No, I don't. Prove it to me.

Daisy's pov

I didn't realize when his other hand came to my cheek, caressing it softly. His eyes hold desperation giving me a clear signal that he's been honest and he wants me more like needs me.

But do I want to be his girlfriend? Without ever introducing him to Ron, Jake and others? Will they accept him?

I know what I want, I've been waiting for this, for him to ask me out. I never exactly got to know his feelings because of his closed-off personality but I was sure of mine, I'm sure even now. But Ron, Jake, Lizz and Luke?

They are your friends, they'll accept him. My conscience reasoned out giving me the requires boost.

I want to give this a chance, the infatuation or liking whatever it is, I want it to work out. I want him to be my everything. Taking in a deep breath and with determination in my eyes, I take a step forward, standing on my toes I lean forward getting a confused look from him. Without a second thought, I connect my lips with his, giving him the answer he's been waiting for. Just like they say actions speak louder than words, that's how I answer him.

I was never this sure about anything in my life but now, I am. With the hidden boldness in me surfacing, I move my lips on his while he stands there stunned, with no movement.

Just when I'm about to pull back embarrassed, his senses come into action and he kisses me back, hungrily with passion and eagerness in his movements. His hands come to cup my face while my arms go around his neck, my fingers getting tangled in his hair on their own accord.

His lips taste like the honey, moving passionately along with mine. It's as if he's been waiting for this, waiting for us to break all the barriers and do this, claim me. He shoves his tongue leaving my insides flipping with excitement. When we part ourselves, trying to catch our breaths, I could feel the tingling sensation from where his lips were moments ago.

"Thank you." He breaths out leaning his forehead against mine.

Suddenly, I hear a distant voice reaching my ears and vigorous movement of my shoulder. What is happening? I blink repeatedly and notice that I'm seated on a table across a worried Lizz.

"What?" I croak out my voice coming out as a whisper.

"You've been staring off in space for ten minutes, now. I was just gone to get our order and when I came back I saw you lost. Are you alright?" She asks me, her voice laced with concern and frown lines etched on her forehead.

I've been thinking about him again.

"You were thinking about him again, weren't you?" She asks me with a furious look on her face. I sigh and nod my head dejectedly.

"Hans, you should stop worrying so much. It pains me to see you like this. If you guys are meant to be, he'll find his way back to you. If his love was true enough, he'll come back. If he doesn't just know that he wasn't good enough for you. You have someone else, someone more special waiting for you." She explains trying to reassure me but failing miserably.

After she walked out of the cafe yesterday, she called me last night to inform me that Ron has agreed to accompany her and she wanted me to go shopping with her. That's how we ended up here, in the mall, having lunch together while I just zoned out looking at a couple two tables down from ours.

"Look, you're lost again. That's why I wanted you to come with me to the concert. That can help you in taking your mind off things, at least temporarily."

"No, Lizz. I've things to take care of and Dylan is coming home for the weekend. I want to spend time with him. You know, we hardly get a chance to be together because of his studies and stuff." I lie because this is the only thing that can stop her from pestering me more.

"Fine." She huffs and focuses on her burger.

"Hey, don't give me that look. You know, I love you right?" I ask her trying to lighten the tension and enjoy the moment.

"No, I don't. Prove it to me." She mumbles narrowing her eyes in my direction.

She's been throwing hints about her birthday since we left for shopping but I kept dodging all of them, behaving as if I don't even know anything. And that's irritating her. She wants us to remember her birthday but we don't want to. Every year she does the same. She loves celebrating it and not just her's but all of our birthdays she celebrates with excitement.

"Anyways, we are done with shopping right? I wanna go home and rest, I'm so tired." I say stifling a yawn.

"You are such a bitch, Daisy Hannah Wilson!"

"That I've been told." I flip her off with my fingers.

"Aargh, you're so annoying." She cries out exasperatedly.

"Why are you getting so riled up, Lizzy? Is something the matter?" I ask teasingly, trying to hide the smile that's fighting to break on my face.

"You know what! Find your way back home. I'm not dropping you." She says and walks out collecting all her bags leaving me stranded.

Well, that's what I wanted. Now, I can peacefully purchase a gift for her and the items in the list Jake has given me. Get ready for your surprise Lizz. I grin mischievously knowing very well what her birthday holds for her.