
Azemo was completely relaxed as he fell through the darkness, the same thing had happened to him many times already. 

Slowly music started to play in Azemo's mind, beginning soft before ramping up as Azemo got excited for a difficult challenge.

Just as the ferocious beat of the song reached its peak, Azemo found himself no longer in the all encompassing darkness.

"Welcome to the Seventh level of Tartarus."

The voice was the polar opposite of the loud bombastic song that was in Azemo's mind, it was cool and calm.

The confident and excited expression on Azemo's face faltered for a second.

'The seventh level? Did I mess up my jump? I swear the sign said level one.' Azemo was quite anxious as he realized for the first time that the signs possibly could have lied to him.

"Please rest here and proceed through that door when you are ready to take on the first of the three trials of Tartarus."