
Daisy's pov

"Yes, you are fucking right. You should leave us all alone. We're done with these tantrums of your's just like him. You made a perfectly right choice but unfortunately failed at that. I wish I could make it work." She says, her arms crossed against her chest and her face holding a deadly serious look.

This is going downhill.


"Lizz, what are you saying?" I ask infuriated at the words she just said.

"Let me talk Hans. He needs some sense to be knocked in his head." She says before walking ahead to stand beside the bed.

"Yes, he gave up on you, so what? Do you need a father so much? Do you think you're not capable enough of being self-sufficient? Why do you need him? Did Hannah need him? He left her to care of herself and you when she was just fifteen! Do you think she needed him?" She says glancing between us two.

"She didn't need him and she still doesn't need him. What do think would've happened if she gave up years ago, just like you tried to do today? You're there today because of her and you question her love? You doubt her? If she wanted to leave you, she'd have left years ago. She didn't and that says something. But--But" she stops to catch her breath.

"Lizz, you're going to hurt yourself with your screaming," I say taking cautious steps ahead.

"No, Hannah wait. He needs to know this." She says and turns back towards Dylan.

"You may have shit going on in your life, you might be discouraged, you might have anything but suicide? Ending your life? That isn't the solution. That was never your solution. After your mother's death, your dad turned away, who did she have to turn to?" She asks signalling towards me.

"She had no one except us. We were there for her. We were and are her family. She didn't need anyone else. We all together made it this far. It is unrealistic for a group of teenagers to be a support for each other but we were there. At that time, I and Hannah weren't even this close, but my sister Alice was. They both were inseparable. What happened to her? She gave up! Just like you, she tried and unfortunately succeeded." She says as a stream of tears breaks down all the barriers she built to keep them under control.

"Just like that, sh-she left! What did she get? Nothing. She lost a chance to explore the opportunities that were ahead. She lost a chance to love someone, make a career and live a life. And what happened to us? We were all grieving. He, look at him, he lost his love. He lost the person he loved with all his might." She says pointing towards Luke, who's holding back himself.

"Did you ever think what would happen to her? She loved you like her child, like her soul. And you do this! What a good payback! She'll be broken, she'll lose herself if anything ever happened to you. You are like her soul, Dy. You need no one, you have your sister. You have a person, who has fought battles alone since she was fifteen. Just trust in her Dy, don't leave her. Don't leave her broken. She's broken enough to be broken again. Don't do this. Just don't." She breaks down, her body trembling with her sobs. Luke goes over to her and throws his arms around her, pulling her into a hug.

I think Ron was right, she needed this. She needed this visit to let her guards down and open up. To vent out the hidden feelings she had.

"Dais." I hear Dy's whisper which breaks me out of my trance.

Walking over to him, I observe his face is full of guilt, shame and sadness. His tears glistening against his pale skin, while he purses his lips to keep him from breaking down.

"I'm sorry, Dais. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have done this. I became a coward. I was scared, Daisy. I was scared that I'd disappoint you just like I did to him. I thought you'd leave me just like mom and dad left us years ago. Before you could leave me, I thought it would be better if I leave you. That way I wouldn't be in pain." He turns his face away.

"I was wrong, Dais. I never thought about you. I'm selfish. Hate me, hit me but please forgive me. I can't lose my sister, my mother. Please I'm sorry Daisy. I'm sorry." With that he breaks down, his tears flowing like the dam whose gates have just been let open.

"Shh...baby, it's okay. Dy, listen to me. I don't hate you. Yes, I was hurt that you didn't think about me, you took such a drastic step. But I still love you, baby. I'll always love you. Please, stop crying. I'll never leave you, I promise. I will never. Please look at me." I plead holding myself together. His condition, his guilt, his pain is killing me. Hurting me. It's piercing my heart with sharp needles, making holes.

"Shh…" After endless calming words and moments later, he finally calms down, resting his head in my lap.

Everyone left sometime when we were both engrossed in each other. I think we needed that space, to pour our hearts out.

Running my hands through his hair, I hum his favourite song.

"You told him?" He asks softly.

"No. I didn't inform him. When the authorities called me, I lost my calm, I didn't know what to do. So I just left without saying anyone, anything. After reaching here, I texted them and they all ran here." I explain.

"They love you, Dais." He whispers holding my wrist tightly, while my fingers are still entangled in his hair.

"They love you too, brother. That's why they all ran here the second they learned about it. They love us both a lot. More than our own family ever did." I whisper staring off in the space.

"We're lucky, Dais, aren't we?"


And just like that, we fall into a peaceful silence, his breathing turning soft and even as he falls into sleep. Placing a kiss on his forehead and adjusting his head on the pillow, I carefully tiptoe my way out.