I wanted them to think I had no fear. If I wasn't afraid that meant I thought I had a good chance at victory. The alpha female roared back. Shaking the very air around the entire battlefield. Sending a fresh wave a fear down my spine.

If I managed to kill the females then I'd stand a decent chance at ending this. There were only a dozen females. They held full command of the hundred males surrounding me. The alpha female wasn't buying my fearless defiance. My tail flicked as I tried to keep up the appearance of fearless defiance.

She glanced to her right. Then to her left. Seeming to select two of the females to send after me. The females didn't hesitate to call to their males, and soon there were ten wyverns headed straight for me with the intent to kill. I inhaled slowly.

It was time to give them a show. I blasted the fastest two males with enough lightning to power a small city. Killing the closer of the two, and causing the second one to fall. I didn't know what she wanted the rest of her considerable army to see as I inhaled for a second volley. My muscles coiled.

Tensed, and ready for what was to come. I waited for them to come to me. I unleashed flames like that of the wyverns only much more powerful. They were unbelievably hot. Some licks of those flames were blue almost white in color.

I didn't even add my own mana to the mix. I hadn't expected my flames to be so potent as they scorched the wyvern in front of me. He screamed in pain as the flames wrapped around him. We collided a few seconds later. My talons digging into his flesh.

Ripping away large swaths of his scorched skin with ease. That drew another pained scream from the male that was cut off midway when my talons dug into his flesh. Ripping away large chunks of his chest, and neck. He fell from the sky bleeding from large wounds. My muscles twinged as I tensed yet again.

Ready for the next pair of males. Inhaling deeply as I prepared to let off another blast of lightning. My rage slowly building to overtake the fear I was feeling. She dare send her minions after me like that? Why didn't she just come after me herself?

Coward. I found it thoroughly insulting. The faster of the two males collided with me before I could let off a blast of lightning. Lightning flashed beneath my scales. Leaping through the scales to strike the wyvern wherever he touched me.

The wyvern tried to pull away when he realized that the lightning within my scales was stopping him from moving. Too little, too late. My teeth closed on his throat. I had to force my teeth through little by little. Tearing pieces out of his skin with a yank. Before diving in for another bite.

The second male tried to come at me from behind. Blasting my back with flames only for them to be diverted around me by Savannah. I let go of the one I was ripping chunks out of. My lightning arcing out in all directions as I gave it more power. Allowing it to strike out freely.

I didn't have unlimited mana so I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this up forever, but I didn't need to. Space around me warped as the distance between me, and the females disappeared. They were bigger then the males. Chances were they were stronger as well. There were only twelve females total.

If I killed them then I would win. Males couldn't reproduce on their own. Their numbers would eventually dwindle to none. Even without my intervention. The first female was so stunned that the distance between us had vanished that she was only able to look startled before my lightning struck her all over her body.

My talons scratched her tough scales as I concentrated spatial magic within her body. I knew that she wouldn't be taken down by a breath of lightning, and it would take far too long to tear through her with my talons. So the crazy plan I arrived at was to teleport her organs elsewhere. Her body resisted my mana as he teeth came for my head. I locked my jaws around her lower jaw.

My teeth cut through her gums. Drawing rivulets of blood from the softer gums within her mouth. She slammed her teeth down on what little of my mouth was in hers. Locking me in place. Lightning arced through my jaws as I coiled my tail around her middle.

Tightening as my feet clashing with hers as I raked my talons through her unprotected chest. The hooks on my wings digging into her wing membranes. Tearing big holes in them as I did. Turning myself into dead weight in the process. Causing her to lilt in flight.

My spatial awareness suddenly alerted me to something massive at the edge of my range. The alpha female was coming for me. I was locked in place. I needed to move now. Space distorted around me.

My desire to move affecting my control over the spatial element. The wyvern alpha female came at me with her mouth open. She was too close. I could count her teeth now that she was close enough for me to smell her breath. Surprisingly fast for such a large creature.

Her teeth came down, and I was suddenly nearly a mile away. Blood gushing for a massive wound where my arm, and the muscle that attached my right wing used to be. Pain poured through my bond from Ethan and Savannah as my own pain failed to register. I knew I was in shock as I started to fall. One wing wasn't enough to keep me in the air.

I looked over my missing shoulder to where Savannah, and Ethan were seated. They'd been too close to where the alpha female had bit down. Their legs had been shredded by the scales on her lips. Just their right legs. Ethan had gotten it worse then Savannah.