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Chapter -8 Collective Gasp

"Oh you both are here! Let's eat." Mrs. Singhania exclaims happily when we reach the dining hall. The big table is decorated with fancy food but my eyes go to cheese macaroni and my mouth immediately waters.

Kiyansh pushes me forward and takes out a chair for me. I make a face at him then without a word grab the big macaroni bowl. Kiyansh snickers beside me. " It looks like you'll finish it all, leave some for me"

" Kiyansh that's rude. We have another two bowl, take from that. " His mother scolds.

I don't even listen to him and just continue to put macaroni inside my mouth. The cheese takes melts on my mouth, Yummm.

" Like father , like daughter." My mother says smirking from the table opposite me. My father is also stuffing his mouth with food. He is so busy in eating he doesn't even respond to my mother.

I am a foodie because of my father. He is a chef. He owns a chain of hotels now. But when he was young he used to work very hard because my grandmother wanted him to continue the family business but my father was determined to not give up on his dreams. So one day that's how my mother and father met. My mother was at a conference in one of the hotel he was working in and the waiter accidentally gave my mother another dish. Even though it was a small mistake, my mother called for chef. And this is how they met. Bickering with each other and falling in love in the process.

I smile at the plate thinking their story.

" So Shanvi how is work going " Mr. Singhania asks me giving me his one of his unique smile.

I chew on my food fastly to answer him.

" Oh it's going great. One of my completed film is in the editing process it will be released in October. And I am writing a script for another movie right now let's see if it works out how I want it to. "

" Oh it will definitely turn out to be excellent I have already seen three of your movies which have been released till now. " Mr. Singhania says taking a bite of greek salad from his plate.

My father stops eating and looks at me. He stares at me and then mouths I am proud of you. My heart warms and a smile forms on my lips.

" She won't even take help from anyone. " Kiyansh says from besides me. I glance at him and he is also eating cheese macaroni. " I told her she was too young she should take a break. But she just dropped out from Kings College and came to India to be an assistant director. But at the end she made it on her own. And that's important. " He smiles at me and I remember the time when I had a big fight with him and my mother. They both were admant that I didn't have to share an apartment with three girls. And wouldn't have to work under some director. But I wanted to make a path for myself. I just wanted to live my dream and I did make it happen somehow. Hard Times. But it was fun too and I learned so much.

" Yaa I remember Kiyansh she fought with both of us. " My mother complained poking but smiling on her avocado pasta.

" I couldn't even figure out what to do she wasn't listening" my mother shuddered as if it's still impossible for her.

" But see I am in one piece and doing fine aren't I ? "

" Yeah" my mother smiles again. Thank God.

" I asked her for marriage" Kiyansh says abruptly as if it's the most ordinary news ever then takes bite of macaroni. Somewhere around the table fork clashes. I dare to turn my head and see a picture taking reaction on everyone's faces. My father has stopped eating. Altogether stopped. My mother's mouth is opened, forget about mosquito a full nugget can be hopped on to her mouth.

Mr. Singhania looks baffled as if he can get a heartattack. And Mrs. Singhania looks like she is going to fall on the floor, weeping with joy.

I take the fork on my left hand and poke it on his legs.

"Owww. " He growls.

" He is just kidding " I try to laugh.

" I am not. " He says adamantly , he says and chews his food as if he's got the whole time in the world.

I'll kill you. He looks at me as if he actually heard it. And smirks arrogantly at me.

Then he turns to everyone and looks at them as if it's the most saddening news in the world, " And she said No. " The way he acts surpasses any talent of acting in the world.

I turn to look at the effect of his acted sorrow. And see that Mrs. Singhania looks she can cry out for real. Whereas my mother just stares at me. She looks like she is swept up into another world. While my father is looking between me and Kiyansh, his eyes travelling back and forth.

I gulp down the contents with a full glass of water. And look down at my plate. My mind going around in waves , I am thinking about every way out of this. But I can't.

Mr. Singhania clears his throat. " Maybe she doesn't like you like that. " He says with caution and gets a smack from his wife and a hard look from his son in return.

" But didn't you like that other girl what's her name was ....uhh Sahana yes. " His father asks and again gets a smack in the arm and a harsh "no" from Kiyansh.

I feel good atleast his dad understands it. But even then I want to bang my head on the table. But I manage to say " He is taking nonsense. I want to focus on my career. " My inner self applause at my stupidity. What did I just say?

" Oh Shanvi Ofcourse. And he wouldn't ever stop you into that and you know it right Kiyansh? " Mrs. Singhania asks with a hopeful gleam in her eyes looking at her son so proudly as if he run a marathon and set up a world record.

" Right" Kiyansh says simply. I want to smack his brown head on the table.

" I am sorry everyone. But I can't. We'll talk about it later. I have a video conference at 10. Can we talk about this later." I say fastly and get up from the table.

Everyone looks at me as if they are concerned about me but they don't say it.

"Ofcourse " Mrs. Singhania stands up flusteredly from the table then comes around me where I stand.

She looks like she is going to cry. And it churns my stomach from inside. So I hug her tightly. And whisper, " Don't worry."

I smile at her and she squeezes my hand.

" I'll see you. " She says cautiously hope shining on her eyes.

" Ofcourse. " I say and kiss her on her right soft cheek.

" Okay Mom. Dad. Mr. Singhania. " I say and hug everyone. I give them a smile even when I can hear heart in my throat.

" I'll drop you. " Kiyansh says getting up from the table.

" Ashraf Kaka is waiting for me outside. "

" I'll talk to him. Let's go. " And then I look at Mrs. Singhania's pleading eyes. And I automatically nod my head even though I am fuming at him from inside.