Eagle View

"The meals are free, young masters. However, since the hot spring is quite famous, customers must bet a price in order to get a chance to use it. Whoever has betted the most money will get to use the hot spring for the entire next day," the errand boy informed before stretching his hand out to the two doors right next to each other on the wall. "These are your rooms, young masters."

"I'd like to take a bath, so please boil some warm water for me," Xuan Yueji ordered the errand boy, not caring about whether he was in charge of getting bath water for customers or not. 

'Anyways, they're sure to have their own communication system and chain of command in this inn,' Xuan Yueji reasoned out in his head.

"I am also taking a bath," Lin Dalong told the errand boy.

"Your bath waters will be ready soon, please wait," the errand boy respectfully bowed after saying this to the two of them.