A Soft Light in a Sea of Corpses

Azemo gained a brief second of respite as all the monsters lost track of him. His body had suddenly shrunk to the size of a rat and while the pile of monsters collapsed on itself, Azemo returned to his normal bear sized form next to an unsuspecting devil-like monster.

Knocking the monster off its feet, Azemo powerfully stamped on its head before facing the ocean of monsters that were still alive and well.

Even with his large bear sized body, Azemo felt small in comparison to the wave of monsters that was about to swallow him.

In the mass of monster bodies heads popped out screaming bloody murder and Azemo prepared himself for round two.

Rolling to the side, Azemo's body shrunk to fit between a monster's powerful swipes with three massive claws, before returning to its normal size in an instant. The monster's claws were knocked apart and Azemo slashed forward with a heavy paw.