My left eye had gone dark while my right was only seeing red. I stood there over the corpse of the spider that had followed us through. My mana core was screaming, and I felt as if I were going to puke. I was bleeding, but it wasn't too bad since I'd healed most of the way. I straightened back up, and looked over to all the people that were gathering here now.

I blinked at the daylight in my one working eye. Everything was tinged red. I inhaled slowly. Feeling a slight sting to my lungs as I did. I'd overdone it with that fire breath.

Ethan spotted the vehicles that they'd taken out to the nest, and let me know. I snarled, and started storming through the crowd that was migrating over to where we'd suddenly appeared. They parted for me since I was wounded, and clearly very angry. I spotted Vernon after less then thirty seconds of pushing my way to the crowd. My fist barely missed his face since my depth perception was a little off.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Vernon took a few steps back before he realized who I was, "You're that criminal. Wyatt Nix right?"

Vernon squared up as if he were going to kick my ass. I clenched my teeth, and looked his square in the left eye. My other eye should be locked with his as well since it was still there even though it wasn't working at the moment.

"How did you get here?" Vernon pulled out his daggers, "Illegal shuttle travel. Maybe portal jumping. Not that it matters. Once I kill you we get a hefty reward."

"You mean if you can kill me?" I didn't need to look human right now.

I migrated back to my half dragon form. I was running out of mana so I wouldn't be able to do this for much longer anyway. The sudden switch from human to half beast startled everyone there. Vernon tried to slice at me with his daggers. I stepped back casually.

My wings shot over my shoulders, and the hooks on the front bend cut into him armor as he was yanked into a headbutt. Vernon wasn't downed by the hit, but he didn't expect it. I grabbed his head, and slammed him into the ground. Whipping my tail up over my head, and wrapping it around his neck before whipping Vernon over my head with my tail. Slamming him into the ground hard enough to leave a whole body imprint in the pavement.

"That's enough," Calen had managed to get enough strength back to yell at me.

"Relax," I snorted as I turned around, "I didn't kill him." I planted my foot on his chest so he couldn't get up, "I just hurt him a little."

"What the fuck are you?" Vernon rasped.

"Oh," I slammed my foot on his chest enough to cave the armor he was wearing so it would be hard for him to breath, "You don't recognize me do you?" Stepping off of him, and flaring my wings to force everyone back, "I usually tower over you, and keep my jaws shut tight."

I relaxed down on all fours at the center of the large circle I'd just created as my body began expanding slowly. My neck, and tail getting longer as my joints shifted slightly so I'd be able to walk on all fours a bit better. Until I was back to my full size again. My long neck made me tower over all of them as I placed a hand on Vernon so he wouldn't be able to squirm away. Dragging him closer to my body as I sat down like an over sized dog.

"Stupid animals don't understand complicated human words after all," I snorted in his face before raising my head back up to my full height.

"That's enough Nix," Calen was being put on a stretcher, "I'll handle Vernon later."

"Fine," I placed the dull side of my talon on his forehead.

Zapping him with enough juice to knock out three people. He convulsed on the ground for a second before getting knocked out by the shock.

"Was that really necessary?" The second guy that Calen brought along asked.

"Yes," I snorted a burst of flames.

Then my core felt as if it cracked. I'd barely been holding together this whole time. I stepped off of Vernon as my scales went up. Rattling as red hot liquid came up my long throat. The taste of acid mixed with blood touched my tongue before I vomited up enough blood to fill a bathtub.

My body suddenly felt cold as I lost strength. The world around me felt as if it were spinning while leaning from side to side slowly.

"Ethan..." I trailed off because my arms gave, and my body just couldn't take it anymore.

Ethan yanked Vernon out from under me before I collapsed on top of him. I knew Ethan was displeased with me since I'd asked him to save an attempted murderer. It hurt to breath. My own heart beat was enough to send pain through my whole body. I couldn't stop shivering.

All the damage I'd done to my body caught up to me all at once. My breathing rasped against my rib cage. Like I was inhaling sand paper. Ethan looked at Vernon with enough rage to turn water into fire.

{Ethan} I wasn't in the mood to calm him, but I didn't want him to leave me in the street in front of the warehouse {It's cold. Could you take me inside?}

My eyes closed, and the world went dark.

"Do you always have to try to get yourself killed?" I recognized the voice, but didn't quite remember who it was, "Don't pretend you can't hear me. We rarely get to talk after all."

I recognized the forge of worlds when I opened my eyes. Then it hit me. There was only one female voice that talked to me in here.

"Mrs. dragon queen," I snorted since I wasn't in pain while I was in here, "What will we talk about today?"