A Good Old Fashioned Fist Fight

"Alrighty, let's get started."

The playful tone of the demon before him made Azemo wonder what sort of test he was about to be a part of. Azemo also wondered why the demon had taken so long to speak, he had been surprised, but she should have been expecting him.

Azemo opened his mouth to speak to the demon when she quickly spoke again.

"Not much of a talker are we. Well the trial is simple, all you have to do is defeat me in solo combat. As the challenger you can choose the weapon for our duel, but don't be picking something stupid like riddles."

The playfulness in the voice disappeared whenever the demon spoke of combat and Azemo felt as he had found a kindred spirit. A little lax when it came to most things, but hyper focused when it came to fighting.

Azemo had a few choices in terms of weaponry. While he did not have his entire armory, his gauntlets could still become many different types of weapons.