The City's Sickness

The rest of the day was spent in relative peace as I became accustomed to my agrestral powers with the help of Yukano. Only relative peace because for whatever reason, Yukano liked to randomly shoot arrows at me. She said it was about teaching me to trust my senses and training my reflexes. Even though it was probably true, I still was not a fan of that kind of training. 

Besides the countless arrows fired at me, Yukano also taught me a bit about the fighting style of my wild form. Since her form was very similar she was a great help, but she had a control over her body that I could not quite match.

As an arctic fox, I learned swift pounces, meant for finishing off foes, and nimble agility, to avoid attacks and create space.

The final thing we focused on was what it meant to be a young lord of the agrestrals.