WebNovelMarry Me43.10%

Chapter - 25 Morning Heaven

" Morning " a rasp voice enters my ears and I groan in my sleep.

" Get up." The voice repeats again and I just turn my head, my head blasting with pain.

" What is this, why my head is dancing in tempo beat. " I croak pushing my eyes against the lights of the sun rays. Then suddenly it becomes easy as a shadow falls on my eyes.

" It's because you drank in tempo beats." My eyes slightly open and I smile when I see it's Kiyansh's shadow falling on my face. He looks like he is between sun and all the sun rays are emanating from him.

Then one by one all the memories of yesterday flashes in my head. My eyes feel like it will fall out of my pockets when I realise what I have done. I have kissed him. Oh my god. And he kissed me back. And he came to Mumbai for my premier.

Suddenly the way he is seeing me becomes all different or maybe I am imagining it. But it feels like his eyes are on my lips. Or maybe my eyes are on him too much, like always.

I push him back with my arms and get up instantly. I groan when I see I am wearing his shorts and t-shirt, the same one when I stayed in his house for the night. Oh wow, so he must now be sure that you are pathetically obsessed with him. I run to the bathroom before he can say anything because he sure is looking at me with those confused eyes.

I see myself in the mirror and see my condition is beyond words, I look like a zombie honestly. My blue eyes look almost violet as if I have inflicted deep amount of pain on it. Oh you did, he must be thinking you are so stupid wouldn't he. You jumped on him!!!!

Well he jumped back. " Shut up. " I say to myself.

" Okay we can handle this, we will change out of his clothes and not look him in the eyes. " I say to my disheveled reflection and then grimace to myself as if it's possible.

First step shower. I set the shower to cold and squirm when it hits my head. But after two minutes I feel the pain somewhat abating. Then I brush my teeth and open the bathroom door slightly. " Hey go to the living room. I need to change. " I yell like in a voice like an idiot.

A laugh comes out from the living room. " I am in the living room. Go ahead. "

I blush, thank god he is not looking,then run to my armoire and open it. Sprightly taking a towel out and covering myself, I change into my sundress which is blue coloury white tulips are circled and straighted around the dress . Okay, now you mostly look like a human.

I smell chocolates and pancakes. What? And then without thinking I run in the living room to find Kiyansh flipping pancakes in the small joint kitchen.

I look at him and grin. " Pancakes. "

" And Coffee " he adds smiling. He is wearing a tawny coloured t-shirt with black tracks. The t-shirt obviously accentuates his eyes.

When he comes to the living room with coffee and pancakes. That's when I think I know why I couldn't stop myself from kissing him.

Well, I am finished with my pancakes and coffee under ten minutes. And I feel considerably well. Actually my head feels clear.

" Someone was famished." He says taking a sip of his coffee.

" It was. " I point at my stomach and grin at him. " But I hope it knows that it has to try dresses. "

The smile which comes on Kiyansh's face, it's beyond words, his eyes it joins his lips. And I feel so special when I realise I can make him smile like this.

We are smiling at each other when my phone rings in my bedroom. " Work. Shit" I say and get up fast. But the instant I see the caller ID all my good mood evaporates. Why is she calling me at 9 in the morning?

With a dreaded prognostic feeling I pick up her call and the feeling comes out true when I hear her shirilling badgering voice, " How dare you. How dare you bitch. You are marrying him? In your dreams. He is mine!!! I am warning you, if you won't stay away from him. I will ...I will kill you."

At first I feel dazed, then a sense of indignation takes over me. " What did you just say? He is yours? Is the new model you were kissing also yours? And you know what try me. "

" Who are you taking to? " A deep thunderous voice comes from the bedroom door, it makes me slightly jump.

I put up a finger, but before I can say anything on the phone to Sahana's scandalizing shouts.

Kiyansh beckons and takes the phone from me. When I try to take the phone from him he trundles away from my reach.

" Do you realise to whom you are saying these words? " His eyes harden and the burning scalding rage of his voice stops any sound from the other side of the phone as long as I can hear.

" If you call her or even text her again.." he says crossly. That's all he says and he cuts the phone.

His face seems impassive but I can visibly see the anger in his eyes. He turns towards me with the volcanic eyes. "Why the hell do you pick up her calls? "

I feel my stomach lurch. " I don't know I thought she was calling so early in the morning."

" It's okay. I am so sorry. " He says taking a deep breath. " I will handle it. Come here. " He says opening his arms.

I stand in my place. Doubt engulfing me like a fountain. Images of Kiyansh and Sahana constantly playing in my head. Panick floods my head.

" Hey! Come here. " Kiyansh's soft voice wakes me back to earth. " Come here" he says again. Then with a soft curse, he comes forward and hugs me tight.

" Are you okay? " I push my face in his chest and smell him. His arms tightening around me.

" Yeah. " I whisper. " Just images of you and her playing inside my head." I say before I can stop myself.

He sighs and then holds me at arm's length. An inch of hesitation comes on his face.

My stomach turns. Maybe he regrets this. Maybe he misses her.

But then he says, " Umm do you remember last night. " His eyes moves from my eyes to my lips. Then his face becomes slightly red.

I feel myself unable to say anything. The feel of his lips on mine burns on my lips.

" I... I mean it's okay if you don't. I am sorry I shouldn't have..." His eyes looks everywhere at but me.

" I remember. " I try not to say in a whisper.

His eyes finds mine. Without a word we stare at each other. He tentatively moves forward. " Can I do that again? " He says. And for the first time in my life in all this years I see him so unsure, so hesitant towards something.

" Do you want to? " I ask with sudden courage.

" Since years. "

And before I can ask him what does he mean by that. His lips covers mine, I move forward and put my hands in his soft hair pushing his face downwards and tiptoeing myself kissing him with tumultous force. He groans and opens my mouth with his tounge. His kiss is hard and urgent. I moan when I feel wall against my back. His hands still tight on my waist picking me up from the floor slightly.

I kiss him back. With the thought of waiting for so years. For his eyes. For his smile. Even though I was not breathing, I felt like I had breathed for the first time.

Him and I, us.