Despair or Bliss

Nimrod didn't look like he had much time left. When he drank the nectar of the gods, it made his mutation accelerate and evolve into something hideous. The strain of the transformation was killing him. He felt as if he was dropping into nothingness… just fading away.

Nimrod had a lot of thoughts then.

Nimrod: {So… this is what it feels like… to die. I never thought it would be so peaceful… But I'm so angry! That Andred guy was supposed to know everything! He told me that drinking the nectar would make me whole! Did he lie to me on purpose? Maybe he was lied to as well… I guess I'll never know now. At least I'm supposed to go to the afterlife now, right? I mean… if there even is such a thing! I hope there is… That way, I could see them again… Rayla… Rae… I'm coming to you now…}