The Spirit Fiend (V) Conclusion: Worlds collide

~ A few days ago~

The Dark Mage Merlin entered a house that had no doors or windows. On the inside, it looked like any normal house would. There were several seats for people to sit. However, on the inside, a door and window could be seen. The only way to enter this strange but mundane house was with magic. Merlin was there to meet in secret with the other high-ranking members of the secret organization tasked with bringing Adramellech back to the Arkana. They were in the shadows, shadows that dared not reveal the identities of those whom he met with. One of them was a woman that had extremely pale skin and red hair. The other was a man wearing heavy armor and brandishing a collection of swords.

Merlin: Well… I'm here. Tell me… What exactly is the situation?

Woman: The other seals have weakened. They are likely to return as well.

Merlin: Are you certain of this?

Man in armor: Beyond a doubt. 

Woman: There is no reason to question it, Merlin. This is one of my specialties, after all. I know when there's a shift in balance.

Man in armor: You understand how this changes all our plans, do you not? To have several of them roaming free in the Arkana at the same time would ruin everything.

Merlin: I see your point... But why did you stop me from killing those rats? I was this close to getting the Tower of god ready, but that group of meddling brats decided to attempt to rescue my main White mage... The idiots thought they had a chance at defeating me! Can you imagine that? I needed to teach them a lesson! But you stopped me... WHY?

Woman: I sensed someone tracking those toy rats of yours. It was unclear how he would react to your attempt at destroying them. This person is an anomaly... He registers powers that could even rival our own... It may be wise to wait and see where his allegiance lies...

Man in armor: Perhaps even invite him to our Cabal. If his power poses a threat, I do not think it wise to spend our resources in battle against him. The best thing would be to have him as an ally.

Merlin: Let's not make any hasty decisions. If what you're saying is true, I believe we should limit ourselves to keeping an eye on him... for now. Let me be the first to approach him... When the time is right, of course.

The three of them agreed and ended their meeting. The woman and Merlin vanished, while the armored man walked out the door and shut it behind him. This was an emergency meeting of The Cabal, a group of really powerful people that intended to bring the demon Adramellech back to the Arkana.

~ Back in Lybia, a few hours ago~

Before Nimrod and Rachel had entered the nightmare dimension, the mysterious man gave her something saying:

Mysterious man: Throw this on the ground when he possesses him- (pointing at Nimrod).

Rachel: What do you mean possess? What is this?

Mysterious man: It is your salvation, of your friend and everyone else in Lybia.

Rachel: I don't understand...

Mysterious man: You don't need to. And that's the beauty of it – this, he said with a smile on his face. Rachel felt the mysterious man had truly good intentions, so despite not understanding all, she decided to trust him.

~ Now, in the Nightmare dimension~

Nimrod looked the same as he always did. The difference was in his eyes. They were crimson red, just like his cloak: The Cloak of Levitation, a magical artifact he borrowed.

The Spirit Fiend could possess living intelligent life forms when they entered his domain. But he couldn't live in the Arkana if he didn't have a body of his own.

There was suddenly a floor in that strange place where they were floating. Rachel had the object the mysterious man gave her in a sash tied to her belt to her back, covered by her cape. When Nimrod (possessed by the Spirit Fiend) started hovering and positioning himself to charge at her, she had seen the perfect opportunity: Rachel threw the object on the floor in front of the possessed Nimrod, and an orb of red light appeared.


At this moment, the tables had turned. Now it was the Spirit Fiend who was overpowered by fear.

The dark mist that had overtaken Nimrod was being sucked into the orb. Nimrod was regaining consciousness, and Legend, with his soul stationed in a dark space, had stopped screaming. The shadow covering him dissipated, and he opened his eyes while still in the Nightmare Dimension… he immediately floated off somewhere else (Legend's soul was in the Nightmare Dimension, but once the Spirit Fiend was captured in the orb, Legend's soul returned to his body in the Arkana).

Shortly after, all those trapped in a nightmarish slumber were awakened, including Legend. Rachel and Nimrod returned with the orb that had absorbed the Spirit Fiend.

When Nimrod and Rachel came through the portal, Richard was relieved. The mysterious man pointed at the orb that Rachel was carrying in her hand.

Rachel: Thank you! We wouldn't have been able to do this without you... Would you please tell us who you are?

Mysterious man: Give me the orb. I shall keep it safe.

The only one who knew what was inside the orb was Rachel. Nimrod and the others weren't aware of it. Since Rachel thought she had no reason to doubt this man, she didn't protest and extended her hand toward him with the orb. He took the orb and added:

Mysterious man: Worry not, my little ones. Soon you shall know my identity. We will meet again. Of this I am certain. And that's the beauty of it.

After saying those words, he turned around and walked away. The others were looking at him go as he suddenly vanished, leaving no trace.

Nimrod: Even with my splittin' headache, I can tell that guy is shady all the way up to his ass! Whada'ya say to that, Sir tinman? Don't trust me, but you trust him?

Richard: I never said I trusted him... But I find you downright annoying.

Nimrod squared off in front of him, inviting Richard to a fistfight.

Nimrod: You wanna go, man? C'mon! Let's go! I'll take you on right here, right now!

Richard ignored him and smiled at his sister. She smiled back.

Richard: I am glad that everyone is safe.

The nightmare was over... And so was the shroud of darkness that was over the city. All those that had fallen into that state of slumber were restored to their normal selves... Everyone that was asleep had woken up. Rays of sunshine lit up the sky and brightened every citizen's heart.

All the monsters that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere had also disappeared. And inside the Nightmare dimension, Dark Nemesis simply walked away and vanished.

Inside the sleeping quarters of the Ancient Library, Legend opened his eyes. When he did so, there was something about him that clearly seemed different... Distant in thought. Undoubtedly, the experience in that Nightmare dimension gave him a lot to think about. But above all, it brought him a new awareness that he didn't have before... an awareness about his own self.

Rachel: Are you alright, Legend?

Legend looked at her and felt as if he had just woken up from an endless nightmare.

Legend: I thought... I thought it was all a dream...

Meg realized that he was different. Now both sides of him were conscious... Both Legend and Jonas.

Legend: It was all real... This is who I am now... But... How? And Why? I don't understand any of it!

Richard: I do not follow... What do you mean?

Legend: I'm not supposed to be here! I was at home feeding the pigeons... and... and... when I went inside the house... there was this really bright light... I don't know what happened after that! But when I came to, I was somewhere else! This isn't Earth! What is this place!? How did I get here?

All the fogginess of his mind was gone. Legend was awake, but his true self, Jonas, was practically having a nervous breakdown.

Nimrod: The kid's nuts! Heck... I might be too after the weird stuff that went on in that other dimension. Before today, I didn't even know there were other dimensions!

Meg: Listen. You know where you are. Because you are not just Jonas anymore. Now you are also Legend. So tell me, Legend... Where are you?

Meg was speaking with authority. Legend kind of snapped out of his breakdown to pay attention to him. He thought about it for a moment, and then he answered.

Legend: ... This is... this is the Arkana... it's called... the Arkana... it's the name of this world... or dimension... or whatever...

Meg: That's right. The Arkana is a very special place. Don't worry, kid. You're not alone here. We're all your friends. Even that weirdo with the haircut.

Nimrod: Who're you calling weirdo? I didn't just get roasted by a flippin' bird!

Meg: I'm warning you, weirdo... don't mess with me, or you'll regret it! - Meg looked really intimidating when he said that. Nimrod didn't keep antagonizing him after that.

Legend started to calm down. Rachel felt bad for him and sat next to him on the bed where he was, holding his hand.

Rachel: When I was in the Nightmare dimension, I saw your homeworld... the place where you came from. I understand, Legend... Or should I say, Jonas?

Legend: It's a little more complicated than that. Whatever happened in there, I am now two people... And also one... And also neither...

Nimrod: Just give the kid some space... I'm off to take care of my own business...

Nimrod flew away. The rest decided they would let Legend rest until he was ready to continue the journey.

Later that day, Richard and Rachel went to check on Legend. They brought him some food.

Legend thanked them and ate everything really fast. He basically inhaled the food... it was a bit crazy to watch. But the fact that he had an appetite was a good sign.

Legend: Sorry... Guess I was a little hungry, huh?

Everyone was happy that he seemed to be cheerful.

Meg: Legend. Richard. Rachel. It's time I explained what is going on. You all need to know about the legend of the 5 Fiends  and the true reason why we need to find the Arsenal of Light.