Sneak Attacks

I continued darting through the trees at high speed. Flipping from regular vision to infrared, and back regular as I hunted. I jumped another pair, and froze them both to death right quick. Jumping off of them quickly as I headed for the next target.

50 xp awarded. 320/400 xp until level 7.

I glanced back to Ethan, and his group. We were down one, but we weren't out. I stopped briefly as I glanced around. The pickings had gotten pretty slim by now. I was looking for someone who would be at the very least a little challenge.

My wings twitched as I looked at my options. The rest of the people left lone wolfing it. I saw maybe five players left besides my team. I rushed towards the closest one. It didn't seem to matter what weapons they had anymore.

I was getting to fast for them to stop me from doing anything. Unless they had a speed ability I wouldn't have much trouble. Kill, and run was my thing right now. I sped up to my full sprint, and bee lined for the closest guy. I jumped out of the trees, and froze him solid before switching direction.

25 xp awarded. 345/400 xp until level 7.

I ran for the next guy. I could do some damage in real life. I had full access to my mana when camouflaged. It was a nice nest egg in emergency, but one I couldn't really use. Not freely.

Life really wasn't fair. My human form was just a nice open cage. If I stepped out of that cage I would be killed by the angry predators waiting outside. As strong as I was I wasn't invincible. I could still get wounded by second years.

Let alone what would happen if a teacher or someone stronger found out. Goliath knew I was hiding the fact that I had magic abilities, but he had no idea how much I was hiding. My wings extended as I jumped across a bigger than usual gap. First time I had ever tried something like that. My wings caught the air, and I glided across the gap easily.

I hit the branch on the other side, and kept running for my target. Folding my wings in close so they wouldn't snag on the branches as I ran. I leapt for my next target intending to just freeze him, but he saw it coming, and knocked me to the side with his staff. I hadn't expected him to see me coming so the thwack to the side surprised me. I hit the ground, and rolled to my feet in one quick motion.

Growling at my prey as I prepared to fight back. He pointed the end of his staff at me, and readied himself for attack. The ground around me froze, and the wind went crazy as I let my magic loose. He wasn't expecting any of that. I jumped him with a boost of wind behind me.

The wind upped my speed considerably. He couldn't stop me from doing anything. Not with how fast I was moving. My talons dug into his throat, and he burst into particles.

Logging out.

Dammit. I jolted back into my body.

25 xp awarded. 370/400 xp until level 7.

I felt the exhaustion of the day fall back down on me. That was the one thing I hated about leaving the VR. It made me feel like I wasn't exhausted when I was in there. I opened the pod, and yawned big. Stepping out of the pod slowly, and heading towards the door to give the card back. Ethan would probably catch up to me before I could get on the elevator anyways with how sluggish I am right now.

The elevator ride was nice, but the walk across campus sucked. Part of me just wanted to lay down right where I was, and take a nap, but that was a bad idea. For one I was number one hated weakling on school grounds right now. For two knowing my luck one of the people that I'd made enemy number one would probably try to shank me while I was sleeping. Ethan knew that my brain was basically exhausted mush by this time of day, and kept quiet.

Which was so very nice. The dorm elevator was empty so we didn't have to wait for it. I wondered briefly if I looked as tired as I felt. I opened the door to the dorm, and stepped in. Leaving the door open for Ethan, and walking straight to my room.

Throwing my clothes off, and flopping on the bed as I switched back to my real self. My tail lolling off the edge of the bed as I almost passed out. I pulled myself up on the bed the rest of the way, and wondered how much sleep I needed to last through a whole school day. System how much sleep does a hatchling need to last through a sixteen hour day?

Approximately 22 hours.

Shit. I needed to sleep basically a whole day just to get by for a few hours. This royally sucks I passed out in my bed. My wings twitching as I slept. I startled awake to the sound of the stupid watch alarm. I didn't sleep that long I growled to myself as I got up slowly.

Right I looked back at my wings. They'd grown considerably this level up. Each one was now easily longer than a yard stick. Combined they were big enough to stretch across most of my room now. The narrow side of my room, but hey savor the little victories.

I chuckled to myself as I thought about how many hours of sleep I needed to function through a normal sixteen hour day. Twenty-two hours of sleep just to last through what was supposed to be a normal day. I opened the door cautiously to see if Ethan was out, and about yet. I wanted to see how I sized up against him since I'd leveled up. My eyes were now at his chest level.