Don't want to see the surprise?

Daisy's pov

"Where are you taking me, Brady?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

For the past fifteen minutes, we've been walking endlessly. No, not walking, more like he's dragging me along with him. To make it even more annoying, he has tied a blindfold on my eyes.

"Five more minutes. We're almost there." He answers with his hand still holding my wrist.

"If you're planning to kidnap or kill me, just know that I've Ron on speed dial and he'll be here in no time." I tease him but the next moment I sense the loss of warmth of his hand around my wrist. I fling my arms in the air trying to search for him but I come in contact with nothing.

"Brandon," I yell.

I snap the blindfold off my eyes and feel dizzy for a second with the amount of sunlight I'm suddenly exposed to.

"Don't tell me this is some kind of sick joke, Brandon."

"Come out from where ever the hell you're hiding."

"Brandon." I receive no response.

"Fine, don't come out. I'm going back. Fuck you." I yell at the top of my lungs and turn on my heels to walk back. But which direction should I go? When he brought me here I couldn't see a thing, how am I going to find my way back?

Observing my surroundings, I realize that this is the abandoned part of the city. There's not a single soul around here. God knows, why he brought me here of all places.

Just when I decide to take the right turn, two arms snake around my waist making me jump in surprise. He rests his chin on my shoulder, his warm breath tickling the skin on my neck.

"Don't want to see the surprise?" He whispers in my ear, sending shivers of electricity down my spine.

"No, I don't want to. The way you just left me, you can leave me any moment like that. I've told you multiple times, Ron is my best friend, he came into my life years before you decided to walk in. And I'm not going to break my friendship with him just because you don't like our closeness. Suck it up and accept that we're inseparable if you want to stay in my life." I rant it out finally. He's been acting jealous ever since we became friends.

"Okay babes, I'm sorry. It's just that I hate it when you spend most of your time with him and those other friends of yours but not me." He complains. I've heard the same thing hundred times by now.

"Even you could spend time with me but you just can't accept my friends. They're family more than my friends Brandon, and I want you to understand that. Even now I'm ready to introduce you to them, they'll welcome you wholeheartedly. They're not the one's to get jealous."

"If they're your family, what am I to you, Daisy?" He questions removing his arms from around me and coming to stand in front of me.

"You're my friend, that's it. You never asked me to be anything more, did you?" I huff in annoyance and cross my arms against my chest, turning my face away from him.

"That's the reason I brought you here today. I want to make this day special. I want to ask you out. Years from now, I want you to be with me, as my soulmate, my wife. I want to start my day with you and end it with you. I want you to be the reason for my smiles, my laughter and happiness. I want you to fight me, love me, care for me and be by my side. And I want to do the same." He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before continuing.

"Because I like you, Daisy. No, like is a small word, I don't just like you, I adore you, I dream about you. Whenever I close my eyes, I see you, your smiling face flashes in front of my eyes. The way your lips curl upwards forming a perfect bow always has my heart going wild. The way your eyes crinkle at the sides when you laugh, it warms my heart. And I feel proud, I feel lucky enough to be able to bring that dazzling smile on your face." He takes a step closer and holds my hands in his, his thumb drawing soothing circles on the back of my palm while I stand there, stunned, staring into his deep grey eyes that never fail to set my insides on fire.

"I don't know what this is that we have in between us, Daisy. But whatever it is, I want to give it a chance, I want it to work out. I want you and me to be together. I don't know where we'll stand in the future but I can at least try. I want to try. So tell me, Daisy Hannah Wilson, will you be my girlfriend? Will you make me the happiest person on this earth at the moment because there can be another happiest moment when you say I DO in the church in front of the pastor and the world?" He asks, his words surprising me. He wasn't this kind of guy. I never thought of him to be so romantic. He stares deep into my eyes with adoration, warmth and tenderness.

I didn't realize when his other hand came to cheek, caressing it softly. His eyes hold desperation giving me a clear signal that he's honest and he wants me more like needs me.

But, do I want to be his girlfriend? Without ever introducing him to Ron, Jake and others? Will they accept him?