I knew Letty would get on me for breaking his little rules but I really wanted to kill this thing with my bare claws. Drag his carcass up to the surface, and have myself a nice feast once I was done. I was too weak to kill this thing before. What were the chances of me coming across another one? My wings flared, and my tail traced a path in the water behind me. 

I rushed forward, and dug my teeth in. By then the beast had turned to face me. My teeth ended up in its left front paddle like fin. It's jaws clamped down on the entire left side of my body. Hindering the movement of one of my wings, and catching my hand in it's mouth. 

I thrust my palm outward. Forcing my talons down into the flesh of his tongue. Stopping that lower jaw from forcing those teeth into my body. The upper teeth were already tearing holes in my wing, and widening the holes his teeth had put in my body. I ripped a piece from his flipper then I inhaled deeply. 

Focusing on the spatial element this time. This required some mana, but mana was something I had plenty of. The breath attack blasted a hole right through him. His shredded flesh was thrown all over the place as the spatial breath reorganized the different pieces of his body all along the length of the attack. It had been a very long time since I'd fought something like this. 

If I could beat this beast with ease it would be a clear sign of my growth. I wanted to see how I'd grown. His teeth had pierced my armor. He was clearly strong. The real question was how did his brute strength compare to mine. 

I gave up on stopping his mouth from closing, and gripped his tongue tightly. Allowing his jaw to clamp down as I started yanking the big bastards tongue out. I didn't know if it had something to do with me yanking on his tongue or the fact that I had blasted a good amount of his flesh out, but he didn't make any attempt to bite down. All the thrashing made it so my aim was off so while the blow was nasty, and took a good amount of the beasts flesh it didn't get anything beyond the top layers of flesh, and skin. I growled to myself mostly as I heated my claws. 

I had no intention of making this kill quick. I ripped hot flesh from bone. Tearing into the beast with all the vigor of the happy predator I was. There was layer upon layer of hard muscle beneath that rock hard skin. I dug my talons in deep. 

Dragging them through flesh as I ripped his tongue out. He thrashed about in pain. Knocking me almost clear of him. My talons were dug in deep so he wasn't able to throw me clear. I pulled myself back in. 

Digging my teeth in as I did as much damage as possible. Pinning all four feet to his body as I dug my talons in as well. He wouldn't be throwing me off this time. Size wise he was about double what I was. I snorted to myself as I prepared to do as much damage as possible. 

I found a rib, and grabbed it. The beast was trying to throw me clear. Swimming around full speed trying to knock me off of him. He hadn't realized he'd bitten off more then he could chew until he'd already dug his teeth in. He released a concussive wave. 

It felt almost as if my organs were being rearranged in the process. I coughed. A good amount of blood came out. Cycling light through my body undid most of the damage as it was being done. I would still run out of blood if I bled enough. 

I had enough of this little spell of his. I asserted my dominance over the elements. Whatever element he was using had to be at least partially included in my skill set. The effect weakened, but didn't go away. It must be a unique element like Ethan's. 

Weakened was enough. I ripped his little rib right up. Making an opening for my arm. I shoved my arm into that opening, and went for it. Reaching deep into his body cavity. 

Yanking out parts of his internal organs bit by bit. He cried out, and his spell weakened further. I couldn't copy whatever magic this was, but I didn't need to. I reached my arm into his body cavity once again. Freezing him from the inside out a moment later. 

My ice spread through his organs rather quickly. He screamed. At least that's what I thought it was. Blood poured from his mouth. This bastard had been eating well for quite some time now. 

He'd made the mistake of biting off more then he could chew this time. I yanked him in closer. Shoving my arm through parts I'd already frozen. Doing even more damage as I did. The frozen solid organs didn't handle being shoved out of the way very well. 

The beast went a bit listless. As if it forgot it was being killed for a few moments before plunging into the seabed. The beast continued to try to swim even though it was slowly burying itself in the sand. It stopped trying to swim after a little while. Going completely still now that it was dead. 

I gripped it, and yanked it out of the sand. It floated through the water limply. Too dense to float. I needed it out of the sand to move it to move it to my spatial storage. I didn't mind having some extra water in my spatial storage, but I didn't like sand. 

I moved him to my spatial storage once he was clear of the sand. Swimming back up was easy enough. I planned to brag about this particular kill. No one would really understand why, but I was proud of this kill. More then I should be really.