"You want me to forge a new blade every single day," I rustled my scales.

The sound of my scales rustling against each other was like glass shards falling on each other.

"That's a lot of flesh, and blood," I returned to my human form.

"A beast your size can handle it," he shrugged in response to my concern, "A soul blade it too valuable for you not to have one."

I frowned as I thought about what was going to happen next. If Letty was truthfully willing to train me than I would stand a chance against most enemies. He was by far the strongest being I'd ever met. Add on the literal centuries worth of experience. Centuries as in more than one.

And I would become the most powerful creature on earth. If I progressed far enough than I might become one of the most powerful creatures in the universe. That was a long ways away though. For now I just had to survive his training. But first I needed to finish this meeting on a positive note.

I teleported the three of us back to the meeting. The people at the meeting had been well fed in our hour long absence. Unsurprisingly despite the amount of food on the table they hadn't eaten much. I teleported the food of the table, and instantly cleaned it all with a burst of ultra hot flames. Just teleporting the food away had made them flinch away from the table so it didn't hurt anyone for me to clean the table.

I sat down in my place at the end of the table. I was excited to see what Letty's training would entail, and that meant I would need to finish this meeting.

"I would like to begin preparations as soon as possible," I cracked my neck to loosen it, "So I need you to make a decision right now. Will the borders of Greenland be closing, or will you agree to a two year cease fire? I think that two years of peace would be a good way of testing if a proper peace treaty between us would be possible, but then again I'm not the smartest person in the universe. I have no intention of exterminating the human race, and you are not capable of wiping me out with Letty on my side, so, since we cannot or will not destroy each other then we shouldn't harm each other just for kicks."

I relaxed back into my chair, and waited for it to sink in. We'd been arguing back, and forth since they got here just after daybreak. It was now around two o'clock in the afternoon. Daybreak was around five this morning. That was nine hours of having our time wasted.

I was tired of having my time wasted. We were all ready to be done with all this bullshit. I tapped on the table as I waited for a response around the dead silence of the table. The silence continued for the better part of an hour as I waited for someone to say anything.

"You don't want to accept a cease fire agreement?" I cocked my head, "It would be wise of you to do so. If we both agree not to attack each other then the borders of Greenland will remain open. Restricted but open. Versus if I close the border. If I close these borders than you won't be able to observe us."

Snider was visibly disturbed by that statement. The guy clearly wanted to observe us as much as he could. He didn't strike me as dangerous, but these research types couldn't always be trusted.

"We'll agree to a two year cease fire," the commander nodded, "It will be subject to reevaluation or cancelation at any given time."

"Letty," I looked at the ancient vampire with a slight smirk, "Give them the agreement that Eliza helped us write up, and take them back to the walls."

{Finally} I mentally sighed, {I was getting really tired of sitting here.}

{They can revoke that cease fire at any time.} Savannah mentally complained.

{It's the best we're going to get for the time being.} I shut down her complaints.

I waited for them to leave. Watching Eliza carefully as they left. Her expression remained blank the entire time they were leaving.

"You don't know if you agree to this arrangement," I kept my eyes on her.

"I admit that I do see more benefits than negatives when it comes to associating with dragons currently," she nodded.

"But?" I could tell she wasn't saying everything she wanted to.

"You're the only adult of the species I've come into contact with," She continued, "That calm exterior you can display hides a great deal. I find that kind of calm disturbing."

"Because you've seen it before," I nodded in agreement, "I agree with you. But unfortunately I require this kind of calm exterior to get what I want." I smiled sadly, "What I want hasn't changed in the slightest. I know that you fear what I could be hiding from you, but I don't intend to hide anything from any of you."

"So you'll continue granting me, and my people freedom within the camp?" she question.

"You helped me in my time of need," I frowned, "It would be foolish for me to disrespect that simple fact."

"What are your intentions?" she maintained a serious demeanor.

"I just want to be allowed to live on the world I was born on," I waved off her serious demeanor with a smirk, "Can you really blame me?"

"I believe you did tell me that once," she smiled.

"I don't want to survive on this world," I smirked, "I want to truthfully be allowed to live. Freely just as you humans do."

I tapped the table gently, and it retracted back into the ground slowly along with the empty chairs.

"I really don't think that something so small is too much to ask," I returned to my true form now that I had the space to do so, "With the return of dragons the world will return to the way it was before. All the damage you humans have done will slowly be wiped away, and she will be able to provide for all that live on her surface once again."