Her presence was even more gentle then my bonded. Like the gentle caress of a mother. She went through my memories in detail more then once. She knew more about me then I did by the time she was done. Yet I didn't feel violated.

It felt almost invigorating for someone to know me. To truthfully know me.

"It really is too bad that you won't remember this," she smiled at me, "I will let you fight for me."

She leaned forward, and kissed me on the forehead. I don't know why, but I closed my eyes when she kissed my forehead. It just felt right. When I opened my eyes again I was looking at a dragon that was all the colors of the rainbow. She was ageless.

A beauty unlike any I'd ever seen before. My mind couldn't even fully comprehend the beautiful creature in front of me.

"This gift will suite you well," she smiled at me.

"Gift?" I mumbled in a daze.

"You will know it when you wake," she let me fall again.

This time when I fell I felt safe. I didn't wonder where I was going. I didn't wonder if it was safe, and I began to forgot the moment she let go of me. There was no pain. There was just safety, and the fall.

It was warm. It was peaceful. It wasn't going to last long.


The power gathering around the dragon was nothing to scoff at. That white haired old man had devastated the vast majority of my master's personal guard. Once that dragon woke he would end this battle, and it wouldn't end in our favor. My master would make his move soon. He was crossing the battlefield with incredible speed while I nursed multiple broken ribs, and the arm Savannah had shattered.

She hadn't used any magic to enhance her abilities. She'd hit me with nothing but pure brute force. I'd fought her multiple times in the past. She'd never had this kind of power. Her mana hadn't improved much.

She was far more powerful then she had been, and whatever had been blocking her growth was gone. She had grown a lot in the last few years. I had to unleash my full abilities just to stand a chance against her. I had far more mana then her, and I used to be physically stronger. Elves were physically stronger then humans.

I had a naturally enhanced body that was stronger then a human, but my body wasn't as strong as that of a full blooded elf. I was physically weaker then a low elf. I wouldn't stand a chance against a high elf. I had no clue what had happened to her, but she was completely different then what I remembered. I leaned against the wooden wall.

I wouldn't be able to fight properly again for a while. Blocking that hit had been enough to shatter my arm. I was weak, and broken. I could feel the power gathering around the dragon. He was going to wake soon.

I really hoped my master didn't spot me here. Slouched up against the wall. He'd punish my mother for it. I simply didn't have the will to fight anymore. I couldn't do it anymore.

I was in pain. I'd spent most my life in pain. Sure I could just ignore it again, and fight like he would want me to. I just didn't want to. I could stay leaned up against the wall as long as he didn't see me.

I didn't want to fight for him anymore. I kind of wished I still had the points on my ears so that someone would kill me. I looked over the trenches to where the dragon lay. The stone was cracking. Time was working against my master now.

Dragon's weren't very merciful. I'd read up on a few old stories on dragons. The newer ones were just pure fantasy, but the older ones might be based on legend. They'd be a fairly accurate account of what dragons were like or at least how humans viewed them. Most of it wasn't very good.

They were often viewed as greedy creatures that sat on hoards of valuables. This dragon clearly wasn't sitting on a hoard of valuables like the legends suggested. I would have chuckled if it didn't hurt to breath. This place had become the center of the chaos of battle. This outer ring had been taken over by our side.

I was safe here for now. The dragon's eyes opened. I couldn't see his head from here, but I could feel his eyes as if pressure had dropped on all of us at once in a blanket. My master made his move. He'd had to be careful with a spell breaker fighting with the enemy.

If she shattered his portal then he would have failed his surprise attack. He appeared over the dragon. Taking his dragon spear out of his spatial storage device. He held it up, and extended it as he bought it down. The dragon's presence vanished a split second before the attack landed.

My master looked surprised as the spear passed through the stone with little to no resistance. The dragon wasn't there. The stone caved in revealing exactly what we both knew before the attack had landed. That it was hollow. That the dragon had vanished.

My master looked surprised for a moment. That made me want to smile even more. His surprise turned to horror when a hand burst through his chest. Piercing through his armor with ease. The arm was yanked back out, and the man that did it let him fall.

His black hair was wild. It stuck out in all different directions. The gem in his forehead was clearly visible. It looked almost oval in shape, but it was pointed at the top, and the bottom. Almost eye shaped.

If that eye was turned on it's side. There was another gem on his chest. Right in the center of his chest. That one was perfectly round. He was wearing a loose jacket that billowed out behind him as if gravity didn't affect him at all.