"Everyone starts at F rank," I shook my head, "Do you know how much work our guys have had to put in to qualify for D rank under the new system, or how pissed our guys would have been if I had thrown them into D rank?"

"Makes sense," Vernon nodded, "What about the beast?"

"It looks like a fucking dragon," I looked Vernon in the eye so he would know how serious I was being.

"What?" Vernon smirked, "Like from one of those fantasy stories you liked reading when you were a kid?"

"Exactly," I sighed, "Four legs, two wings, reptilian, long neck, and a long tail. Add on the intimidating air he had around him. Yes. Exactly like the books I used to read."

"Must be some kind of mutated variant of Wyvern," Vernon dismissed me.

"No," I mentally shuddered at the memory of the wyvern that had almost killed me nearly a decade ago, "That dragon didn't feel anything like the wyvern that tried to kill me."

I brushed Vernon off after he shrugged at me. The creature felt intelligent, and intimidating that was for sure, but it wasn't the same psychotic feeling I'd gotten from the wyvern. The wyvern was much more violent in nature, and his intelligence was on par with that of an angry Pitbull. Sure, he was smart enough to hunt people down, but he was still easily tricked. I'd only survived the attack because the beast was busy hunting anyone it laid its eyes on instead of focusing on me.

Pure dumb luck. I'd survived because of pure dumb luck. It was a joint operation between our guild, and the military. Trying to get some more powerful beast crystals for some better weapons. The job paid ridiculously well, but I lost over half the men I'd brought with me on the job.

It was one of my first big mistakes as a guild leader, and I'd become more cautious as a result. Putting the survival of my guild members over the profits. Vernon didn't agree with some of my decisions when it came to moving money around, but that didn't matter to me in the slightest. He wasn't there. He didn't see that monstrosity mow down dozens of men in a single pass.

I didn't think it mattered how much it cost. If you ran out of people to fight by your side or watch your back then you would end up facing such terrifying creatures alone. I tapped away at the keyboard on the computer in front of me. Moving most of the budget that was meant to go to my salary into supplies that would be used to reinforce the walls, and buildings. Knowing the people in your settlement could hide in their houses, and be safe from most beasts.

The buildings were reinforced against most elements, and impact damage. I sighed heavily as I looked at the budget that was meant to be Vernon's salary. I stared at it for a while until I decided that he'd throw a fit if I moved some of his salary into building up the guild. I understood that he didn't want to lose money he could use on his own equipment so I let him do as he pleased.


I smirked at the thought of how that man had reacted when he saw me. The guild leader had neglected to introduce himself in all the excitement. Ethan, Savannah, and Jax were all placed in a house that was close to the warehouse I had to myself. I could see dozens of curious onlookers through the walls of the building with my infrared. It made me want to laugh.

Someone approached the single person entrance doors. I watched the red, and blue outline of a man walk up to the doors with a few men on his heels. The door unlocked with the swipe of a keycard, and the man entered the room cautiously. I didn't like him. I had to stop my lip from curling up in response to my instant repulsion.

"The rumors were true," Vernon smirked, "He really is an impressive beast."

That comment gave me the urge to growl again, but I chose to just narrow my eyes at him instead. Surging to my feet as he kept walking closer, and closer. I kept my head low as a low growl vibrated through me. Startling his buddies behind him, but he stopped walking so I stopped growling. I couldn't give him a verbal warning without giving away that I was more intelligent than I let on.

"This thing just vibrates with power doesn't it?" Vernon turned back to his goons behind, "Really is too bad that taming contracts aren't transferable. I'd transfer this big monster under my control in a heartbeat."

Control? I definitely don't like this guy. I flared my wings, and surged forward with an angry hiss. Vernon stumbled back on his ass from the sudden terrifying movement. His buddies fled the warehouse without the need for any more persuasion.

He tried to scramble back, but he was moving too slow to get away quickly. Vernon realized he wouldn't be able to escape like that so he started scrambling to his feet, and went to rush out the door only to come face to face with a very angry Ethan.

"Nix!" Ethan pretended to admonish me for threatening the man.

I flinched back appropriately, and settled at the far side of the warehouse. Ethan turned his attention back to the man in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ethan was genuinely angry that this guy had come in here, and angered me.

"I was just curious what kind of creature your group brought in," Vernon kept eyeing me behind Ethan, "As the vice guild leader its my responsibility to make sure that nothing that comes into the guild is dangerous for the guild members."

"Nix come," Ethan tried to sound commanding as he slammed the button that brought up the automatic sliding doors.