The Most Powerful Human

The Supreme General, that sounds like an important person. It was a few minutes after Yukano had sat down and I could not help but wonder if her knees hurt. I could not imagine her kneeling position being very comfortable. However, her face was as calm as ever and my musings were interrupted by the door swinging open.

Unlike with Yukano's entrance, both doors opened as a single man stepped through. The motion was made even grander when it became evident that no one had opened the doors as they were pushed by some invisible force.

I did not even have to look at the man's stars to see who he was because as he approached I caught sight of a shiny badge on his chest that spelled out [Archmage] with shiny letters.

Of course, I did look at his stars and saw a mirror of Yukano's. Five diamond stars and level five hundred. As for his official class, it was impossible to guess and it was "definitely" not archmage.