Seek, and ye shall find

King Uther was planning to rebuild Dalmacia once they were no longer in danger from the East. Since the Eastern army had been dealt with, they were ready to begin preparations for rebuilding the city and the castle. But things had to be put on hold for a while since there was somewhat of an incident. There was a huge mishap between Uther of Dalmacia and Oberon of Moriah. Oberon believed that Uther had planned to deny him his daughter Rachel all along (Rachel had escaped Moriah castle with a thief, the Dalmacian prince, and the child wielder of the weapon of light -according to Morian sentries). Another war would have broken out if it weren't for Uther's keen peace-keeping skills. Despite the volatile nature of Oberon's character, Uther was able to appease him. That and the promise that he would send his best trackers to capture the princess and give her a scolding that would set her back in line, back on the path to obedience.