A Rudimentary Error

"Are you a demon?"

Azemo stood still, amidst the almost flat ground, waiting for Ahpuchi to respond. As for Ahpuchi, the demon lord was still sitting in shock as he blankly stared back at Azemo.

And so the two remained seemingly frozen as neither side made a move. Finally, Ahpuchi, who wanted nothing more than to mourn the loss of his tower or destroy Azemo, spoke.

"Congratulations, you have passed the initial test, you may enter Tartarus." Ahpuchi's words were empty, as even anger could not be channeled.

The sacred rules of the challenge could not be broken, after Azemo had completed the trial, Ahpuchi could do nothing. It was a great mark of hatred on a demon if they killed one of their living kin.

Azemo just cocked his head to the side, he was quite confused. He could not figure out where he was and why there was a demon sitting before him. Even though he knew it was not reality, Azemo knew nothing else.