Winner takes all

As Romina expressed her revenge vows, all the heroes watched her amidst the smoke and flames. Since the smoke was getting denser and denser, it covered her completely. When they looked for her, she had already disappeared.

Nimrod: I get where she's coming from. Still don't like her, though.

Meg: How about we regroup in Balboa? It seems there's nothing else for us to do here.

Nimrod suddenly remembered the children he had seen playing before. He tried to find them, quickly flying around in a desperate frenzy, hoping the worst hadn't happened. But sadly, as he located them, he realized none of them were breathing. He stood before their bodies for a moment, just staring at them. He turned around and slammed his fist against the ground, making a harrowing cry. Seeing those dead children reminded him of an episode of his past… it opened up old wounds that were still fresh in his mind... even if they referred to a time past long ago.

Besides Romina, the leader of the Shadow Clan, there were no survivors. The party left a completely burnt-down forest. A bittersweet air reigned… On the one hand, they were thankful for finding Nimrod in time; on the other hand, there were no words to express the horror of an entire village being slaughtered to steal one weapon.

Once in Balboa, Nimrod told Rachel what Andred had told him back then.

Nimrod: Remember when we came here about a year ago? I went to talk to Andred the Wise... that jerk that turned out to be a djinn... Did I mention he followed me and tried to kill me while I was tied to a chair? Anyway... With him being a djinn and all, it makes sense that he knew what he was talking about. He told me where to find a staff of something.

Meg: Did he say the Staff of Zoe?! – Meg seemed overly excited all of a sudden.

Nimrod: Yeah... That's the name. Hey... How'd you know that?

Meg: The Staff of Zoe is the Life-bringer. Its restorative power has no known limits! Plus... It's a weapon from the Arsenal of Light! It's the last one that we need!

Rachel: So where did he say it was?

Nimrod: Where what was?

Rachel: The weapon, silly!

Nimrod: Oh, right! Let me see... – as Nimrod was thinking, everyone looked at him with suspense. Everyone except for Kohrr. It didn't look like he cared about anything that was happening.

Nimrod: Well... It was a whole year ago, you know... I think I forgot...

When he said that, Meg flew at him viciously and repeatedly pecked his head.

Nimrod: Hey! What are you doing?! You psycho! Get him off me!!!

Meg: I'm just trying to jog your memory! 

Meg's infamous fits of rage were legendary. It was crazy to watch and so funny since no matter how mad he got, he couldn't harm anyone with that tiny beak of his.

Nimrod: You know what? I think that actually worked! Temple Doom. That's what he said. And something about only Black Wizards being able to enter - - Meg interrupted with a necessary correction:

Meg: That's White Wizards, you bird brain! Luckily for us, I know a few things about this world. Temple Doom is at the top of Mount Doom. It's not exactly a nice place. Rachel. You're the only one that can enter that temple. Are you up to it?

Rachel: I'll do my best!

Nimrod: Did I hear right? He said bird brain... a bird... called me BIRD BRAIN... 

Meg: Call me bird once more, and I'll END YOU.

Even though Meg was ultimately harmless, he could be pretty scary sometimes.

Over and across the Great Sea, the leading game players met at The Reach's main fortress to discuss the next steps in their intent for war. Emperor Aurelius had gathered his most trusted subjects and formed a secret council. He called it The Inner Circle.

This Inner Circle comprised General Vortigen, the number one in command of the Reach Empire's armies; Doctor Hyde Park, chief scientist and researcher in the Empire (or Dr. HP, as he was usually called). He was in charge of the soldier-to-monster program, which created several abominations to be added to the army troops, making sure they'd follow orders; the Dark Wizard Dante, an elite soldier and part of the royal council; and Black Wizard Andreza. She could use White and Black magic... she was even well-versed in Dimensional magic. Her skill and ruthlessness got her a seat at that table.

Aurelius: General. Doctor. Where do we stand on troop preparations?

Vortigen: We are ready to be deployed, Emperor. The airships have been fueled up. We only await your order.

Dr. HP: The enhanced soldiers are all prepared as well. We even had them tested when we discovered intruders not so long ago... We also succeeded in adding a few of them to our monster ranks... Testing results have been promising. I am confident that they would all be to your satisfaction.

Andreza: My liege... The engineers notified me that the modifications to our navy fleet have also been completed. These modifications will allow our ships to travel ten times faster than before. That way, you can launch an attack by air and sea simultaneously. 

Aurelius: Excellent work... General... Andreza... I want you to command our airships and our navy, respectively. The rest of you will remain here. I trust you will crush all opposition you encounter in the West.

Vortigen: We will. We will not fail you, Emperor.

Andreza: The West shall soon be yours, Emperor.

Aurelius: We shall provide support from within the fortress. If it is alive, it can be conquered...

Everyone: ... and if it can be conquered, IT IS OURS!!! - (This was the mantra that The Reach constantly repeated whenever they were preparing for war).

Still on the Eastern Continent, to the northernmost part of it, someone had come a long way searching for something of great value...

Relm was walking up a mountain, and the weather wasn't all that great. A thunderstorm created adverse and dangerous conditions for the search for one of the weapons of the arsenal of darkness. But the weather didn't stop him. He didn't seem bothered by it as he patiently advanced through the path to the top. At some points, walking wasn't possible... But Relm didn't shy away from climbing.

At about halfway up the mountain, Relm saw a peculiar sight. A woman was riding a three-headed dragon-like beast. He recognized her as one of the members of The Cabal: Demona. Seeing how she was advancing quickly, flying on that beast, he realized he needed to do something to get ahead of her. Relm then fired a beam from his finger that pierced the creature's right wing, making it difficult to continue flying at high speed. Demona then jumped off the beast and looked at Relm with unusual curiosity. As she landed on the ground, lightning struck far in the background, illuminating the entire sky.

Demona: That was rather rude. If you wanted my attention, a compliment would have sufficed - she said seductively. Relm was not impressed, though.

Relm: You're not my type.

Demona: Hmmm... And what is your... type? I wonder... – Demona was facing Relm, and behind her was the road towards the mountain's peak. She started to walk towards him. Relm was on his guard.

Demona: Relax... I'm not like those two idiots you fought in the West... I know when I'm outclassed.

Relm: Do you, now?

Demona: I do... Though I am awfully curious. I hope you don't mind my asking... Why do you want the weapons? – As they spoke, the thunderstorm continued raging. The wind blew their hair, and the torrential rain made them squint their eyes. Demona's skin was rather pale, like that of an undead being. But looking at her, no one could tell precisely what she was, except amazingly alluring. There seemed to be an enchanting aura in the air. Relm didn't fall under her spell, though.

Relm: I don't care about the weapons. I need the Rod. Whatever your people want with the others is not my concern. That being said... Get out of my way, and you can still enjoy a lovely evening.

Demona: I see... – she kept on walking towards him. Relm manifested the orb.

Demona: There's no need for that thing. I just want to get a good look at you from up close.

Relm: What is it you hope to accomplish, woman? I'm not some poor fool you can charm into a deception.

Demona: I realize that... I knew it since you hadn't yet knelt at my feet. But you can't blame a girl for trying – She stood right next to him after walking in a circle around him. While she did that, she examined every inch of him. Relm was on his guard but motionless. She didn't touch him, despite standing excessively close to him.

Demona: How about this... We race to the top. Whoever gets there first gets the prize. If I win, I take the Rod and You. If you win, you take the Rod. What say you, Master?

Relm hesitated a moment when she called him that. She noticed that he looked confused.

Relm: Why did you call me Master?

Demona: You like to be called that, don't you? – Relm couldn't understand why she called him that. But the fact of the matter was that he did like being called that.

Relm laughed. And... contrary to what anyone could have predicted... he decided to play along.

Relm: Alright. I'll play your silly game.

They stood side by side and got ready to race.

Demona: Ready? GO! – as she signaled to begin the race, she dropped a Snare (* a trap that made targets sink into a hole. If they sank entirely into the hole, it would most likely end in the target's death*). Relm got out of the trap and propelled himself forward with great speed. Demona was still ahead, looking back at him.

Demona: Enjoying the view?

Relm: Your attempts at distracting me are futile... You might as well give it up!

Demona called on a dimensional beast to aid her (she was a Summoner. Summoners made contracts with other-dimensional beings and called them to receive their support in battle…)

Demona: Great Leviathan! I need your power! – a giant serpent-like sea monster showed up out of a tear in reality.

Demona: I need you to propel me forward with your Disaster Wave.

Leviathan summoned a potent wave that took Demona to the top of the mountain. But when she landed, to her surprise, Relm was already there.

Demona: My, my... I wasn't expecting you to cheat...

Relm: Winner takes all, yes?

Demona: Tell me this... Why would a man as powerful as you need the power of a weapon from the arsenal of darkness?

Relm: Goodbye – Relm made a motion with his right hand and teleported Demona to the foot of the mountain.

Demona: {What an exciting and mysterious man...} – She grinned.

At the mountain's peak, there was a huge rock. Judging by how it differed from the ground and the entire mountain, it seemed to have fallen from the sky. Relm could sense a great power from within this rock. As he was about to break through to get inside, a spirit appeared between him and the rock.

It had a long black robe and a hood. It didn't seem to have a face and was hovering a short distance above the ground. It had a powerful, echoing voice.


Relm: I don't have time for this! – Relm was beginning to look aggravated. His left eye was starting to get twitchy.


Relm: Open your eyes or whatever you have under that ragged cloak, you imbecile!

The spirit took another look at Relm.


Relm: Wouldn't you like to know... – Relm snapped his finger and shouted, "Capture!" The spirit was quickly sucked into the orb.

Relm: Your services are no longer required! – Relm laughed like a maniac as he broke into the meteor. This same meteor had something at its core emanating an incredible amount of power.