Chapter 30

I stared at the file with a million emotions raging inside me. Will I find answers to all my questions there? At least to a small one? A small but most important one.

Is Raphael involved?

I had a difficult time finding my voice or thinking coherently. Should I feel ashamed that my avenge took back seat to this glaring uncertainty? My stomach churned, making me want to almost throw up my breakfast. Am I being selfish here? Thinking to guard my heart rather than seeking the culprit? Guilt is also playing a major role here. GUILT. Am I betraying Raphael by reading his family secrets? Is this considered as breaking trust? Could I meet his eye after reading this? Knowing I went behind his back, willingly digging skeletons from his family's closet? What will this do to our relationship? Will he ever forgive me, if he comes to know?