like he was in a box or something.

Normally Azemo probably would have been more cautious, but he was tired and he quickly transformed. Wrapping himself in the heavy fur of the bear, Azemo was taken to a dreamy wonderland.

That night, Azemo dreams were filled with a bloody battle. It seemed like a great war from ancient times. It was like the dream was trying to tell Azemo a story, as the battle played out, focusing on certain parts and one weapon in particular. Unfortunately the dreamer was Azemo and all he wanted was some good rest, meaning the dream had no audience as it told a great epic.

Azemo had gotten quite accomplished at ignoring dreams and falling into a deeper sleep. Even though he was sleeping on the hard rocky ground, Azemo was quite happy with his accommodations because he was having a great rest.