Did you see him?

Aaron's pov

Walking in through the automatic sliding glass doors, our vision is greeted by the huge beige coloured walls. The smell of bleach greets my olfactory senses and awakens the darkest memories hidden in the secret corner of my brain.

The memories, we all have once lived together.

There is bustling of people around everywhere. Anxiety thick in the air. There are paramedics clad in white aprons walking in and out of wards. A child in a neck brace being helped by his father, a grey-haired unconscious female wheeled into the emergency ward.

As we reach the doors of the waiting area, we're greeted by the sounds of sobbing, screaming and some muffled conversations of families on the verge of losing someone.

'Oh Lord, help those in misery and help us in these difficult times. Amen.' I say a silent prayer in my head before I step into the waiting room.

I look around to search for a certain raven-haired woman but my vision is greeted by all sorts of people except the one I'm searching for.

Puzzled, I turn my head towards my left where Jake is standing as confused as me and Lizz is lost somewhere in the abyss of her memories, supported by her boyfriend's arm.

Finding no answer, I turn to my right and raise my eyebrows at Luke in question.

"There's another one down the hallway." He whispers silently not wanting to disturb the grief-stricken crowd in the room.

Turning on our heels we walk out and within no time, we reach the other waiting room.

"Ronnie! Luke!" I hear Jake's voice break through all the buzzing of machines and bustling of people.

"Yeah?" Luke asks before I could.

"You guys go in, we'll be there in some time." He says motioning his eyes towards Lizz who was lost staring at a person across the hall with a blank face.

We nod our head in understanding and he walks away dragging Lizz along.

"Let's go," I say taking in a deep breath and walking in.

As I lay my eyes on the particular raven-haired beauty, I lose my calm as I sense the nerves knotting within me. Anxiety builds in my stomach because I don't know what happened that brought her here, in the Mount Saint Joseph Hospital.

We know it's about Dylan but we don't know anything more than that.

Her red, bloodshot eyes has my heart pounding rapidly in my chest. Her silent sobs don't let me make a move, go to her, hold her and comfort her. Because I know, I know that Dylan is her only family after her parents.

Since the day she lost her mother, she lost her father too. And all she had was her brother and us. She loves Dylan like her own child. She has done everything for him, every little thing.

And today, seeing her broken, writhing in agony has a knife pierce through my heart.

"Bro, come on." Luke pats on my shoulder pulling me forward with him.

Her head snaps towards us as we stop in front of her. And next second, she's on her feet, her arms thrown around our necks, hugging us both simultaneously as her endless tears keep flowing.

Her sobs grow louder by each second as we try to calm her.

"Daisy, love please calm down," I mumble into her hair.

"Tell us what happened, Dee. We're worried!" Luke's voice comes out broken.

"H-he….he tried k-killing, h-he tr-tried over...dosing." She explains in a voice full of agony and pain, in between her sobs.

"Dee, stop crying first. You need to get a hold of yourself."

"We're here for you, Daisy. We're here for him too. He'll be alright. Okay?" I say pulling her out of our arms and holding her tear stricken face in between my hands.

"We're gonna fight this. We lost a battle like this years ago but not this time. We all are here and we won't let anything happen to him. We'll get the best doctors to treat him. You just need to trust God." I say staring into her eyes.

"Now, stop crying. We're all here." I say in response to the slight nod I received.

"Did you see him?" Luke asks as we all sit down on the chairs.

"Not yet. The doctors are trying to flush the medicines off his system." She whispers, leaning her head on Luke's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Dee. We are all here." He whispers staring off into space.

"Is Lizz here?" She asks her head still resting on his shoulder.

"Yeah, they're somewhere outside." Luke answers.

"She shouldn't be here. Why did you guys let her come? You shouldn't have done that." She says shaking her head.

"Someday she har to face her demons. If not today, then some other day. It was meant to happen. It's inevitable, then why not now? She wanted to be here. For you. For Dy." I try explaining.

"But still, this is difficult for her. Way too difficult."

"We know but she has to face it. Sometime or the other." Luke shrugs.

Just when I am about to ask her how much time it's going to take, a nurse walks in holding a notepad.

"Ms Wilson, the doctor's have successfully pumped out all the drugs from his system. You can meet your brother now, but before that, there are few formalities you need to complete. Since he tried overdosing on unprescribed medicines, there should be someone who has to take responsibility that this isn't going to repeat. This can go to the law too." The nurse informs in a stern voice.

"Yeah, I understand and I'm willing to take up the responsibility," Daisy says in an astonishing bold voice.

"We're sorry but we need his guardian, a parent." The nurse informs.

"I am his guardian, his sister. I'm an adult and I very well know what I'm doing, so stop calling for a man who wouldn't even turn here if we were dead. I'm his sole family and I'm taking up his responsibilities." She answers in a harsh tone, her voice louder than earlier which stuns the nurse for a second.

"Okay." The nurse and nods and walks away with Daisy in tow.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be there after these formalities." She says over her shoulder.


"Why did you do this, Dy?" I ask looking at his frail body connected to tubes and needles.

He turns his head away from us, attempting to ignore our question.

"Where's Daisy? She didn't come, right. She gave up on me just like him. I knew I knew she would also change someday. That's why I chose this. I chose to leave them all fucking alone and go away." He answers in a broken voice but neither his condition nor his voice concerns me more than the words he just spewed.

That's the trust he had in his sister. That's what he thought of her. What made him like this?

Before either I or Luke can speak a word, a very familiar voice speaks in a monotonous manner but the words coming from her are even more surprising.

"Yes, you are fucking right. You should leave us all alone. We're done with these tantrums of your's just like him. You made a perfectly right choice but unfortunately failed at that. I wish I could make it work." She says, her arms crossed against her chest and her face holding a deadly serious look.

This is going downhill.