Her eyes were drawn to Wyatt again before she looked at me again. Stepping back a good distance so I could come closer without being within striking distance. My hand barely touched his scaley nose. The reaction was instant. His teeth retracted, and his body relaxed.

His scales came down so they were flat with his skin once again. My leg throbbed making me wince. Jax took a step forward, and was growled at. He promptly stepped back. They could tell I wasn't using magic to calm him.

"Why did you choose to help him instead of killing him like your alpha told you to?" I sat down on the ground next to his neck.

*"He offered to take us away from here," the male spoke this time, "Somewhere safer then here. Away from these humans."

"I remember him doing that," I patted Wyatt's neck, "He'll make good on that promise as soon as he has the strength to do it, and you will be safe as long as you don't attack his allies."

*"Some of those allies are humans," the female snarled.

"And?" My irritation drew a literal growl from my lips.

Jax, and both the wyverns stared at me with disbelief. This kind of aggression wasn't normal for a human. It was normal for a dragon though. Wyatt was coming to. That made me smile as my aggression faded.

"He's going to wake up soon," My leg burned when I tried to stand, "Jax. Get your ass over here."

Jax tried to calm himself down as the wyverns growled at him, but they made no attempt to harm him as he passed. He helped me move closer to Wyatt's shoulder. His arm was missing. He'd sealed the wound over at some point, but he'd still be woozy from the blood loss.

"Can you give him more of your mana Jax?" I leaned into Wyatt's shoulder, and tried to take as much weight off my leg as possible.

"I need to focus," Jax glanced to the wyverns behind him.

"It's fine," I winced again as I adjusted how I was standing, "I'll keep them off of you if they decide to do something stupid. I don't think they will since that'll mean calling off the deal Wyatt made with them."

Jax nodded before sitting down cross legged next to Wyatt's neck. Drawing mana into himself with each breath before sending it straight to Wyatt. Each breath strengthened them both. I could see Wyatt's breathing ease as he took in the offered mana. We wouldn't have to wait long before he woke on his own.

I really hoped he woke sooner rather then later. It was getting really hard to keep my eyes open. The chill I felt on my skin while I was sweating bothered me even further. It felt as if my strength was literally draining right out of me. Much faster then I was regaining my strength.

I wasn't going to be able to keep up this strong front at this rate. It would be another half an hour at most before I would collapse. I might be able to push myself a little further. I slouched into Wyatt's scales. What little blood was in my body was rushing to my face.

I definitely had a fever. Maybe I should have given him more time to take care of my leg. I waited as long as I could. Glad that Wyatt was beginning to stir when my strength ran out.


I was light headed, sore, and exhausted when I finally woke. I sensed both Ethan, and Jax nearby. Ethan wasn't doing well. He was sick. I tried to roll to my feet.

At least I tried to. I was missing an entire arm. Standing up wasn't easily possible right now. My core was damaged again, but not nearly as damaged as I expected it to be. Jax was giving me mana.

I estimated it would take me a day to recover this time. My sense of space was acutely aware of every single minimal twitch of everything in the environment around me. It was the same sensory overload I'd gone into the first time I'd unlocked my spatial affinity. Even the movements within the bodies of those around me as well as my own body were overloading my senses. I could sense every heartbeat, breath, and even the workings of other internal organs.

I shook off the sensory overload, and gently placed the front edge of my wing on Ethan's shoulder as he shuddered on the floor. Treating him was my priority. I had far more mana then I'd expected. I funneled mana toward him. Turning it to light elemental energy the moment it left my body.

Ethan's leg was the first thing I healed. The medic had done an appalling job of cleaning Ethan's leg wounds. A quick glance through his memories told me he hadn't allowed the medic to do his job. Cleansing his body of the infection simply by boosting his immune system. It would take a while, and was painful.

Slowing the recovery of my core in the process. Once I was sure that Ethan would recover on his own I allowed myself to pay attention to the others in the cavern. Jax was still trying to pump mana into me. I looked at the two wyverns. I recognized the male.

*"You want to take me up on my deal," I snorted before turning my eyes to the female, "You're new."

*"Weak told me of your deal," she glanced at him hesitantly, "I only wish to be allowed to live freely."

*"So his name is weak," I shot a quick glance to the male, "And your name."

*"My mother has given me the name trash," she didn't sound very happy about it, "Weak, and I were both runts of the hatch. Slow to grow, and weaker then all of our siblings."

*"And more intelligent then all of your siblings," I narrowed my eyes at them both.