What a Cheater

"Wow congratulations on reaching one hundred thousand stacks."

Azemo stepped forward carefully and for the first time the voice remained quiet. For the past hour the voice had continually notified him as the pressure and heat of the mountain worsened with every step.

However, it seemed that not even the mountain could scratch his defenses and Azemo could slowly keep walking. After many thousands of stacks the force on his body was bearable and Azemo was no longer forced to crawl.

While his body was completely shielded from additional attacks, Azemo was still suffering from the injuries he gained before he claimed the secret of the Red Mountain.

His stubbed toe still ached painfully, the slash on his back still spewed blood without respite and the hole in his shoulder made his arm useless. His mana was still suppressed, apparently not even one hundred thousand grit stacks could combat that property and Azemo had no way of healing himself.