Chapter Four: Mountainous Proportions

Previously, on the Big King....

Around different regions of the world, different perspectives played a role. Another elder witch over in the village of tu'rokk has demonstrated the very power of an angered witch shooting a black beam that shot across the sky revealing her motives are also to take down Dawn. Then, over at titan an elderly dwarf giant known as Ermai told Hardoy, Xix, and Grimmbaud about a inevitable upcoming war that shake the world to its very core and would need to ally with both Kane and Stella. Hardoy naturally was against the but Xix felt the need to make that action work. Finally, after demolishing the wolf tribe that troubled the humans for centuries Kane and Stella enjoyed luxury sweets until Zachara uttered the word, 'giant' that sends Kane into an unstoppable rage. The two battled on Cathiolonne using it as collateral. Fortunately, Kane was knocked out of the trance with an all powerful attack. Now, the what will the journey hold next? Find out in this chapter!

Fairy Tree, The Largest Tree In The World

Over several thousand meters high in a council room. Diamond, Goros, Hamitha, and the three giants all gathered. "According to resources, he was last seen in the human domain known as Cathiolonne. Like Giantfall, islands, and other continents he has ever stepped foot on he went into a rampage battling with Prince Zachara. We don't have to spectate that battle to know who of course won in that ordeal." Diamond finished.

"He can't be put down by us and yet that prince thought he could stand a chance?" Hardoy asked.

"Humans are not to be underestimated Hardoy. They have an ability that is known and can only be accessed by their kind. Atmos is what they call it a spiritual type magic that lets the users turn into an ancient or mythical powerful creature."

Hardoy simply looked away, "ancient or mythical creatures? Pathetic. You think any creature could stand up to a giant?! We are physically the strongest race on this world!"

Diamond turned away shaking her head in disappointment. "You little boy... you just don't understand... Which is why your brother Xix will be leading the movement for the giants. Xix's calm and collective trumps your ignorance and senseless rage."

"Diamond... I appreciate the faith you have as me in a leader but I believe my brother is far better suited to have this position then myself." Xix replied, "This is not me saying this because he is simply known to me by blood. But because I believe he'll be the best at commanding the movement."

The older of the two giants looked at Diamond with disgust seeing as she was testing his patience. "Are you kidding me?! We have an evil elder witch that is possibly creating another monster human and this is how we spend our time? I expected this from a brute giant. However, as a fellow grandmaster this behavior is not acceptable and you know that, Diamond." Goros commented. "stop this bickering at once and lets proceed to our main objective!" Both Hardoy and Diamond shared a sharp glance with one another before both nodded in unison.

"Now commerce the great movement!"

Eastern Zone Cathiolonne

"Please oh please! Let me come with you!" Zachara begged as he flew around Kane's head as if he were an annoying gnat. "I need to become stronger like you!" He announced.

Stella simply rolled her eyes not paying him no mind at all. "Not my problem and he isn't exactly someone who trains either! So go back home!"

"I insist! My father thinks I am weak! I need to get stronger!" He pleaded.

Again, Stella rolled her eyes at him again not caring for anything he had to say anymore. However, he wasn't going away anywhere anytime soon that was obvious. So instead she just had to tolerate his very annoying presence settling down on Kane's head. Zachara himself also perched on his shoulder a big smile plastered on his face. "An adventure to match the strongest human in the world! What a quest! My father is already aware of my departure! Let's do this!"

While he was excited Stella could do nothing but be intrigued by his motives to match Kane who he considered the strongest human to exist. However, did he not understand the massive gap in power between himself and Kane? The heart of the dragon is an attack that is can penetrate through even dragon scales, the strongest armor in the world. Yet all it managed to do was knock Kane out of the trance he was in. Not even the slightest bruise or signs of discomfort was on his face. "Your just ready to die aren't you? Can't you see that you are clearly out of place?"

"Fairy, understand this. In a world full of yourself, giants, werewolves, witches, angels, demons, massive creatures, and monsters do you honestly think we gotten as far as we did by pure luck and staying isolated? Don't be foolish we are far stronger than most races give us credit for. Kane is a being of another world and that is why I had such a pathetic showing but the same could be same for fairies, giants, and werewolves..."

Stella had nothing more to say after that. Instead she looked ahead into horizon watching the sun beginning to set. Then she turned to him again a small smile forming on her face. "Don't come crying to us when you lose a limb Prince Zachara."

"Very funny Stella but their is no need to worry about me! For I am the greatest prince the world has ever witnessed!"

Kane continued walking forward slowly and aimlessly as both Stella and Zachara continued on with their conversation. Alas, the search for the artifact had begun once again. Little did they know a great movement was already on their trails. Not only was an army after them an elder witch is bound to cross their path as well.

Several hours later, Kane had came to a halt as his lumbering frame had grown tired after walking for countless hours. Knowing this familiar pattern Stella took flight she floated in front of his face. "Rest easy..." She said placing a hand on his cheek as she did this he closed both eyes slouching over slightly. Already he was fast asleep due to just one soft touch. Zachara had hopped off looking up at Stella with amazement.

"Now that is impressive... why not do that when he was going on a rampage?" He asked.

"Not as easy to get close during that state. One hit can kill giant sea monsters so I'd imagine there wouldn't be much of me left if he were to hit me." Nodding his head Zachara turned to the dark forest then asking about why he slept standing up like this instead of lying down. "Think of it like a herd of horses in a brand new area, naturally it doesn't know what potential predators may wander the area. So, to protect themselves and others they nap standing up. The first sign of danger they are all ready to bolt away as fast as possible. In this case, he'll kill anything that threatens either myself or his safety. That is just the type of connection we have you see?" She finished looking off into the distance. "I just can't shake this feeling that we're being followed. I am aware that the fairies and giants are on our trail and that was painfully obvious. However, there is someone or something else following us."

Zachara's wings sprouted from his back taking flight flying high above the trees. Far off in the distance trees began falling to the sides. This made Zachara grimaced, "that feeling of yours is spot on. Its silent yet I can see trees falling how is that possible?"

Stella also grimaced taking flight floating right beside him. "Possibly a giant? No, it can't be. That is definitely something else...." From below something erupted from the ground causing a cloud of dust to cover ten miles around. "No way...." Huge eyes glowing red stared directly at them. Then, the eyes began to rise and rise far above the fairy and the human that made them only keep looking up. Growls erupted from this behemoth as it stood to its full height making even Grimmbaud look absolutely insignificant in comparison. The body had been completely rotted with a smell that made the two cover their noses. "I thought they were no more." Stella said as she was bewildered by this appearance.

An ancient giant, a race of giants that existed over a millennia ago. In the modern world in terms of strength Grimmbaud is the strongest giant. However, he couldn't even hold a candle to an ancient giant. The strength behind this 500 foot tall mountain of a being could absolutely demolish Grimmbaud with ease.

"KANE IS RIGHT THERE NEXT TO THIS THING STILL SLEEPING!" Zachara panicked, "WAKE UP KANE OR YOU'LL BE CRUSHED!" The ancient giant rose it's massive hand and with a horrendous growl it was bringing down enough physical force to shatter an continent. Both Stella and Zachara moved out of harm's way quickly. However, Kane was still sleep completely under the incoming hand. "STELLA CAN'T YOU WAKE HIM UP?!" He frantically asked.



As the hand approached even closer, Stella nodded her head balling her fist. "BIG GUY! KILL THIS GIANT!"

After hearing this word Kane's eyes immediately forced open with intense red beaming eyes. At the same time the ancient giant's hand collided with Kane. The force caused trees to be snapped and uprooted from the ground flying many kilometers away. "NO!" Stella exclaimed tears threatened to fall. Then, she noticed something odd happening. As did Zachara who was shocked in disbelief. The ancient giant was actually straining to force his hand all the way down. An unexpected push caught both Zachara and Stella off guard even the giant himself who stumbled back. Kane had pushed this behemoth back with no signs of struggling despite the being having similar weight to an average iceberg. There he stood veins bulging from his already massive arms, red beaming eyes focused on his large target, and the same sense of blood lust he had all those years ago.

The ancient giant reeled back his fist and drove it forward this time far faster than anticipated from someone of his size. Kane went into a hellish sprint running directly at the giant. Then he leaped landing on the middle knuckle of the giant then continuing to run straight for the main body part he needed to take out; the head of this mountain. "Take him out Kane!" Zachara said, "even though you are going to try to kill us right afterwards...." he whispered to himself. At the elbow of the ancient giant Kane was more than halfway up to his target.

"Zachara...." Stella started, "Something doesn't feel right around here...." She looked at ground beneath them her eyes widening once more. All around the ground began to crumble and not long after more ancient giants of various sizes erupted from beneath. "THIS IS NOT REAL!" She exclaimed flying higher into the air to avoid the heads nearly smashing into her. "WE HAVE TO HELP HIM ZACHARA! HE CAN'T TAKE THEM ALL ON THERE IS A DOZEN OF THEM!" As she said this Kane had reached the target he wanted to take out being the head leaping one more time and punching the ancient giant in the side of the temple causing him to fly into another giant that had recently risen from out the ground back into the massive hole.


Landing on the ground, Kane looked at the remaining ancient giants who all marched towards him in a unison. At the same time the two he knocked away had risen out the hole once more unharmed. Clenching his fist Kane again he took off with a leap towards the first in his line of sight. "WATCH OUT!" Stella yelled but it was too late. Due to him being already being airborne and unable to fly he could not stop his own momentum. He was swatted away in midair like a fly. Soaring through the night sky before crashing through multiple through the top and middle of multiple trees. Until finally his body stopped inside a small mountain. Immediately he sat right up looking back to where he was last hit from. Just as he got up Stella hovered right above him just out of his reach. "LISTEN! YOU CAN'T WIN WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Kane just stared at her with eyes blank and red. "DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU CAN'T WI-" Stella shrieked as he tried to jump up and grab her she had luckily evaded.

"PLEASE! WE MUST GO! YOU CANT KILL THEM!" Stella didn't have much time and she knew it as those giants were on the way over here. Her words weren't getting through either he was in a that same rage all those years ago. Zachara had managed to make it over to their destination heavily panting from the flight over. "This is why I didn't want to say this word in the first place! We need to retreat but he won't listen without trying to kill me!"

Meanwhile, the giants were making their way over at a much faster pace. Zachara formed back into human only having the wyvern wings on his back. "GIANT! GIANT! GIANT! FOLLOW ME!" Zachara grabbed a hold of Stella's wrist pulling her away as Kane begun chasing them smashing through the trees. "The least we can do is outrun them. We'll deal with a way to get him out of that trance. Just keep flying for now!"

Down In Dark Wastelands, the land that never brightens.

Over on a small hill that witch who was responsible for shooting a black beam across the sky sat down with a open book by her side. Inside it, was the reminisce of spells about the old world.

Ancient Giants, a race of giants that existed thousands of years ago. Known as officially the strongest living being to walk on the world's surface. Their pronounced strength made other races not want to be in direct confrontation unless it was forced. A body so unbelievably tough not even the strongest magic could pierce through their skin. It is unknown how these behemoths cease to exist anymore.

"So, she released the ancient giants into the world. Dawn was one to always talk about bringing the old world to clash with the new world. I'd imagine that she will release the other ancients into the world as well. Doing that will just recite the war that happened all those years again. If too much chaos unfold the angels and demons will come down too... No one on this world can take on the angels... or worse the Demon King."

"I don't know what you have planned sister... but I know I cannot let this commence any longer."