I kiss him with all my might, with everything I felt for years and couldn't express to him once. He groans and inches close to me, his arms push me against him, he literally shakes in my arms then pushes me back.
" You will regret this later, don't" he whispers looking straight to my eyes. I inch closer to him, " You don't know how much I regret not doing this earlier" I say with sudden courage and before he can say anything I kiss him again, this time he takes the lead and pushes me against the wall. His lips open my mouth and his tounge slides in , moving in slow rhythmic beat. My toes curl and my stomach jumps in my mouth. He kisses me and kisses me.
I lose track of the time, and push him back slightly only when I feel the urge to breathe. We both take big deep breaths.
" You. Make. Me. Crazy. " He says between breath.
" How did you end up here? " His volcanic eyes shoot up, they are soft right now, the color of soft brown wood. Like coffee with rich milk.
" You had a movie premiere I thought I should be there with you."
Instead of the anger I felt moments ago, I feel instantly a turn of butterflies in my stomach." But we were not supposed to meet each other according to our mothers"
His fingers move on my back soothing fervently, " I don't think so I can follow rules when it comes to you. "
I snigger. " Just like you broke into my gym class? "
" Just like that. "
His fingers move but then for a merest moment it falters, " I want to ask you something will you answer me honestly?"
" Yes" I whisper in his arms.
" Why did you say you were in bathroom with Ayan? "
I feel petrified. Was he jealous? Then I give him a simpered smile, " I was irritated and drunk. "
His arms tighten around me. " Please don't drink so much. I... don't get drunk without me. I don't think I can handle what happened once again. "
My eyes stings and i say, " I promise it wasn't like that. " The words are hard to say but I know I have to say them. " It wasn't like Nishkarsh, I promise. "
I say the name and Kiyansh stiffs. " I want to kill that shit. Don't mention his name."
" Kiyansh it's already done and he has already learned his lesson. I just don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have come on time that day. So Thank You. And sorry for breaking my promise."
" Don't say things like that, I will be always there. And it's okay as long as you are fine." He says and kisses me on the forehead. " Just one more thing. Promise me you won't regret this in the morning. Promise me you won't regret kissing me" He says after a long protracted time.
I giggle and tiptoe on legs and kiss him softly on the lips again. " No. I won't"
He gulps. Then says, " Do you want to stay with your friends here? "
I sigh. " No but I want you to meet them."
" Okay." He says and takes my hand " Let's go. "
We both head inside the big brass doors, the music pounding in my ears. Kiyansh pushes through people, girls turn in our direction intentionally coming our way, to take a look at him. Kiyansh walks like he didn't see them at all. And this makes me smile and happy and I feel like dancing and shouting on their faces, " He is mine. "
" Oh hiiii. " Prisha jumps slightly in surprise seeing him and then gives a grin extending her hand. " I am Prisha, Shanvi's friend. "
Kiyansh comes out of his usual self- complacent look and smiles at her like she is his friend. " Saw you in America right? Kiyansh Singhania"
Prisha's face gleams with the happiness that she is recognised. I smile at Kiyansh who smiles back.
" Rohit Kapur" Rohit comes forward smiling slightly at Kiyansh.
" Kritika" Kritika says introducing herself, " we met at the match remember?"
" Oh yes I remember. Hii" Kiyansh says not in his rude business tone but with almost a welcoming tone.
While Ayan stares at Kiyansh as if he is seen a ghost. I know he must be shocked to see Kiyansh speaking so nicely with people.
Kiyansh turns towards Ayan and almost smiles at him. Actually you can count it under a smile if it involves moving your lips slight to the left.
" I am sorry that I disturbed your party but don't give me these killer looks, I am only human. " Kiyansh snickers and everybody just laughs, except Ayan who just stares more revoltingly at Kiyansh with his mouth open in shock.
" Wanna go out from this place ? " Kiyansh asks everyone.
" Yes. " Highly drunk voices says tiredly.
We get downstairs and Ayan clicks open his car. Kiyansh grabs my hand. " She'll come with me." He motions at me. " My place or your place. " He asks me.
" My please. " I groan. " I have some work to do. "
" Not today baby. Today you'll just rest. "
The butterflies in my stomach does a dance. And I try not to look at him. Baby?
" Shanvi's place " he announces to everyone and just drags me to his car. I am half asleep in the car. When we come at my apartment. Prisha and Rohit opens their mouth to say " we could have gone to our place. "
" She is tired. " Kiyansh says in his civilised but I will do what I want tone.
The door to the lift opens, and I pass the key to Kiyansh who opens and switches on the light.
" This is where you live? " Ayan's mouth opens then closes.
Kiyansh looks at me and smiles, a smile gets plastered on my face immediately. We have had arguments over the place already and now Kiyansh have accepted his defeat, he have even stayed with me here sometimes.
" You wanna come in or I should close the door? " I ask sarcastically.
Everyone settles themselves on the couch and sofa and I head inside to take a shower and change. I feel like a zombie when I come out from the bedroom in Kiyansh's shorts and t-shirt he gave me that day and then realise that he is here. I freeze, I see him talking to Rohit, he did not see yet, I can go and change, I take two steps back when his head turns and he says " You are here"
Then he stills and his eyes move up and down my body. I suddenly find the floor very interesting and just stare at the floor.
His raspy voice does something to my stomach like it touches me physically and I can't help it , " Come Here. " He says tapping the sofa beside him.
I hope that I don't fall on my face and without saying a word, go and sit near him. I deliberately take the farthest corner and see there's food and wine on the table.
" They were hungry " Kiyansh says to me and then his arm comes on the sofa just beside me. I try not to blush and look at him or anybody.
" So did you see India Finals? What a match it was. We wiped off New Zealand."
They continue their conversation, mostly about sports and I don't realise when I fall asleep, I just feel someone's soft chest and the smell of woodpines and chocolates. Which makes me smile in my sleep and I just scoot closer.
My eyes opens when I feel someone picking me up.
" What are you doing? "
" Transferring us to your bed " he smiles and I try to twist my face in a smile when I feel the comfortable bed on my back and more than comfortable chest of him. and that's the last thing I remember before dozing off with the smell of woodpines and chocolate.