We left the restaurant shortly after that. I really didn't care to give that slave anymore wrong thoughts. It wouldn't take me long to find the warehouse where the slaves were kept with the consistently dark emotional hues the slaves gave off. The places they were kept would be covered in the dark emotional hues. I carried the pack without complaint.

That's what I was expected to do as a slave. Keeping my eyes down was still a requirement for me to remain unnoticed, but that was just as easy as keeping my expression blank. We kept on going after we were done talking to the other blacksmith's again. Really, and truthfully we weren't actually all that interested in the blacksmiths anymore. The chances that they were going to buy from us after turning us down once were unbelievably low.

We were actually looking for where the majority of the slaves were held. My ability to see emotions made picking the slaves out from a crowd incredibly easy. The fact that most of the slaves were clothed in rags helped as well. Not all slaves were within my line of sight. I could pick them out based on their emotional hue.

I flared through my different kinds of vision to see through the buildings to the other slaves. It didn't take me long to find the sale lot or the warehouse where the poor kept their slaves. I used my spatial awareness to keep myself close to Sekka without appearing to be looking around. I kept on looking around for every area that stored slaves. There were probably other storage areas for the more rich, and powerful.

I'd have to look for those other storage areas, and mark them out for Sekka before we left. I'd have to be careful with my spatial affinity as well. Elves were more magical in nature so there was a good chance that they'd be able to detect any spatial portals I decided to create. That meant I'd have to be a good distance from the city before trying to create a portal. The further I was from the city the longer it would take them to figure out what I'd done.

I kept myself just behind Sekka the whole time I was walking.

"Why does that slave have weapons?" Someone in the area near me spoke.

My full attention was drawn back to my surroundings when I glanced around us quickly before directing my eyes back down. I'd spotted the person who'd said it, and tapped Sekka's shoulder gently. Drawing his attention to the person who was probably going to stop us fairly soon. Sekka glanced over to the man, but shrugged, and ignored the guy. We continued on our marry way.

Ignoring the man as he followed us. The man sped past us so that he was in front of Sekka, and reached out to stop Sekka.

"What are you doing?" The man reached out to Sekka only to freeze when he realized there was a blade at his throat.

"I'm going about my business," Sekka smirked at how I was managing to put a blade to his throat, and still keep my eyes down, "Either you step back or my slave will take your head off."

I was tempted to take his head anyway. He backed up hesitantly, and my sword was sheathed quickly.

"Slaves shouldn't have weapons," he complained.

"Mine has been trained to protect me," Sekka started explaining, "I gave him those swords, and I expect him to use them whenever I'm in danger. He's well trained."

My hand went down so that I was gripping both of my blades. This guy was pissing me off.

"My stupid slaves might try to take a weapon now that they've seen your slave with weapons," he continued on his little rant.

"Excuse me?" Sekka's temper flared as well.

"Take those weapons away from him," he stepped past Sekka to attempt a grab at my weapons.

A slight hiss escaped my mouth as I stepped away from the guy smoothly. All while keeping my head down. Sekka moved over so he was between me, and the elf.

"How is my trained pet supposed to protect me without his weapons?" Sekka snapped at the guy.

One of the servants approached me from behind, and tried to grab at my weapons again. I backflipped over the servant as I unsheathed my short sword, and placed it up against his neck.

"Master," I brought my eyes up to look at Sekka, "Permission to execute."

Sekka hadn't realized that someone had come after me.

"What?" Sekka glanced back at me as realization spread across his face, "No you do not have permission to execute. Disable him."

"Yes sir," My arm wrapped around his throat in a split second.

Choking the life out of him for a little over five seconds before he was out like a light. Setting him down on the ground once he was out while watching all the others. I flipped my blade in my grip, and held it next to my hip. Ready to be sheathed or used if I needed. I was tense, and ready to bring the fight to them.

I debated on setting the pack down so it wouldn't screw with my backflip again. I'd had to really throw my weight into the flip to manage to execute it. I went completely still. The human slaves were obviously disturbed by the stillness that descended around me. Humans weren't physically capable of standing as still as I was right now.

I started breathing visibly so that I wouldn't alarm them so much. It was a bit faster than I was used to breathing so it made me feel kind of funny. It didn't hurt or mess with my focus at all. Just felt kind of weird. I snorted at the guy in front of Sekka.

I dropped my eyes before he realized I was looking at him. I didn't want him to realize that there was more defiance then most slaves. I slowly sheathed my sword when no one did anything to me for a little while. I straightened slowly. Stepping over the unconscious servant so that I was right behind Sekka again.