I was looking forward to it. Trouble sounded like fun right now. I was beyond bored at the moment. This was all going way too well. It was weird for me to crave chaos now after wishing for peace for so long.

I felt mana wash over me as someone attempted to scan my core. That kind of thing wouldn't work on me with my two crystals blocking them from scanning my core. They probably wouldn't even be able to tell if I was alive or not without touching me. I pretended not to notice them scanning me. I felt them scan me a few more times.

To the magical senses I would look like an empty shell with a human skin. There was a chance that there were other magical abilities that might be able to see through my camouflage. My muscles coiled slowly as I waited for them to decide on something. They kept us standing there for a good amount of time. After about half an hour of questioning Sekka they eventually let us through.

His merchant license should check out. After all it was issued by a minor noble. Sekka's former master. Well, his former master's wife. I wanted to smirk.

Maybe even laugh a little. We walked through the gate quietly. A few people looked at us funny like usual. I kept my eyes down like usual. Pretending to be a good little slave.

I felt hostility on us. I was sure that Sekka felt it as well. I didn't realize it as I gripped my blades tightly, but I was smiling. I turned suddenly, and locked eyes with the most hostile set of eyes that were on me. I could see the blood drain from his face even though I was a little over two hundred feet away from me.

Sekka kicked me in the back of the head the same way any other slave owner would when their slave wasn't paying attention. My attention snapped back to the road. Walking right next to Sekka like a good little slave. It didn't hurt for him to kick me. I could see his terror in his emotional hues in the corner of my eye.

I stepped up to the bird to help him down like a good little slave.

"Relax," I leaned in close as I let him down, "You couldn't hurt me with your weak kicks even if you tried as hard as you possibly could." I kept my voice low so that no one nearby could hear, "I'm getting tired of reassuring you every time you do exactly what you're supposed to do."

I dropped my eyes as soon as he was off the bird. We walked into the inn with me a half step behind. My eyes were down. I was better dressed then any slave the innkeeper had ever seen. The restaurant on the bottom floor went completely silent at the sight of a well dressed, and armed slave.

"You can't have him in here," the innkeeper snapped, and pointed at me.

"My slave is well trained, and highly valuable," Sekka waved off her concern, "I won't have him boarded with the livestock."

"I won't have an armed slave in one of my rooms," the innkeeper snapped, and slammed his hand on the counter.

My eyes came up at the threat to my owner, and my bloodlust washed over the room. I didn't move another inch. It was an open hostile threat to the innkeeper. My hand gripped the handle of my blade. I was successfully pulling off the angry body guard appearance.

Sekka put his arm out to block me. I relaxed, and pulled my bloodlust in immediately. The same way I was supposed to when called off. My eyes dropped again in a well practiced manner that made me appear well trained. I felt as if I were an attack dog on a very efficient leash.

"I would prefer that my valuable property not be left with the rabble," His choice of words interested me.

"You won't be allowed to stay here," the innkeeper's statement was something I was quickly getting used to hearing.

A wide predatory smile spread across my face slowly as I turned to go back outside to prep the birds. It didn't take me long to prep them both before Sekka came out. My attention perked up, and I found that there were a few guards approaching us. No. These weren't the regular guards.

They're armor was different, and their stride was more confident then the guards. They had to be a higher rank of knight then the city guards. The emotional hues around them screamed complete confidence. I could tell they didn't view me or Sekka as a threat.

"Can you come with us?" the strongest one of the group asked Sekka.

"Is this an order or a request?" Sekka glanced up at them from next to the inn.

"A request," he nodded respectfully.

He wasn't paying any attention to me. I just held the reins to the two birds with my eyes down as if I weren't paying attention to any of this. As if I were just a living breathing hitching post.

"Our lord is interested in this armed slave of yours," he pointed at me.

His words pricked up my ears. It wasn't all that surprising that this city lord was interested in something as unusual as our supposed relationship. Sekka glanced at me with a bit of concern, but my lack of a reaction seemed to embolden him.

"I wouldn't mind indulging him as long as he doesn't plan to take my slave away," Sekka mounted his bird casually, "Lead the way."

The guard just smirked as he held up a runic stone. The rune lit up slowly, and a portal across the city opened up. This interested me. The complicated runes allowed them to use spatial portals within the barrier. I commanded Vixen to imprint this to memory.

{I will} She responded {This may be useful later.}