There's no place like Home (III) You're the one, you're the only one

Inside the Reach Fortress

As Nimrod was angrily flying forward, looking for the ruler of the Reach, all he could think about was his long-lost family and the events that came to pass on that day

~ Many years ago… That day in Dry Plaza, Eastern Continent ~

Lightning struck the land, piercing through the sky. Darkness was the blanket that the town of Dry Plaza wore that day. It was nothing but black clouds and an ominous light show glaring across the sky as if it was all happening in preparation for what was to come. 

The people of Dry Plaza were going about their everyday lives. Torrential rain and a lightning storm weren't the only things in the air. There were large quantities of a man-made biological agent that, though invisible to the human eye, had undoubtedly come down from the sky and invaded every household in town.