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Chapter-9 Mess

We are in his Audi R8 since five minutes but we both don't utter a single word. Me, because I know I can only shout at him.

My phone pings and I get a text from my mom. Shanvi text me when you get back to your apartment. If you want I can come pick you up. What a night! Now I will be barged in with questions from my mother.

" Why the heck did you do that? " I hear myself shouting before I can stop myself.

" Because they would know anyway. And it's better that they know."

His simple answer boils me up. " Kiyansh what do you think you're doing. I have told you several times. "

" And I have told you I won't give up. "

" Why? " I wanna shout but it comes out as a whisper.

"Because.." his eyebrows squint for a moment. " Because it's right."

" It's not you to decide if it's right. It's not our school assignment or your IPL team, I am not the players you put auction on. Kiyansh. It's about us. "Do you love me?

I want to ask but I know I won't be able to bear No from him. So I keep my mouth shut.

He sighs. " Okay I will give you time to think about this. "

" Oh this is what giving time means? Just drop me and leave me alone. I don't think so I can talk to you anymore. "

He side glances at me , " Shanvi.... let me talk. You are not letting me talk since.."

"Since when you broke up with your pretty girlfriend? "

He sighs. " You think I am acting like crazy right? But if this is what it is then okay this is what it is. I am not doing this because I broke up with her. I have a lot of women to be honest if I really wanted a rebound or even one night stand."

My stomach curdles. " Go do whatever you want to. I don't care. " He is a complete dunderhead.

" Done. " He turns his face towards me. His eyes are imperious.

I leer at him. My heart feels aghast just like it's been told it won't beat in my chest anymore.

I wanna bawl my eyes out. But I wait till he stops the car to get inside the apartment gate. As the concierge looks at the car and presses the button to open the closed gate. I open the car door and without glancing at his direction , get out and almost run towards my apartment without turning my head around. He honks several times but I pretend like it's all quiet.

I close the door to my flat as softly as I can. I know one more sound and I will lose my mind. I take out the jeans as I head straight towards my bedroom and then the stupid violet top. I switch off my phone and just lie face down on bed.

You are not going to think about him. You are not going to imagine his irrisestible beautiful face, like an angle. Or his eyes as if it's full of sand and sun and clouds. Or his chocolate hair which was sort of curly when he was kid but now straight messy and how it makes your hand itch or how you wanna touch it Or how he said he's going to do one night stand with someone. Or maybe he'll ask someone else to marry.

I groan. " Stupid. So stupid. " I cry. " It's me. I am stupid. And he is stupid. " I wipe my tears again and again but my tears cascade down my face as if they want me to get away from me.

I don't sleep for the night I just turn right and left. Maybe I should just call him up. Ask him if he's with some wiry women who follow him around or with that sandglass figure model who was always trying to push herself on him. Or worst, with Sahana. Maybe he will forgive her, and ask her to marry him.

It made Shanvi turn and turn around in her bed. All night her mind went about him, how beautiful he looked and stupid. Or how she missed Charlie. Maybe they could go back in time and everything would be like it was before. But she didn't want Sahana in that before. As much as selfish it was, she just wanted the days in which they giggled like idiots. And were with each other almost all the time. She also thought about how it really would be if she did say yes to him. How would they really be. When they were kids they always talked about how they would marry each other and Live the rest of their life eating chocolate cakes and playing video games. They giggled always and called themselves Power Rangers. He always used to say, ' I will take care of Charlie for you. And I will cook for you too.' she always happily said 'yes' at that time. Because even then she was in love with him. But it all changed when one day Shanvi was bouncing around in the school grounds deciding on which dress she would wear in the Annual Ball Dance in tenth standard and he came running towards her from his football practice and excitedly told her he was going to ball with Amaira, ofcourse the girl with pretty hair and pinky smile. She still remembered how Amaira smiled at her. As if she wanted to laugh at her face but controlled because Kiyansh was standing beside her perfectly dressed in a black silk shirt with grey trousers and how he looked as if he is picture was going to be put on a billboard.

So she decided. It was better that way. She could bear him seeing someone else. But she could not bear again, how pathetic she felt in tenth standard.

When sun sparkled through her window she got up and stared at her hollow eyes. It almost felt as if someone had taken the blue from them.

She put on her yoga pants and a loose whit t-shirt and went for running. When she came back she was so tired that she lied face down on the bed and fell asleep with sweat all over her body.

When she woke up the sun was barely entering her room. Her mouth felt dry and her stomach burned. She searched for her phone and found it hiding under the pillow. She switched it on. And found 10 missed calls. 3 from her mom. 2 from her dad. 1 from Mrs. Singhania. 2 from Ayan, one at 11 in morning another at 3:30. It was five right now. And two from her editing team in Mumbai. She checked for texts and there was her mom, Are you okay? Please talk to us. Your dad is driving me crazy. He says he's gonna come to your apartment if you don't switch on your phone. Shit.

I check another text from Ayan. How my beloved? My heart aches! I shake my head at him. Drama.

I try to not be disappointed that Kiyansh didn't call me even once.

I call my father first. He picks up on the first ring. " Were you glued to your phone? " I laughed.

" I was coming to your place in fifteen minutes. Actually I am coming to your place in fifteen minutes."

" Papa it's fine. Honestly I was just sleeping"

" You are my child " he says in a serious tone. " And you're not gonna lie to me. I am coming. " He says and doesn't wait for my response. I sigh and take a quick shower changing into normal clothes. A simple lined blue t-shirt and black nike shorts.

The doorbell rings and I open the door to find my father's grumpy eyes and my mother's concerned face staring right back at me. I try to smile at them but my father just takes my arm and leads me inside. He sits on the sofa and looks around the living room. His eyes finally drops to mine and he sighs. " Are you okay? "

My heart wobbles, " yes " I try to say it as effectively as I can.

He turns up my face and stares at me.

" You are my princess you know that right? "

Tears roars in my throat and I gulp. I nod my head. He takes my both hands into his. " It's okay you can cry. " He says.

I feel myself splinter right at the moment. And I can't help but mewl. His arms comes around me holding me tight. I feel my mother's hand touching my head , then I cry more and more.

" I feel good" I tell my parents sitting across me.

They nod like to children too scared to say anything. I move forward and clasp their hand. " Thank you for coming. "

My father sighs and takes and unnerving breath. " You should stay with us. Home is empty without you. It feels too big. When you were there you took a whole floor up. And now we miss you. Nobody will disturb you we promise you can write your script there. "

I laugh. " Papa it's fine. I promise. But you know what for today I will go with you. " I grin up at them.

" Yeah?" He looks up at me hopefully.

" Yeah " I giggle.

" Okay then you father will make us food." My mother smiles down at me warmly.

" Oh I will make you a chocolate cake."

My smile can reach ceilings I think so. " Let me pack up essentials." I go to my room and pack my overnight bag. Throwing in my laptop and underwear. All other clothes would be in my closet at my parents house. Before heading out I call Ayan.

" Hii" he says in an amusing voice. " So my beloved's mood changed and she called me."

I laugh " Shut up. Listen I am so sorry but I have to bail out on you today. I am going to my parents house. "

" Here I was wondering finally you were entrapped in my magic" he joked.

I felt guilty. " Okay I will bring you my father's handmade chocolate cake for you when we meet next time. "

" When is the next time? "

" Umm whenever we both are free? "

" You watch cricket? "

" Not necessarily but yeah it's fine. Why? "

" Actually I was going to a match with some of my friends tomorrow wanna join?

Cricket match? Oh my god. I promised my father and Kiyansh that I would go with them. Now after all this drama even Ahan would be there. What does it matter maybe Kiyansh will not even go now. " Actually really sorry. I promised my father and Kiyansh that I would go with them. "

There's some silence for a second then he says, " Ohh with Mr. Angry? Okay. But I will see you tomorrow? It's not like you'll pretend to not know me right?

" Seriously? Bye then."

He laughs " Bring me cake"

" Whatever" I say but with a smile and cut the call.