Ability Holders

Gigantification was one of my top ten abilities that I had wanted before I became a dragon. Now I didn't really care about abilities. I could learn just about any magical ability I wanted if I practiced them enough. I yawned, and relaxed back into my seat. This seat was starting to make a bad impression on my ass.

"Jack Park," Goliath called.

Jack stood up. His muscles bulged in his shirt, and found myself thinking once again that this guy did not look like a kid. He walked down to the middle path, and waited as the snake formed in front of him. He tensed getting into a ready stance. The snake started moving the instant it was fully formed.

Jack punched it right away. It's movements slowed as he punched it again. It slowed down further. He kept punching until it was hardly moving at all. He kept punching it over, and over again until it slowly started to melt.

Then he released the affect by clapping his hands together. It would suck if he accidentally released the affect. Jack walked out of the arena calmly. It actually explained why he was so muscular. He'd buffed up to take full advantage of his ability.

"Faith Quint," Goliath called.

Faith stood up straightening her glasses, and heading down to the arena. Stopping only to grab the assault riffle version of false gun. She slung it over her shoulder with the strap, and climbed down into the arena heading for the middle path like the others. She seemed fairly confident with the rifle. I was interested to see how she handled the situation.

I wanted to go to sleep, but I needed to stay awake until dinner. There were only two people left to go. I could last. I yawned slowly as I tried to stay focused. My body was getting harder, and harder to move the longer I was in here.

I stretched slowly in my seat, and shifted over a little. Trying to get off the stiff part of my ass. I really wanted to get out of this body, and back in my own body. Faith readied herself for the creature that was forming in front of her. She got the panther.

I watched her flinch when the panther started moving. She dodged the panther's jump, and shot at it. She kept dodging, and shooting the panther. Over, and over again. She moved like she knew what the panther was going to do.

She wasn't slower than the panther which was why she was able to survive the fight. Faith's ability had to be some sort of precognition ability. She seemed to be slowly memorizing the big cats attack pattern as she did more, and more damage. She was definitely reacting to the panther's movements before the panther moved. It was exciting to watch someone moving like that.

Like she knew every single twitch of the panther's muscles. Until eventually the panther collapsed, and melted into the ground.

"Aaron Tracker," Goliath called.

Aaron stood up, and cockily made his way down to the arena. This guy clearly thought highly of himself. He didn't hesitate to walk to the middle of the path, and confidently smiled as the snake slowly formed in front of him.

System can detect users desire to deactivate camouflage. Would user like to deactivate camouflage?

(Yes) (No)

No. I don't want to deactivate camouflage. I leaned up, and forced myself to pay attention. I couldn't let loose yet, and I was still hungry. Letting loose was a back in the dorm thing.

Switching forms here would be a dangerous mistake. The snake attacked him suddenly. Bouncing off of a shield that appeared between him, and the snake. His cocky smile made me want to punch him. So he uses force fields.

He was cocky because he thought he couldn't get hurt. Too bad for him. Someone who couldn't attack, and could only defend couldn't win fights. I watched him sit in his force field for almost ten minutes before it started faltering. He was sweating heavily by now.

He wouldn't last much longer. The snake would get him soon. I didn't really care I kind of hoped he would get a good beating. I really wanted to do it myself, but I couldn't just do whatever I wanted. I stood up slowly, and stretched as I debated on moving across the room.

I wanted to stretch my wings, but I had to wait for this annoying match to end. Then I could go finish filling my belly, and go to bed. Just as I thought Aaron's shield gave out, and he failed shortly afterward. Aaron looked pretty upset that he'd failed. I smirked as I stood up slowly.

Checking the time quickly as I walked up towards the door.

"I'll be sending out a notification tonight," Goliath deactivated the arena, "Be sure to read it before you come to club tomorrow. It has important information for the next weeks preparation."

I kind of wondered what important information he was so keen on giving everyone. He was usually so cryptic. Whatever information he was going to send us was probably his usual cryptic lack of information. I left heading straight to the cafeteria. I needed to finish dinner quickly, and get back to my room for some real sleep.

As soon as I got to the cafeteria I stacked up enough meaty foods as I could find. They stopped me from getting more at some point, but the pile I had now should be enough. Ethan's fear popped up at the back of my mind. He was on the move. Headed towards me from what I could tell.

Seems like Ethan was headed down for dinner as well. Ethan came into the cafeteria, and grabbed some food before coming over to sit next me.

"You look tired," Ethan stated as another emotion came through our connection.

I wondered briefly what this emotion was, but right now I didn't really have the energy to care what this emotion was. Never mind the fact that there wasn't enough of it coming through with the fear for me to tell what it was.

"I am tired," I tossed my fork down on my now empty plate, "I'm not used to staying up this late. Oh, and bonus lunch isn't enough anymore."