Beware of the mad monk!

In the meantime, Nimrod was flying Rachel high above the Lost Forest. The forest's extension was vast. For this reason, it wasn't something that they could cross in the blink of an eye. 

Rachel: So, Nimrod... Where are you from?

Rachel decided to make conversation while they were on this long journey. She had an adorable smile and was a genuinely kind person. She realized that she really didn't know anything about him, so what better time to get to know him, she thought.

Nimrod: The Eastern Continent. A town called Dry Plaza - Nimrod seemed different while talking about where he was from for some reason. Rachel picked up on that and was wondering why that was.

(The world of the Arkana was divided into two major continents. The Eastern Continent was a great mystery for most in the West. Ever since the Demon Wars that sought to eradicate Dark magic from the Arkana 152 years ago, the Dark mages that survived were believed to have fled to the East. There were rumors of a Kingdom with great military prowess that was gaining strength and thinking about expanding... this was the rumor that went around in Dalmacia).

Rachel: Really? I had never met anyone from the East before... What is it like over there?

Nimrod: A living hell...

Nimrod's eyes were lost in disturbing memories. He wasn't typically very serious about things, but evidently, his life in the East must have been very unpleasant. Before he could manage to say anything else, they were clear of the forest, and the town was just ahead.

Rachel: It's over there... Let's land near the entrance over there.

They landed a few meters from the entrance. The town didn't seem too big. It looked like a typical town with busy people, occupied with all the jobs that made a town prosperous and productive. Rachel asked for directions to the town's temple and headed there with Nimrod.

After walking for only about five minutes, they arrived at the town's temple. At the entrance, a monk stood with a welcoming expression. A priest could be heard in the background uttering a prayer, asking for protection from seen and unseen danger. Nimrod seemed to find it interesting, and yet he had somewhat of a scornful expression on his face. The monk spoke to them since Rachel in particular seemed unsure about where to go.

Monk: Welcome to our temple of The One, travelers. How may I be of service, young lady? And young sir...

Nimrod: Young sir? Sheesh... is this like a hotel or something?

Rachel: Don't mind him... I'm looking for anyone who could know where to find ancient, powerful weapons. The Arsenal of Light. Is there anyone around here that could help us?

Monk: I wouldn't know anything about weapons, oh, no! This here is a place of worship. We offer prayers to The One, seeking his protection and his blessing. It is written in Orlon's Journal that trying times are ahead of us. We must all prepare...

Nimrod: Do you actually believe in that praying crap?

Rachel: Nimrod! How dare you?

Nimrod: It was only a question...

Rachel: Please, forgive my friend here. Sometimes he forgets himself... I do believe in Orlon's teachings. I have read the Journal myself several times. My father told me that my mother was a believer. I just wanted to do anything that would make me feel closer to her... She passed when I was very little.

Monk: Such a wonderful story! I am sorry to hear about your mother, though...

Rachel: It's OK... So... you're not able to help us...

Monk: I'm afraid I'm not... But there is perhaps one man...

Rachel: Please, tell me where I can find him!

Monk: He's in the mountains west of town. Not too far in. He went to live there after we banished him from this temple.

Nimrod: What happened? Was he a pervert or something?

Monk: Heh, heh, heh... Let's just say or something... But there is no one wiser than him, of that I'm certain! He can answer any question you have, even without you asking!

Rachel: Unbelievable... That's great!

Monk: There is one detail you need to be wary of before you go there, though...

Rachel: What is it?

Suddenly, the monk's face turned red. Rachel realized it and kept looking at him with a puzzled look on her face.

Monk: He's been known for... asking for some pretty ridiculous things in exchange for his services... And if he sees a beautiful young girl like you... well, there's no telling what he'd try to make you do!

Nimrod: I knew it... It's a perv!

Rachel's face suddenly turned red in front of them. She seemed to realize it and got even more embarrassed.

Rachel: Thanks so much for letting us know!

Monk: No problem! He is called Andred the wise. If anyone could help you with what you seek, surely it would be him. 

When they were about to leave, the monk asked Nimrod a question.

Monk: I noticed that you looked pretty concerned when you entered our temple. Would you like us to pray with you? We can ask The One to help you with your burdens...

Nimrod: No thanks, pal. We're actually doing important stuff. No offense, though.

Monk: I understand, friend. May The One's blessing deliver you from harm on your journey.

They were now heading out of town. Nimrod could tell that there was something on Rachel's mind. She looked like she wanted to tell him something but felt embarrassed to ask him.

Nimrod: My lady. Whatever you need, I'm your guy! If you'd like me to be the one to talk to the perv up the mountain, just say the word. I'll relay the information just as how I receive it.

Rachel: Oh, thank you, Nimrod! You're a true gentleman!

Nimrod: Don't mention it!

Rachel: The monk said his name was Andred the Wise. Take this coin bag with you in case he asks for money... And remember: we need to find the weapons of the Arsenal of Light. 

Nimrod: Got it! Be back in no time!

Rachel waited at the entrance of the forest. Nimrod flew to the mountain at his top speed, so it only took him about five minutes to find the monk's cabin.

He knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, he couldn't stand waiting around anymore. Nimrod wasn't really known for having patience...

Being tired of waiting around knocking, he kicked down the door and went inside. Once he entered the cabin, he saw an old man on the floor with what appeared to be a broken neck.

Nimrod: What the heck!? He's dead! - while he was taking some time to take in this baffling scene, he heard a voice from within one of the rooms in the cabin.

Andred: You're not Mr. Smith...

What Nimrod had seen was actually a doll. It was a pretty close replica of Andred, and it managed to fool a hustler like Nimrod. The doll made it look as if Andred had fallen and broken his back and neck.

Nimrod: What the hell is this, old man!!??

The monk laughed.

Andred: Just a ploy to stop getting visits from the people I owe money to. I'm pretty sure I don't owe you anything since I've never seen you before. Why are you here?

Nimrod: You sure are a crazy one, huh? But I like your spirit! I'm here looking for Andred The Wise.

Andred: Look no further. It is I... the one and only. Oh... I understand... You're one of those... Seeking for the truth of it all, aren't you?

Nimrod: So you do know why I'm here... There's someone waiting - -

Andred: They're gone.

Nimrod: Huh?

Andred: You pretend that they're still here. Especially the daughter. You wanted to get money for a house for her, didn't you? It's not the answer you need. I'm afraid you'll never move forward if you don't accept that.

Nimrod started sweating. He appeared to be in shock.

Nimrod: That's not... That's not the reason I came here...

Andred was talking about people of great value and importance in Nimrod's past. He had lost them tragically, but he hadn't moved on. The fact that Andred knew of them was something he wasn't prepared for.

Andred: Ah! Yes... Ok... The question I sense deep in your heart... You want to know if you can be your old self again. The answer is Yes. You can. The nectar of gods will make you whole, if you can find it, that is. It will grant you what your heart truly desires...

Nimrod had forgotten. He didn't always look like a crossing between a monster and a beast-man. Long ago, he only thought of how to undo his suffering. But after trying so many different things for so long, he ended up losing hope and forgetting about his great desire to be cured.

To hear these words after having abandoned hope... He wanted to believe with all his heart. But of course, with it being Nimrod and all... he resisted.

In a fit of rage, he grabbed the old man's clothes and lifted him off the ground with a lot of aggression. 

Nimrod: Listen to me, you old fart! I don't know what the hell it is you think you're saying. But the reason I'm here is that I need to know about the Arsenal of Light. Do you know where the weapons are?

Andred: That's not true. Nimrod. You can't fool me. I can see right through this act. Very well... I'll tell you what you claim to wish to know. But you must give me what I ask for as payment, no matter what it is. Do we have a deal? – There was a certain something about Andred that was both amazing and frightening… and as he said these words, his eyes had a particular shine about them. Nimrod calmed himself down a bit and put him down.

Nimrod: Deal.

Andred grinned for a brief moment, then went back to complete seriousness.

Andred: Perfect. Go to Doom Temple, in the mountains south of the Lost Forest. There you will find the Staff of Zoe. But be warned! Only White wizards may enter the Temple. Any other who attempts to enter is cursed with instant death. The Sword of Light is headed toward the Dalmacian capital right now. A boy has it in his possession. Quite an interesting boy indeed. The third weapon of the Arsenal of Light... well, not even I know its whereabouts. This means that it was most likely destroyed. The weapon was once used by a giant. It was called Titan.

Nimrod: {Wait a minute... a boy has the Sword of Light? Could he be talking about that brat that's always hanging out with the rat with wings?} What can you tell me about the boy that has the Sword of Light?

Andred: That's easy. The boy is traveling with a talking pigeon. That pigeon is definitely not what it seems to be, that's for certain. I can't tell what he is exactly, though...

Nimrod: {No way! Then that hilt that he carries...} Ok... I guess you really know your stuff, huh... So... how much is it you want as payment?

Andred: Not how much, Nimrod. Whom. I WANT RACHEL PENDRAGON.

Nimrod: ...What the...?

Andred: Hahahahahahahahaha... You can't turn back on your word now... You and I have a deal! And you should know... very bad things happen to those who turn back on their word on me…

Nimrod: Oh, great... Let me guess... You're a Djinn, aren't you?

(Djinns were magical creatures that possessed near limitless knowledge. The problem with them was that they were of an extremely mischievous nature. They often tricked humans into deals from which, if they tried to escape, an awful curse would befall them.)

Andred: Yes! So you do understand your situation... If you don't give me Rachel Pendragon, you will be cursed!

Nimrod stopped a moment to think. He was panicked out of his mind, but he gave no indication of it.

Nimrod: {Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!! I'm in big trouble now... It would have been better if he was a perv! But if he wants Rachel, it means he wants her essence of divinity... and that means that he wants to eat her! I can't give her to this lunatic! But if I don't...}

Andred: So, Nimrod... Will you honor our deal?

Nimrod turned the serious look on his face into a big smirk.

Nimrod: Alright, Andred. You've got me. I have no choice but to take you to her.

Andred: Excellent! We leave at once!

Back over at the town's limits, near the outskirts of the Lost Forest, Rachel waited patiently for Nimrod's return. She was, however, picking up a very faint sensation of danger... And this sensation came from the forest. Her eyes were fixed in the forest's direction for a while when she suddenly heard Nimrod's voice in the distance.

Nimrod: Rachel! – he called out her name while slowly flying in her direction. He was also carrying Andred the Wise on his back. 

When Rachel realized an old man was with him, she got an extra feeling of uneasiness.

Rachel: {I have a bad feeling about this}.

Nimrod landed with Andred about 10 meters away from Rachel.

Rachel was four steps away from the forest. She could tell that something was off...

Rachel: What's going on, Nimrod? Who's that?

Andred: Don't worry, Rachel. It's all going to be fine – he said while walking toward her.

From behind, Nimrod was signaling her to push the button that Richard had given her. Rachel understood his gestures and pushed the button discretely. She then took two steps back.

Andred: What's wrong, Rachel? There's no need to be afraid – He took two steps forward closer to her.

Nimrod flew from behind and tackled him to the ground.

Nimrod: Rachel! RUN... IT'S A DJINN!!!

Rachel started running into the forest, but then she suddenly stopped... she turned around again to look at Nimrod.

Rachel: What about you?!

Nimrod: Don't worry about me! Find Richard!

Andred: How disappointing, Nimrod. Although I expected as much, I thought we had an understanding. I wonder what curse you'll get... You see, these curses happen at random! The last time someone didn't honor their word, he became a rat. Hahahahaha! What will you become? A cockroach? A pig?

A big smirk was on Nimrod's face. And Andred found it strange that nothing had happened to him.

Andred: What's the meaning of this? Why hasn't the curse worked?

Nimrod: You see, Andred the wise... Mine was nothing but a gamble. I can't believe it actually paid off! I agreed to take you to Rachel. And I did, didn't I? If you let her get away, that's on you! Ha, ha, ha, ha! You should see your face right now! You look so stupid!

Andred realized he was tricked by a stupid game of words... for him, it was the most stupid way possible to be fooled, and he got so angry that it looked like he was about to pop a vein. His appearance then changed in the blink of an eye. Now he looked like his teeth (which became really sharp) were bursting out of his mouth. He had sharp claws on his hands and grew double his size.

Andred: I'll make you pay for tricking me... And then I'll eat your friend! This way, I'll be strong enough to go anywhere I want! I'll finally be free to roam around the Arkana as I please!

The djinn slashed Nimrod with his sharp and thick claws in the chest. To Nimrod's surprise, this time, he was hurt. The djinn started wailing at him. Nimrod was able to dodge a few slashes, but his left cheek, right arm, and left shoulder got cut. Normally, blades couldn't hurt him. But the djinn's claws were incredibly sharp. Even Nimrod wasn't immune to them.

Nimrod decided to attempt to flee. He flew into the forest but lowered his speed to avoid crashing into the trees. Meanwhile, Richard was running toward the signal as fast as he could. The djinn was in pursuit way behind, slowly getting closer and closer. Rachel was running, but she saw a basket on the ground among the trees. She wouldn't have stopped if she hadn't heard a baby crying from within the basket. This was the sense of danger that she had felt earlier. She stopped for the baby, picked him up, and then kept running. A voice from behind her shouted:

Andred: I see you, Rachel Pendragon! You can't escape!

The djinn had caught up with her... It was right behind her. But Nimrod did a stomp dive from high above, knocking down the djinn into the ground. Nimrod's wounds were all bleeding. That attack seemed to further open up the wounds and accelerate the bleeding. He was starting to feel dizzy and weak.

Nimrod: I must have passed out... Where'd that baby come from?

Rachel: Refreshing breeze from the heavens... Come forth to soothe pain and close open wounds!


She used her Cure spell to heal Nimrod, which bought him some more time. The bleeding had stopped, and he could see and think clearly again.

Nimrod: Oh, yeah! Thanks, Rachel! Now I can be reckless!

The djinn got back up angrier than before.

Andred: Playtime's over!

He started chanting in an unknown language.

Rachel: He's going to cast a spell! I'll use Shell (**a spell that increased the target's defense against offensive magic**) to defend—Nimrod interrupted her.

Nimrod: Use it on yourself and that baby. I can handle magic attacks... as long as they're elemental magic attacks, I should be fine!

His cloak was insulated against all elemental magic. Nimrod thought to block the attack with his cloak of levitation.

Andred: Ultimate Slow! (**Slow was a Time magic spell. It made targets move and react three times slower than usual. It wore off over time**)

Nimrod, Rachel, and the baby were all hit by the spell. Shell was an ineffective defense against Time magic.

The djinn laughed maniacally.

Andred: Guess I had the last laugh, didn't I? I bet you're delicious!