Chapter 31

'I said, we can't find it from these clippings. Not, from this file', he grunted.

'Oh...well, I do tend to jump. No worries. So, what's it?', I asked sheepishly.

He rustled the papers in the file until he found what we are looking for. 'It was said that Edward was not happily overseeing the company. He was far from responsible. Drinks, parties, occasional drugs...whatnot. But Henry was desperate to set him straight. That was a bad move on Henry's part. Pushing Edward made him more rebellious rather than the other way out. He went into an incognito mode for 1 year on the company's dime. When he finally returned, he was a changed man. He took over the company's reins. Unfortunately, the company was already on its last leg. To save it, he married Diana. Viral company's daughter. Comes from a lot of money. It has appeased Henry a little bit. But, once again Edward accomplished ruffling his feathers when he brought a baby to his household'