Previously... On The Big King
A devastating battle took place at the shores of the black sea. The human made short work of six very powerful beings and was about to execute Diamond until a primordial entity appeared and absolutely outclassed even the human who has never been hurt in his life. However, the golem spared him instructing him and Stella to go to a human owned domain known as Cathiolonne. When reaching their destination, they ran into obstacles which was easily overcame. Here they met Prince Zachara, a young man who can completely transform into a spiritual fire wyvern and King Cathiolum, a man who calls the human Kane and sees him as a human of war makes an offer in order to come up with enough time for answers before Kane may destroy his kingdom he worked so hard to protect.
A small village upon a tall mountain range.....
In a mountain village called tur'okk, a woman was walking on the paved road in the middle of the night. The grinding of gravel under her boot heels were the only sounds heard during the night.
As she walked, screams of another woman could be heard through the silent night. A few moments later a man was heard pleading with presumably the people who were assaulting the woman. "Please! Leave her be!" He yelled mixed with tears. "My child is here!"
"Then I will ease your daughter's pain as well!"
The woman made no effort to rush over to the couple who needed help. Instead, she flicked her hand towards the direction the noise was coming from. Ten seconds later, a popping sound took place with the sound of liquid hitting walls. Blood curdling screams of the woman ceased the silence. The two men who were about to assault the woman and her daughter have had their heads completely blown off. The man quickly broke free of his restraints due to the opportunity of grabbing the key from the corpse. Retrieving his wife and daughter he ran away from bloody scene passing by the woman who saved them.
He looked back after being a few meters away only to see a haunting expression looking back at him. "I suggest you pretend you were seeing illusions.... human." With a gulp he continued to run away. "Had it not been for your daughter... I would have let those disgusting human primates have their way..."
A few blocks down, the woman made it into a large house in the middle of a field. Inside her home she retrieved a crystal orb from within her cloak. Placing it in its holder she begun to rub it. "Find him..." She simply said.
The crystal orb sparked to life showing what was going on across the world at this very moment. "Dawn..... you have truly created a monster...."
The woman had witnessed the human mindlessly and effortlessly slaughtering dozens of werewolves who had been giving humans nothing but terror for the past few centuries.
The human charged ramming through wolve's forest trees. "LEAVE MY HOME!" A thunderous voice bellowed from above. The human stopped in place looking up to see a very large werewolf drop from above. Landing in front of him the size difference was quite noticeable. This particular werewolf was over forty feet tall with a very monstrous pose. "I WILL CHEW YOUR BONES TO DUST FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY KIND AND MY HOME! AS A KING I CAN NO LONGER STAND AND WAT-" The king of all werewolves couldn't even finish his sentence as the human had slammed him snout first into the ground. Wrapping his arms around the giant wolf's neck he lifted and begun spinning around him hitting anything within his reach. Multiple wolfs were sent flying into trees, skidding across the ground, and some even flying away to great distances. In a final great spin the human sent the king of werewolves flying and crashing into and through underneath a cliff.
Back into the field house where the woman was, she rubbed the ball a little bit more showing just the eyes of another woman staring back at her. "I'm coming for you Dawn...." The eyes of the elder witch widened immediately using her magic to vanish from the vision of the woman. "Its indeed a shame... running from your own sister instead of repenting for what you did..."
Suddenly, from above her house a beam of magic absent of all light shot across the night sky at lightning speed plowing through multiple mountain ranges like they were never there to begin with. The beam then descended until it collided with the ground that began to part creating a massive ravine stretching for miles. When all was done a long path with nothing left standing led straight. "You must forget Dawn... as your sister I am also an elder witch as well...."
On the Continent of Titan
Grimmbaud, Hardoy, and Xix with other known giants all surrounded a massive tree with a fire going and a hog being roasted above it. Titan had been the new home for the three since the destruction of GiantFall. This continent had slighter larger class of giants ranging from sixty to seventy feet tall on average. "Anything new since the last sightings of the human and that fairy?"
"That golem sent them over to Cathiolonne according to Hamitha, as she overheard them speaking. I am sure they made it over there by now and yet nothing has happened to that kingdom."
"Of course nothing will happen!" Hardoy jumped in, "why would that monster destroy his own home! It is even more infuriating that the golem let him live even though Diamond ordered it to kill the human or at least throw him into the sea."
Out from behind, a rather short and elderly giant appeared from within the quiet woods. The great white beard he sported dragged along the ground. It was full of leaves, sticks, bugs, and even some birds found a home inside its mighty thickness. This elderly giant was known as Ermai, currently the oldest living giant in the world. At 450 years old, he has lived a hundred years longer than the average life expectancy. With his many journeys and battles throughout his long life he has gained much wisdom and he is one of the few living legends who knows what goes on around the world at all times.
"My fellow warriors, I have the need to tell that there is another elder witch coming from the mountains." Once he finished his sentence the giants surrounding the fire spat out chunks of meat and water they chugged.
Hardoy grimaced, "two elder witches... if they worked together they could make more of them.... How could we stop that much power?"
Ermai had risen his right index finger instructing everyone to be silent. When all was quiet he curled his finger back down. "I would like to let you all know that this elder witch is actually against Dawn just like the rest of us despite being her sibling. However, she still is a dangerous witch. The true answer is that you all will need to work together as there is a much greater threat coming."
"Blastphemy! I will not ally with the same human who destroyed my home! Your mind plays tricks on you old one!" Hardoy spat, "I would rather find a way to kill him then ever trying to establish a common footing with him."
Ermai could only respond with a nod to his outburst. The elderly dwarf giant then turned to Grimmbaud, who also returned the exchange. "Inevitably, you all will join forces as it is set in stone! Many races will perish during this great force when it arises and you all can be our only hope."
Once again, Hardoy could only deny his words and eventually he grabbed his brother's wrist and pull him away from the feast fire. Knowing that this would happen Ermai could only watch. He had already knows that down the line Hardoy and his brother will surpass the Giant King.
In the woods far away from the feast fire the two young giants were going back to their village. Xix glanced over at his brother with a slight bit of worry. While Hardoy was a more aggressive individual and he had clear reasons why he had that aggression. Xix on the other hand had been a calm and collective even when in very stressful situations he remains stable unlike his brother. "Brother, we must listen to Ermai, those visions have never deceived him before." Xix explained, "if a greater force is known to come we need all the help we can get even if it is him."
"That old dwarf giant is close to death brother. That human is a minion of Dawn and he will always be a minion of Dawn till he dies that is even if he can die. What is to say that if we team up with this human Dawn switches him on us at the least expected moment."
"Brother, I have always looked up to you and followed your every lead. Unfortunately, the sake of the world is far far bigger than the grudge we hold against the human. This war is going to shake the core of our home." Again, Hardoy was not willing to compromise to save it the anger and pride he held trumped his love and compassion for the world he lived on.
Back at the titan village the two young giants made it into their home. Hardoy, still upset about earlier had laid of his bed made of wool. Sitting on the floor besides him Xix could only feel sorry for him. He grabbed a wooden object that was stood next to his bed. The object had actually been a wooden doll version of Grimmbaud. "My king could you explain this world we all lived in..."
He closed his eyes a few moments after a hint of tears threatening to fall. Xix was solely against conflict despite being a race known as bloodlusted warriors. The tears, the pain, and death so meaningless. What was there to accomplish or gain after a victory or a defeat? "Brother... there is no need to weep..." Hardoy turned to his brother placing a hand on his shoulder. "If there is a war that is coming we will triumph together without that human by our side."
Western Cathiolonne Colosseum Late Afternoon
"Those damn werewolves have been causing trouble for many years yet you walked in wiped out their forest!" Cathiolum praised hand signaling his men to bring the horses. "For that we shall reward you with the finest sweets!" Opening the gates five horses trotted out each pulling a heavy wagon full of pure sweets. Stella squealed with excitement taking flight and twirling in the air with a faint glow following her trail. She landed back on his head "Far too easy! Far too easy!" She praised looking at the sweets being pulled towards the both of them. The human or now known as Kane plopped down causing a heavy tremble that sent all five horses to leave the ground for a brief moment. Stopping, the men untied the horses allowing to roam free as they pleased. Kane rose his left hand placing it in the wagon and grabbing a massive hand full of sweets. Then, he tossed them all in his mouth chewing through all the edibles. Stella jumped off to another wagon eating a bunch of sweets herself.
From the king's throne, Cathiolum watched with satisfaction. "Even from here, I can feel the tremendous power radiating off those two. On one side we have a pseudo giant human... I still don't understand why he is of such massive proportions or he is so powerful whatever the case may be I am sincerely glad he hasn't shown interest in attacking us. On the other we have a fairy that I have never witnessed before she is far different than any fairy I seen. She must be very powerful herself because after all, this pseudo giant seems to follow her every command given. With these two around none can touch us! Could this be a gift sent from the great heavens to give us a fighting chance?"
Amused by his own question Cathiolum intertwined his fingers together and smiled deviously. Having two powerful assets by his side would ensure thousands of victories worldwide. "Father, you must be planning something over there may I ask what it may be?" Prince Zachara asked.
Cathiolum turned to his son smile still plastered on his face. "Kane is the answer we need my dear son."
Zachara had a confused expression not understanding quite what his father may have meant. Considering that Kane is not to be trusted so easily and with Stella always around him makes it even more dangerous as he always listens to only her. "Father, I don't believe that is such a swell idea." He finally replied, "Kane is a true monster! My strongest attacks didn't even leave a scratch on his body."
Cathiolum's smile changed into a disappointing frown simply telling his son that in his life he will come across opponents who just can't be surpassed. Basically, he was telling his son that there was no hope him even beating Kane. Of course, coming from his own father's lips he would be angered. Zachara turned his attentions back into the middle of the Colosseum seeing the two finish the last bit of sweets. Fist clenched and pressed against his sides, Zachara's eyes turned fiery orange. "KANE! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL YOU BRUTE! WITH NO HELP FROM THE FAIRY!"
Kane had stopped, hands inches away from his mouth. Stella also stopped looking up at him with annoyance. "ARE WE REALLY GOING TO DO THIS AGAIN!" Kane only ignored him stuffing the last handful in his mouth closing his eyes to enjoy.
When the words 'giant' escaped the lips of Zachara Kane's eyelids lifted instantly revealing full blood red eyes. Veins popped out from his already enormous arms and legs. Slowly, he shifted his head towards the man who uttered that very word. Both Zachara and Cathiolum including any conscious living being in the vicinity felt the atmosphere completely change. Kane stood to his feet his cold dead stare still locked on Zachara.
"By the gods...." He managed to say between shakes of fear.
Stella took to the sky almost immediately, "NOT AGAIN! EVERYONE RUN!" She herself flew out of the Colosseum as also going higher into the sky. People in the crowd began to run to nearby exits as Kane walked forward. Meanwhile, Zachara grabbed his sword from his sleet. Slight signs of celestial magic showed in the sword terrified by this terrifying force. Orange auras of light wings sprouted from his back and his eyes again went fiery orange.
Taking flight, Zachara looked down at his father who had been escorting people out. Then he shifted his glance back to Kane who had literally leaped straight at him. In the nearest second the young man dodged the colossal hand just barely as Kane's middle finger tip brushed against his heel. Again, before he began to descend he tried to grab him one last time only for him to dodge again. Kane landed directly on an unfortunate panicking horse completely flattening the half ton animal into the sand causing the entire Colosseum to quake.
Gripping his sword tighter than before, Zachara using the fire wyvern's abilities caused his celestial sword to now be fused with fire. "What have I done..." He questioned as his body shook from a near death experience. "I must end this monster but how? My fire isn't going to work. Fairies and giants are known to use celestial magic and that hasn't work against him either!"
Kane stood to his full height looking up into the sky only to be struck by a fire beam infused with celestial magic directly in the face. "Celestial fire..." Zachara whispered. "I need to give it my all or he'll wreck the entire kingdom."
The pseudo giant still remained unharmed. While he was on fire that burned over 1000 degrees he showed no signs of discomfort. Zachara landed on the other side of the battlefield getting into a stance with his sword drown pointing at his very large aggressor. "Ha! The word giant boils your blood! Well it is true! You are a wannabe giant!" The young man's bravado was easily seen through however he had a plan.
Zachara's plan consisted of leading him away from the kingdom to prevent as much destruction as possible. He also had one last attack up his sleeve that could bypass even dragon scales. A creature known for having the toughest armor in the whole world. While he lead him away, he'll be charging up this powerful attack with pure celestial essence along with infusing it with continuously rising heat. The heat was 2700 degrees right now and as long as Zachara kept going there was no limit to how high the heat could get.
Kane the human took a step forward that soon turned into a terrifyingly fast sprint. Zachara took flight leading the monstrous human away. "That's it keep following me!" Kane rammed through buildings, luckily they were all empty due to evacuations.
Meanwhile, King Cathiolum could only laugh far off in the distance as his kingdom was being ramshackled by only accidents. "Tame this monster! He can't be stopped if he is on our side!"
Back on the east wing Kane continued to plow through everything in his way still attempting to reach the prince. By then, fifteen minutes have already passed and despite the ginormous human ramming through everything there were no casualties. Now, in the middle of fountain Kane stopped in place looking up at Zachara who's blade was coated in both flames and celestial. "You unfortunate soul its time you be put down..." He said overlooking the fires across the eastern city.
The prince rose his sword above his head blinding heat that was similar to staring at the sun caused Kane to look away. Then he flew higher into the air and dived right back down beginning to spiral sword first. "Heart of the..."
He began spinning much faster than before and descending even faster causing his body to be engulfed in both light and fire. The highly durable armor protected his human body from being burned alive. "DRAGON!!!!!" The tip of the blade connected with Kane's forehead just as he looked up again. A massive shock wave exploded from the clash and the force behind Zachara's momentum made the paved road beneath Kane's feet implode. Fire and celestial launched in multiple directions slicing and cutting buildings clean in half.
Smoke covered most of the battlefield these two were fighting on. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and soon an entire minute passed before the smoked cleared. Zachara had been confident this attack had done the job that when he could finally see he would see a dead Kane. "Impossible...."
He was entirely wrong.
Beneath the tip of the blade still stood Kane who's forehead wasn't even bleeding. He had taken Zachara's strongest attack as if it were child's play. The grip he had on the blade loosened and he fell hitting the road his own sword nearly falling on him. "I can't win...."
Kane's head shifted downward looking at his opponent, a man shaking with fear. "Finish me you brute! Why do you stand there like a tree! I started it now you finish it! I can't even protect my kingdom as it's next King!" Little did he knew that Kane's eyes had reverted back to their original color. He was no longer interested in killing Zachara. While the attack didn't physically hurt Kane he had just enough force to knock him out of his trance.
Still, he spectated Zachara who silently weeped to himself. He then looked around at the fire and mass collateral damage. Again, he looked back down at Zachara nodding his head to himself raising his massive arm and with one swing all the fire disappeared including the smoke blocking out the sun. "Finish me! Finish me! You fr-" He stopped to the realization that the smell of smoke and flames were no longer present. Raising his head he looked up at Kane, "what did you do?" He asked the behemoth.
Kane, the silent person he was simply turned around and walked away from Zachara. At the same time, from above Stella the fairy had returned landing near the prince. "You see, this is what happens when you utter that very word. In all my years I have known him I still couldn't tell you why he goes into such a rage when hearing it. In this rage a innocent child turns into an unstoppable monster."