Lizz doesn't either

Aaron's pov

"Jake, Ronnie! Wake up." I hear a muffled voice from another side of the door followed by loud knocks.

"Bro, please open the door," I groan at Jake, who's sprawled across the king-sized bed beside me.

"I'm no----" His voice is cut off by Lizz's loud screaming but what freezes us in our tracks are her words.

"Hannah's gone, she isn't here." And in an instant, we are on our feet. I look over at Jake to gauge his reaction and I raise my eyebrows in silent question but all I receive is a shrug and a puzzled look which must be matching mine.

Wearing the shirts, we walk towards the door.

As soon as we open the door, Lizz bustles in like the wind, looking worried, her hair all over the place while she's still in her night suit.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Jake asks with concern laced in his tone.

"I don't know. I woke up to an empty bed and when I looked around I didn't find her anywhere." Her forehead bears frown lines while her lips are in a thin line, as if calculating something, maybe the events of last night and Daisy's behavior.

"Where's Luke? Since he isn't here, he must be with her." I say trying to keep all the bad thoughts at bay.

"He is here. He went to search for her outside, near the beach and the restaurant." She defeatedly falls back on the bed, shoulders slumped and a dejected look etched on her face.

"Don't worry, she must be somewhere around."

"Yeah, did you check your phone or any note in your room? She must've left one before leaving." I ask agreeing to what Jake said. She must be around for sure because my Daisy isn't so careless.

"Oh shit! I didn't. I'll go check right away and you guys check if she left you guys some text." With that, she runs away towards her room.

"Bro, why are you standing like a statue, go check your phone. If not us, she'll surely inform you about her whereabouts." Jake snaps at my immobile self.

I nod and head over to my side of the bed, picking up the phone, I slump down on the bed. I curse out loud followed by Jake's cursing as well.

"It's Dy!" Both of us speak simultaneously.

"Guys, it's Dy!" Lizz yells walking into the room.

"Yeah" Jake answers while I sit there contemplating our next step. What would've happened? I've no idea.

"I think we all should go," Jake suggests.

"I don't think we should. What if they want to spend some time alone? Together?" Lizz counters.

"But what if something bad happened?" I pipe in.

"He's right. Because Dee told us the other day that he sounded low and hung up before she could say something." Jake adds with a distant look on his face.

"She also said that Dy wants to meet us all and he was missing his mom. We are going and that is it." Luke says panting heavily. By the look of his dishevelled self, it's clear that he ran here.

"I'm calling my dad to get us tickets soon," Jake informs plucking his phone out of his pocket.

"I already did while coming back. He said the next flight is at four, so we have three hours to get to the airport." Luke mumbles before gulping down an entire bottle of water.

"Let's get ready then. I'll inform mum dad about it." Lizz says with a masked expression but we, at least I know very well what she's trying to mask.

"Lizz," I call her out and she turns around with a grunt.

"What?!" She snaps.

"I know this is tough for you. It reminds you of the day Alice...

anyways don't worry it will be fine." I reassure. I at least try but honestly, my insides are twisting with fear and anxiety.

"Lizz---" Jake starts but is cut off by her.

"Jake, I'll be back soon and then we can get going." With that, she walks out.

"Why is this happening guys?" I groan.

"Dee doesn't deserve this." Luke says running a hand over his face, frustratedly.

"Lizz doesn't either!" Jake says through gritted teeth, glaring at the wall.


A few hours later

"Did she answer the call?" Jake inquires, as we walk through the airport exit.

"Nope," I answer fixing the backpack on my shoulder.

"How do we find her then?" Lizz asks as she lifts her hand to her forehead to wipe away the stray beads of sweat.

Her otherwise lively face is now pale and her jaw clenched as if she's trying hard, very hard to keep her emotions in check.

"Let's go to his school, we can find something there." She says in a clipped tone, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Agreed!" Luke pipes in while Jake's eyes are set on Lizz's, watching her movements closely.

"Let's get going then. I'll hire a cab, you guys can pick some coffee if you wish." I say before making my way towards the prepaid cab area.