Accidentally Admitted Real Age

Exiting his room, Xuan Yueji turned to walk towards the room where Lin Dalong was located and knocked on the door.

Without addressing himself, he only waited for Lin Dalong to open the door as he knew and understood that the latter would surely know who it was since there could only be two prospective visitors at this time, himself and the workers of the inn.

After waiting for a few minutes, he finally saw Lin Dalong opening the door with long black hair that was still not dried yet, dropping lots of water droplets and a new set of purple clothes that were also exquisitely embroidered with gold threads.

"Huh…" Lin Dalong mumbled out when he saw him. "I thought that I would surely have to drag you out of your room."

He gave an embarrassed cough and said, "I was merely joking."

"It looks like you didn't bathe at all?" Lin Dalong questioned when he saw his dry appearance though noticing the different robes that he was wearing.