Picking fights

I started getting impatient. Whoever they were meeting had better hurry up. I only had ten minutes left of lunch period so I didn't have time to wait. The two kids kept looking at me cautiously. The short one was definitely thinking about how to get back at me for tossing him.

The tall one just seemed skeptical of my motives. Even if they both guessed all day they'd never figure out why I wanted to pick a fight with their boss. Turning away from them slowly, and pretending not to watch them. They couldn't keep me waiting for much longer. Unless they were answering to a second year.

Second year lunch period was after the first year one. That outcome wouldn't surprise me either. I shot Ethan, and Savannah a message telling them to go to class if this ran too long. There was no point in them getting in trouble for being tardy along with me. This was something I was willing to wait for.

I messaged them again to be sure they would go. They'll know if I get into more trouble then I can handle so they didn't have to worry about actually watching me fight. I could always run away if shit went sideways. Not that anyone would be able to follow if I did. Letting my eyes narrow slightly as I watched a second year approach the two students.

A predatory smile spreading across my face as I pushed off the wall quickly. Gathering the wind around me creating a slow moving cyclone around me. The wind was in my control so I could accelerate it when I wanted to. Approaching them slowly as I prepared to launch my attack. I'd have to be careful not to demonstrate any unique abilities I'd already shown them as Wyatt.

So I'd have to win this fight without using my murderous intent. Or berserking out. Now that I was thinking about my berserker rage ability was gone. What had it been replaced by again? System what did my berserker ability evolve into?

Berserker ability evolved into passive skill Storm Dragons focused wrath.

I was kind of curious what would happen if I actually activated the skill. If it activated. The activation requirement was literally a pain. I kind of wished I could activate it another way or at least had some sort of guarantee it would activate when my health ran low. If it was at all like my beserker ability it would return my stats to normal, and having a last minute double in strength was unbelievably useful.

The negatives were just such a pain in the ass. Wild blind rage. Going completely nuts in an instant, and targeting whatever, and whoever pissed me off wasn't all that great. I didn't plan on getting beaten that badly just yet. So I was going to focus on using hand to hand skills as well as my wind abilities.

I let them have their annoying conversation without interrupting. I wasn't trying to involve the two losers in this fight. My plan was to just kick the ass of the guy that was probably stealing from them. Then just keep going up the line until I ran out of thugs to punch. I was going to enjoy this.

Darting forward suddenly while the two boys were still mid conversation with their bully. They looked surprised since they probably didn't expect me to rush them. Even if they knew I was coming to crush the guy in front of them. The wind I was in control of started lashing out around me excitedly. The second year noticed that something was up by the surprise on their faces.

He brought up his hands, and took a defensive stance. It didn't matter much as I slammed the wind I was controlling into him. The force of it all hitting him at once in a concentrated beam like that probably felt like he was getting hit by a truck. Throwing him into the wall hard enough to cause cracks to spread along the wall. It didn't knock him out.

I would've been disappointed if it had been enough to knock him out of the fight. I didn't recognize him. Dark skinned with short black hair, and with a lean muscular build. He was pretty strong I could tell, but I wasn't sure what his ability was just yet. I couldn't get cocky just yet.

"Who the fuck are you?" He yelled at me as he steadied himself.

"Nobody really," I let my predatory smile widen just enough to creep him out.

He went for a full force punch. I knocked it to the side, but it was more powerful than I expected. My wrist broke when I knocked his punch to the side. The second years were no joke. Far more powerful than any of the first years I'd faced so far.

Good. That meant I might actually be able to up my damage resistance here, and now. I could let loose a little too. My body tensed as he drew back to strike me again. Real joy thrumming through my body as the excitement built within.

I opted to dodge the next strike. I wasn't the kind of pushover this guy was used to dealing with. I followed his next strike with a counter to the gut. Putting enough power into the strike to wind him for a few seconds. I used the distraction to land an air burst spell.

Throwing him into the wall a second time. I couldn't keep throwing wind at him forever. I needed to end this fairly soon. I wanted to get info out of him or send a message to his upper ranks. So at the end of this I needed him alive, and preferably awake.

Keeping him awake at the end of this without using murderous intent. Sounds like a pain in the ass. That was exactly what made the whole task ahead so fun. The joy of a real fight. I rarely got that kind of excitement while I was in school.