All life is but a dream, and all dreams are life

~ Meanwhile, in the outskirts of Phobos ~

While Relm was dragged to the core of the Nightmare dimension by the Grand Master, Legend was on its outskirts. After completing a test, he again seemed to be in a blank space. Unable to remember anything else, he was with the weirdest sensation of urgency... It seemed as though there was something that he had forgotten that was of utmost importance. Then, all of a sudden, someone spoke to him from behind.

"Hello there"

Jonas: Where am I? What is this place? Who are you?

"What are you talking about, silly? Why I'm your sister, of course. Who else would I be?"

Jonas: Huh? Sister? {Why can't I remember her? Do I really have a sister? She seems so familiar, though…}

"You were asleep for a long time. The doctor said it would be expected if you woke up a little confused."

Jonas: A little confused, huh... That may be the most incredible understatement ever... {It was an understatement, alright... Maybe it was all a dream... like that poem I read at school a long time ago... "All life is but a dream, and all dreams are life..." Maybe none of us exist... all of our lives... our hopes and dreams... they're just that... a long and vivid dream... and maybe when we sleep, we see reality... or maybe I'm just overthinking! I hate not knowing... not knowing what's real and what's not! It's so frustrating!}

"Don't you worry, brother. I am here now. Everything's OK now. You're going to be just fine."

Jonas: {Hearing her say that was so comforting. It was as if it was all I needed to hear. I was a little confused still, but I wasn't afraid anymore. It had been so long since I felt like this... At peace...}

~ Elsewhere in Phobos (the Nightmare dimension) ~

The mirror version of Meriel was pursuing the real one. Meriel tried to fly as quickly as possible, but in the end, the mirror version caught up to him. Everything around him turned to nothing. He began to see flashes of people in pain... in mental anguish. At first, he was horrified. But after a few moments, it started to feel good. And that, above all else, greatly frightened him.

Meriel: What is happening? What have you done to me?!

Other Meriel: I haven't done anything. We have! This is a vision of destiny! Our strength is in their pain and suffering!

Meriel: I don't understand! Why would I ever want to hurt them? I am their protector!

Other Meriel: They don't deserve protection, Meriel. They're all worthless. Selfish. Weak. On the other hand, we deserve to be the judges of His failure. Do what He won't. We are the reckoning of the failure which is humanity!

The mirror-Meriel continued his monologue:

Other Meriel: They've had it all way too easy, despite being so clueless and unworthy. Why would you want to protect them? You are a superior being... you are a god to them! You can do as you please!

Meriel: You are insane! I won't stand by and let you –


Meriel: You fool. Do you honestly believe that you can confuse and control me like that? Have you forgotten who you are dealing with?!

Meriel made a sign with his hands, and a great light illuminated everything around them. The nightmare was broken. The Spirit Fiend realized he wouldn't be able to take control of him so easily.

Grand Master: Ahhh... Alright then... I thought I could exploit your weakened state and take the rains... But you've turned out to be way more annoying than I expected!

The nightmare was broken, and Relm was back in the present. However, he was still inside the Nightmare dimension.

Relm: I was the one who brought us in here. I have control over this dimension just as much as you do!

~ In the dream realm~

Jonas: {Everything's so peaceful... Why did I miss this feeling so much?} {As I hugged my sister, I saw flashes of people that looked familiar. But I couldn't remember them. I may have been mistaken, though... It could have been that they were all total strangers... But if that were the case, why was I seeing them? I was starting to get that feeling of uneasiness again. It's so debilitating! The feeling came along as I started seeing them...}

Sister: Don't worry about them, brother. They don't matter anymore.

Jonas: Who were they? They seemed to be in trouble... Was I supposed to... Was I supposed to help them? Were they counting on me to be there?

Sister: You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Focus on yourself now. Let go of them. You're allowed to let go.

Jonas: I... I can't... Even though I feel good here... I think I'm supposed to be with them... Rachel... Richard... Nimrod... Meg... Those are their names, right? They're fighting! We were supposed to fight together! I think I remember now!

Sister: What good has it done you to fight for so long? That's what got you sick. Don't you see? It's time to stop. Let me take ca-

Jonas: Hold on just one minute... How did you know who I was thinking about? I didn't tell you what was on my mind, yet you already knew. How is that?

Sister: You're making a big deal over nothing... Come on! It's me! I'm your sister! Isn't that enough for you?

Jonas: If you're my sister, then what's your name?

Sister: You already know that, Jonas.

Jonas: I don't know your name. That's the thing. You know why? That's because I never had a sister!

Sister: Jonas... you're just confused... it's the stress... the doctor said this would happen...

Jonas: No. I remember now. I won't stay here as my friends risk their lives for everyone! I'm going back to fight alongside them!

Sister: What if you fail? What will you do then? I'd like to spare you from that burden! Just stay here… with me…

Legend: Even if I fail… I have to do it with them! The moment I was in trouble, they risked everything to get me back to safety! Richard protected me... Rachel and Nimrod entered another dimension they had never been to before, even knowing they could have been trapped there without escape forever! I won't abandon them! I won't let them down! Not now nor ever!

As he said these words, there was a crack in reality. A tear in space. It was just like when a mirror or crystal starts to break apart and is smashed to pieces. Jonas was back to being Legend, and he was with his friends in the fake town called Salvation. Time began to retake its regular course. Adramellech had just entered the Arkana. Zeldrys and Demona knelt in his presence.