
"You talk big," Baron took a few more steps forward, "But you're still only a level two."

"Revaluations are coming up," I could feel my face twitching as I stopped myself from snarling, "Pretty sure my numbers are going to change."

"You think you're going to score higher than me," Baron lunged, grabbing my shirt, and yanking me towards him.

I bared my teeth, and resisted the urge to choke this fucker out.

"That's enough," Savannah hit Baron in the face with a fireball.

It wasn't powerful enough to do any real damage, but it did burn his eyebrows off, and made him flinch back enough that he let go of me. My rage vanished with my murderous intent when I saw his missing eyebrows. I smiled, and laughed at him.

"You look great," I laughed some more as his skin slowly reddened from how his face had been scorched, "You should keep that look."

Baron grabbed both sides of my head, and slammed my head into his knee. I heard the sound of my own skull cracking inside of my brain. I didn't even know that was possible. My mind went blank for a second as my face was flung back. I stepped back reflexively regaining my balance in the process.

I couldn't think with my head smashed in the way it was. I couldn't feel my arms or legs. My vision was blurred, and red with blood. Nausea flooded what little awareness I had left.

"What the fuck Baron?" I couldn't tell who said it because their voice was distorted.

"How the hell is he still standing?" Still couldn't tell who was talking.

"Let's get out of here," Someone else said.

Health under 25% passive skill Storm dragons wrath activated. All stats returned to normal.

My vision cleared, and my knuckles cracked as I clenched my fists slowly.

"Who said you could leave?" My voice was low, almost gravelly.

"What the fuck?" one of Barons friends almost yelped as he paled.

Baron looked just as surprised as the rest of them did.

"What?" I chuckled, "Was that supposed to kill me?"

Baron stepped forward to throwing a punch out. A punch that I dodged.

"What the hell are you doing?" I recognized Goliath's booming voice, and rounded to face him as soon as I finished dodging.

Goliath looked pissed as he grew several sizes when he saw my bloodied face. His uniform went tight but stretched easily over his body. I huffed out a half laugh as I collapsed in a heap. I just lost what little consciousness I had left.


Goliath came out of the building, and went into a rage when he saw the damage Baron had done to Wyatt. Wyatt didn't have any strength left after that dodge, and the dent in his forehead told me why when I saw it. A blow strong enough to hurt Wyatt that badly would have split another kids head like a melon. The blood that poured from his eyes, nose, and ears worried me. Goliath dealt with those boys by pummeling them all until they couldn't move anymore.

Then he picked up Wyatt, and shrunk back down to pick Wyatt up. He checked his pulse, and picked him up.

"Tell the club that they're dismissed," Goliath's voice, and posture gave no room for argument, "I'll send the medics out here for these idiots."


I knew just by looking at the kid in my arms that his chances weren't good as I ran for the medical offices. I saw his body start shivering in my arms as he went into shock. I couldn't run faster at this size, but with how pissed I was I couldn't size up without crushing him, and then my mind went blank when his shivering stopped. I stopped running to check his pulse again. Only to see his body rapidly healing on it's own.

His shuddering breathing slowly evened out as the dent in his head repaired itself. His eyes, and ears stopped bleeding first. Wyatt's eyes snapped open, and they no longer looked human anymore. They darted around as if he wasn't in control of them anymore for a few seconds before those cat like pupils locked onto me. Slowly returning to the blue, and golden brown eyes I was used to as they closed again.

I starting walking towards the medical offices again. I still needed to go there after all. I didn't know what to think of what I'd just seen, but now that Wyatt wasn't on death's door I had time to think about what I would do about what I'd just seen. I knew now that he wasn't just a mage, but some sort of Archaic. I'd had my eye on him since day one so I knew he didn't act without being provoked first.

That was what made me back off in the first place. I was still thinking when I walked into medical, and laid him down on a table. Savannah rushed in right after me, but she wasn't allowed into his room.

"What happened to him?" the nurse asked as she started wiping the blood away to see where Wyatt was injured.

I looked at the bewildered way Savannah looked back, and forth from me to Wyatt. Something told me she knew something as well.

"A second year decided to bash his head in," I made a decision, "I found a healer on the way over here that patched him up best she could. Just brought him here for observation."

"Well you should thank her," the nurse kept working at him, "Or him. They did some excellent work. This kid should be dead." the nurse continued as she dabbed the odd colored blood near his ears, "He was hit hard enough that some of his mind was coming out his ears. Do you happen to have that students name?"

She looked at me expectantly.

"No," I then I followed my no with the simplest explanation I could think of, "I was in a bit of a rush so I didn't see her face." I sighed as if I was relieved, and stepped back as if I was about to leave, "Before I go, could I get a blood sample. He'd stayed standing after that blow so I want to make sure he's not on anything."

I watched the blood drain from Savannah's face slowly. Another kid rushed in right behind her. He was breathless, and had a panicked look on his face. Took me a second, but I recognized him as Ethan Burk. Wyatt's roommate.