The wraith

The wraith had abandoned its physical body.

"Perfect," The wraith focused to something off to my right, "A wounded one."

My head was still pretty fuzzy so I didn't recognize what it was looking at until it rushed towards its target.

"No!!!" I surged to my feet only to be hit with the lightheadedness that came with blood loss.

Dragonbeast was dragged into the air by the wraith as it forced it's way into him. After the wraith was entirely inside of his body Dragonbeast stumbled forward a few steps until he was on the circular cement area that this whole battle had taken place. His odd colored eyes bulged as his vertical pupils became nothing more than a line. Blood poured more his eyes, ears, and nose as he collapsed in pain with his back to me. Curling up into a ball slowly as he dug his own claws into his flesh.

That was when I noticed it. His body was slowly transforming into his beast form. Wraith's couldn't take over stronger species like werewolves unless they were very young, but I didn't know what the kid in front of me was, and the backlash he was suffering from right now didn't make sense for a beast mage.

"We should kill him," I stood up slowly so that my head wouldn't spin from the blood loss.

That telepathic kid looked at me angrily.

"You're not going to touch him," a girl with flames outlining her figure stepped forward.

"He hasn't lost yet," telepathic kid finished her thought.


The wraith looked around the area in confusion. He was trapped in a world of glaciers, and red oceans as far as the eye could see.

"What the hell is this place?" He twisted, and turned.

"It's my inner world," a deep growling voice interrupted the wraith's confusion, "You shouldn't have come here."

"Inner what?" the wraith whipped around only to come face to face with a black dragon with thin stripes of color in the middle of each of his scales, "No. That's not possible. Dragons are dead."

"You come into my world," Wyatt tensed angrily as he growled at the wraith in front of him, "And then tell me that I'm dead. How stupid are you?"

The entire world shuddered as the beast in front of the wraith growled angrily. The wraith started panicking. He flew away from Wyatt as fast as he could. Wyatt didn't even bother moving. A flick of his tail was all it took for Wyatt to alter the shape of his inner world.

Suddenly the wraith that was running away from Wyatt was running towards him.

"I told you already," Wyatt smirked slowly showing about half of his teeth, "This is my world. You can't escape me in here."

"Then I'll leave," The wraith's glow increased until everything near him was bathed in eerie green light.

Wyatt's inner world shuddered under the pressure. The glacial ice Wyatt stood on slowly started to turn a blood red shade of red.

"That hurts," Wyatt lounged forward grabbing the wraith in his talons, "You fucker." Slamming the wraith into the glacial ice below his feet, "Do your kind feel pain?"

Before the wraith could answer the sky in Wyatt's inner world darkened. Arks of lightning lit up tracks in the darkness as the thunder boomed.

"I don't actually care what you say," Wyatt's lips parted in a big angry grin, "I'm going to find out anyways."

The lightning came down, and struck Wyatt in the back. Electrifying a large swath of the glacial ice along with the wraith in his talons. The wraith replied in kind. Spending a great deal of mana it didn't have lighting up it's surroundings as it struggled in Wyatt's grip. Wyatt continued to pump electricity into the wraith until its glow faded, and died out.


I woke up on cold hard pavement in a massive amount of pain, and promptly puked out everything in my guts. I was left gasping as I looked at the green liquid I'd just coughed up in bulk.

Wraith killed 7500 XP awarded. Wraith mana crystal absorbed 3750 XP. New skill. Frigid aura level 5.

"That sucked," I gasped out between breaths.

My teeth were noticeably sharper now.

"Goliath," I hissed as I was hit by a fresh wave of pain, "Curfew."

I folded. This drawn out transformation was more painful then anything I'd been through so far. I was completely immobilized. Clenching my teeth, and digging my talons in was the only things stopping me from lashing out.

13510/3200 XP until level 13. Leveling up.

The fresh flood of mana sped up my transformation a little. Easing some of the pain I was in.

10310/6400 XP until level 14. Leveling up.

Another fresh burst of mana accelerated my transformation even further. Easing my pain that much more. Problem was every time my pain got eased up I got that much bigger.

3910/6400 XP until level 15.

I was in that weird state between awake, and unconscious that I'd fallen into after I'd gotten poisoned by the Basilisk. I was being carried along by what felt like a large flat surface. If I had to guess it was Wyatt carrying me around. No one else really could move me without causing me even more pain than I was already in. It took everything I had just to keep silent so Ethan being gentle with me was exactly what I needed him to do for me.

I growled as I was set down. I kept my eyes pinched tightly shut. I was a little over halfway back to my true form from what I could tell. The slightest touch was enough to put my pain sensors into overdrive. I growled angrily every time I was touched, and some idiot was insisting on touching me over, and over again. The pain didn't fade until I finished transforming back.

All my muscles loosened up as my body went completely lax. I inhaled slowly. Following it up with a slow relaxing exhale. I didn't even bother opening my eyes. I just relaxed into sleep.