Chapter Five: Duo Wizards

Previously on the Big King.....

A duo becomes a trio as Prince Zachara has joined Kane and Stella in hopes of becoming able to duel him again on even grounds. The three traveled across foreign lands until stopping in a forest for Kane to rest. As Stella and Zachara talked she noticed something off and her gut instincts were right. From beneath them, a giant arose and this was no ordinary giant. This was an ancient giant, a living five hundred foot tall mountain with terrifying and unmatched attributes. Both a raged Kane and the giant clashed and while Kane showed to have superior strength it wasn't enough to even incapacitate these giants. With no other choice, the three needed to retreat from a relentless enemy. Over in the dark wastelands, the other elder witch reveals that Dawn was responsible for reviving these ancients and most likely plans on bringing more of the old world back to clash with the modern. She also reveals that if this continues happening, the chaos will unleash both angels and demons which cannot happen again....

The Great Valley

The movement continued on with both the giants and fairies on the trail of Kane and Stella. Hardoy and Xix were in the front of the movement while Grimmbaud and the others remained behind. Also accompanying this movement was Ermai, the elderly dwarf giant who for his own motives decided to partake on this journey. He stayed not too far from the young giants watching as they walked. Diamond, Hamitha, Goros, and dozen of other fairies were flying above.

The sky had been dark the entire day and everyone here knew why. There were only a select few beings that could change the weather and this was due to their powerful presence alone. From above, a great bird descended till it landed in Ermai's great beard. "I assumed as much..." Ermai commented, making Hardoy and Xix look back in question. "A dozen ancient giants have been revived."

Suddenly, the entire movement stopped at his short sentence. Anyone who knew the knew the lore behind these primitive giants grew with worry and fear. "Ancient giants... Dawn just doesn't know when to quit." Grimmbaud said, "I am assuming that the human and giants have formed an alliance?"

Ermai shook his head causing Grimmbaud to look at him in question. "The human battled the giants and not even he could kill one. As we all know that ancient giants are considered to have the toughest bodies in the world. Having skin alone that is nigh impossible to penetrate through by both physical and magical means. To top it off, they have strength that is truly unmatched. However, suprisingly the human was able to overpower one of them with no effort."

Hardoy grimaced, "Just how strong is this damn human.... My king you can also match these giants yes?"

"As much as I hate to admit it... I cannot my boy. Ermai what else do you know of?"

"Chaos will continue to unleash around the world. Inevitably, the old world will clash with the new world."

A rocky mountainside

Both Prince Zachara and Stella the enhancer fairy still were being chased by an enraged Kane. For an entire day he ran relentlessly after them no matter how high they flew, how fast they flew, or how they concealed may have been Kane had knew exactly where they were going. Plowing through mountains and destroying entire landscapes with ease. "We can't letting him do this Zachara he'll never stop unless you knock him out of the trance!" Floating above very tall mountain, the two stared down at Kane who was also watching them as well.

Zachara chuckled to himself in fear, "Stella, don't you remember what happened hours earlier? He's not as dumb as he portrays himself to be! He remembered that attack all too well and nearly killed me!"

Stella could only look down knowing this trance all too well. With nothing to stop him he could very well destroy more of the world just by simply running unintentionally through everything. "I didn't want it to come to this but this is truly inevitable at this point. We're going to have to fight him right here and right now. No more running from this problem that we created." Zachara's eyes widened at her sentence. "Both me and him are unique in our own ways. Its the main reason we became friends with one another. Despite that quirk we have clashed on multiple occasions as this happens quite alot."

In all their years of friendship both Stella and Kane have clashed and fought with one another a total of nine times. She despises fighting him because just how dangerous the situation could be. One well placed hit from Kane can pulverize Stella and she herself knew that. "You said you wanted to tag along yes? Well, this is one of the cons that come with tagging along. Do you wish to fight and risk your life for the greater good like you so claim or will you run away? Against someone like him there is no dishonor in retreating and I will not belittle you for it either." Suddenly, she began to glow a goldish yellow.

As an enhancer fairy, Stella has the unique properties that separated everyone else from her in the race. She is a very rare fairy being the only one of her kind in the world today. While normal fairies only has magic that benefits only themselves for mainly offense. Stella had magic that benefited both herself and allies near her as she had the ability to enhance their power beyond comprehension. At the current state she can only enhance herself and others. Fairies are not known for their physical strength but since she doesn't have normal magic she has far more superior strength than normal fairies. With the enhancing in action, she can surpass even Grimmbaud in physical strength.

"Round ten big guy." At speed that would seem like a blur to many Stella descended down towards her friend at speed faster than even lightning. Kane stomped the ground with his fist clenched. "LETS DO THIS!" Stella pulled back just as Kane drove his fist upward leading to a clash. The ground cracks, the mountain behind them crumbles causing multiple ginormous rocks to roll down creating an avalanche. Stella retreated just as Kane goes for a grab and flew underneath his arm to strike him under the chin. The blow made him only angrier as he tried to grab her again only for her to once more evade him. The essence grew even more powerful as she struck him in various places while Kane wasn't no matter how hard he tried. With one hard hit to the forehead Kane stumbled back. "YOU WILL STOP THIS RAMPAGE AT ONCE!" She demanded hitting him in the head again. Stella essence only continued to grow her power growing trying to harm him with much force as possible.

Kane's eyes grew redder no longer trying to hit her instead just allowing her to hit him feebly. She noticed this changed immediately retreating to a 100 foot distance. "Did it work?" She asked herself as Kane only watched her with a cold blank death stare. Kane's entire body twitched making her uneasy. The stare slowly formed into a devilish grin with pure intent to kill. She was face to face with something else that made her heart drop. Just as she blinked Kane had closed the distance snatching her right out of mid air.

"WHAT!" Kane's grip slowly tightened as he continued to grin at Stella struggle. "YOUR MY FRIEND! DON'T YOU RECOGNIZE M-" Stella coughed up from him squeezing her body.

"STOP YOU MONSTER!" Zachara flew in, sword first into Kane's eyes making him lose his grip. While it caused no damage to him it was enough to both irritate and save Stella. Retrieving her the two flew up looking down just as Kane quickly recovered from the eye poke. "HOW CAN YOU ATTACK YOUR OWN FRIEND!" Kane gritted his teeth at the both of them taking a leap at them. The massive hand nearly grabbing Stella just as she barely dodged. Zachara's body starting glowing as well without him even realizing as he pulled Stella away from Kane's second attempt to grab them. "What's this? Why do I feel so much different now?"

It was Stella's enhancement at work she knew very well that if Zachara was also going to be in this fight it would be only fair if she helped him out. The needed to do all they could to knock him out of this deadly trance.


A humongous bolt of lightning struck down right on Kane sending him straight into a giant crater created by it. The two could only be flabbergasted as an unknown being descended levitating right behind them. "Ah, how great does it feel to be alive again." Both turned to be face to face with a young wizard. "You two were struggling against him? How pathetic. But now that he is out of the way, which one of you would like to perish first?"

Ancient wizards, a race of male magicians that existed in the same times as ancient giants. While giants were regarded as the strongest physically wizards were regarded as the strongest magicians. Being second only too elder witches. From within the hole Kane had leaped out looking up at all three of them. "What's this? He's still alive?" The wizard questioned lightning conjuring in his hand once more. "How is this even possible?" Again, Kane was struck by lightning going back into another crater created by it.

Stella who was displeased by this wizard growled lunging at him. "Oh?" He dodged her punch. Stella quickly spun around for a roundhouse kick with the heel connecting with his neck a slight grunt escaped his lips as he slightly moved from the force. "A fairy who uses physical attacks? Am I not worth your magic?" Shrugging off her heel the wizard simply waved his hand and a bolt of lightning hit her sending her flying away. Zachara who also tried to hit him was hit with another quick bolt of lightning down towards the ground.

Kane leaped out of the hole towards the wizard at an alarming speed. "WHAT! AGAIN?!" Just as he was about to be grabbed he was knocked away again by lightning. "HUH!"

"Brother, I have you told you countless times to not be so careless or you may lose your head? Well, to be truthful if that brute had connected a hit he would have pulverized you." Yet another magician appeared and judging from how he greeted the other, this was his brother. "A stubborn brute wouldn't you say?" He asked as Kane once again got up unaffected by the attack. "Our lightning is far more powerful and potent than the natural element due to our unique magic. The fact he is unscathed after being hit multiple times is nothing short of impressive." The wizard's eyes changed into a deep red as he stared at Kane beginning to analyze so he could know the specific race he belonged too. "A human...." Eyes grew big and wild shaking with nothing but fear. At this very moment he knew just what they were going up against. "Brother, under no circumstances are we to go anywhere near this monstrosity because if you do... there is no way we will live to tell the tale of this battle..."

The other magician who also analyzed Kane's scary presence. Immediately, both shared a glance with one another and in unison they nodded their heads knowing what needed to be done. The two conjoined hands with one another and as they did this everything began to take a stunning change. Trees uprooted themselves using their multiple veins to not only walk but have extendable arms, huge boulders began floating, and intense thunder boomed making a tremble. The mountain Kane stood in front of began forming a horrible face as it rose higher into the sky. Green mystical energy continued flowing around the landscape as the two wizards looked down with a grin confident they had everything they needed. "What will you do now monster?"

Over in the distance, Stella had gotten back up from the attack. Badly bruised she was but not at all injured. That is because at that very split moment she enhanced her body's tolerance and durability. "This Dawn character sure is interesting I will say that much." Taking flight, Stella could only see the chaos that had unfolded. Magic produced by these wizards dwarfed anything Diamond, Goros, and Hamitha have performed in their grandmaster careers. The mountain had completely finished its transformation much taller due to the thousand foot long legs. Letting out a monstrous roar that echoed around the entire area Stella could only feel uneasy.

Below her, trees began a scary metamorphosis as they started to fuse together growing into a literal tree titan. Stella starts to notice rotating around only to be face to a hollowed out hole that eventually grew turned red. The tree titan lets out a deafening bellow. From within, fire began to form and blast out at Stella. Quick instinct made her dodge, "fire with wood?! What!" The titan now was engulfed with fire that just wasn't burning at all. "I see, this isn't just a regular tree... this one is imbued with powerful magic."

Zachara who also recovered took to the skies with anger meeting the titan. Turning to him it growled opening the massive hands towards him. Within the palm sharpened wood stakes shot out at high speeds. "Damn it!" Moving out of the way Zachara pointed his sword at the tree "Celestial beam!" As he commanded, a beam of light shot out connecting with the tree only to have no significant damage. Zachara could only be flabbergasted by this treant. Even with Stella enhancing his abilities this wasn't even enough to harm the tree.

Once more he was outclassed in every way. By something that should actually be easily flammable especially against celestial, a very powerful essence. "I may as well be fighting Kane! This thing isn't even scratched!"

Back over to other side of the battlefield the duo wizards and Kane still battled. "Mass shock!" The two commanded making the clouds summon pillars of lightning rained down trying to hit Kane who was easily evading all attempts. "HOW DOES HE MOVE SO WELL FOR SUCH A LARGE BEING!?"

"Both agile and tough something I just can't fathom!" The stone mountain rose its massive foot. Boulders the size of Grimmbaud and bigger fell towards Kane. At maximum velocity the stone mountain brought down the foot. Kane, who stopped in place realized what was happening. Rising his hands up he stopped the foot of the ginormous mountain that he was holding up with ease. "WHAT IN HOLY NAME IS THAT STRENGTH!" A massive feat of strength shown by Kane, holding over one billion tons with not even the slightest sign of struggle above his head. A great push sends the giant mountain airborne towards the tree titan, who was over a fair distance away. "WHAT!" The tree titan wasn't even aware before it the stone mountain collided with it crushing it under the immense weight.

"Trembling Catastrophe!" The ground began to tremble and shortly after pillars of rock sprouted from the ground. Once again, Kane dodged with ease already knowing where they were going to sprout from. "WE NEED TO STOP HIM!" Kane charged forward not being able to be contained. "I REFUSE TO BE KILLED BY A HUMAN! STONE BEHEMOTH GET TO YOUR FEET AT ONCE!"

Over to the stone behemoth who crushed the tree titan under the its tremendous weight. Rising up it charged forward taking a massive leap into the sky. "YOU FOOL! YOU MAY HAVE STOPPED A PORTION OF ITS WEIGHT! BUT THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN STOP OVER 30 BILLION TONS OF A MOUNTAIN FALLING AT HIGH SPEEDS!" A massive shadow engulfed Kane who only continued to run forward.

Suddenly, a fast kick to the head to one of the wizards catches him off guard sending him barreling downward. "Brother!" The other wizard turned his head only to receive the end of a heel directly to his face only to be moved back slightly. "YOU CAUGHT HIM OFF GUARD YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He growled, "YOU WON'T GET ME THAT EASILY!" He said to Stella as she and him began to combat one another.

As the other wizard got closer to the ground he came to repositioning himself flying straight back to his brother only to be slapped backwards by an unsuspecting tail. It was Zachara still with the glowing essence given by Stella's enhancing abilities. "CARE FOR ROUND TWO HUMAN?!" Zachara growled, opening his mouth to release a line of fire. The wizard teleported instantly behind him conjuring lightning. At much faster speeds he dodged while at the same time unleashing fire. "Not going to work!" As he teleported a little bit of the prince's enhanced fire grazed the forearm of the wizard.

"You bastard!" He yelled gripping his arm tightly as possible.

Prince Zachara with another ball of fire shot towards him. Unlike before both Zachara and Stella's demeanor changed. They had the look of murder in their eyes when they realized how deadly these wizards were. Dodging again the wizard made multiple vines from the trees below shoot up grabbing a hold of him in various areas trying to pull him down. Meanwhile, the stone mountain had made collison with Kane crushing him in the process.

"Still resorting to physical attacks? It truly angers me that you think I am not worth your magic! Show me what you can do fairy!" Little did the wizards know, both Stella and Zachara were playing them right into their own trap.

The prince blasted fire at the vines which burned easy allowing him to be freed. Taking after the wizard who was going to aid his brother Zachara launched a beam of fire. Quickly teleported the wizard grabbed Stella from behind. "Kill her now!" He ordered.

Using her abnormal along with her enhanced strength, Stella broke free grabbing a hold of both the wizards. To her aide, Zachara blasted fire towards them to which she launched the two moving out of the way as the flames seared their flesh. Screams were all that could be heard as Stella grabbed a hold of both flying as fast as she could towards the mountain that flattened Kane.

"YOU THINK THIS WILL STOP US! WE'RE WIZARDS!" They laughed as they conjured lightning in unison.

"I AM NOT THE ONE..... YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT!" Stella with one powerful throw launched both down towards the top of the living mountain.


The living mountain begun to grunt as its entire body started to crack upwards. From the top, Kane erupted from the top palm wide open. "NO!" Kane grabbed both of the wizards in his colossal clutch tightly securing his grip. Allowing gravity to take control he was going back down. Kane lead with his fist first, the two wizards tried everything in their power to release themselves but it was no use Kane by no means was letting go. Reeling his fist back and driving it forward for more momentum he plowed through the magic imbued mountain. He opened his fist allowing the two wizards to be blended up against the mountain. Screams followed after as limbs detached in a grizzly matter while also the mountain began splitting just as both wizards were long dead.

"You should've known..." Stella said as Kane slammed into the ground completely obliterating the mountain with a powerful shockwave. "That you never stood a chance against him..."

Somewhere... In a foreign swamp

The elder witch walked through the murky waters continuing her journey. From behind, creatures of the swamp feasted on an unfortunate werewolf that tried attacking her. As she walked she also watched Kane, who was back to normal, Stella, and Zachara began leaving the decimated battlefield.


The elder witch stopped in her tracks. Everything she had been doing vanished in the blink of an eye. Dark black magic appeared at her feet beginning to lift her into the air. "So you came..."

Breaking through the trees was the elderly dwarf giant, Ermai stopping just a few meters away. "I didn't expect you to come dwarf giant."

"I'm doing this for the sake of the world even if it means I must make an alliance with an elder witch. Dawn is playing a very dangerous game, one I don't think even she herself knows the consequences that will come after." The witch nodded her head understanding what needed to be done.

"Normally, for the balance of power races are not to intermingle with one another besides alliances against a greater threat. My sister has chosen a path from which she cannot return she also has taken something very dear to me."

"I am fully aware of that young Twlight."

The elder witch now known as Twilight crossed her arms, "that witch knows spells to keep herself completely elusive. However, you yourself have words that travel thousands of miles everyday and it comes back everyday very secretively. It is how you know what goes on around the world."

Ermai closed his eyes grooming his tremendous beard pausing on what he was going to say next. Twilight flew higher into the air stopping at his eye level. "Ah, that is what I wanted to mention as well.... that young woman she is on the way as well...."

Twilight looked into distance behind Ermai sighing, "I know."

Western Cathiolonne

King Cathiolum was a man of royalty. He knew how to treat his people, conjure up their armies, and decide for the greater future.

At least, that is what he thought of himself.

In reality, King Cathiolum was a rather selfish man. As shown in multiple occasions this man by no means was a true king. Before Kane and Stella came about Cathiolum made a truce with the werewolf tribe in order to not completely abolish the human race from existence. Looked at as a primary food source the very king agreed to sacrifice a select few in order for the rest to be left alone. A true king, no matter what the circumstances were, was to fight for his kingdom and never look for a coward's way out. This was also the same man who called his son weak.

"My king! My king! We have great news!" A knight said as he sprinted into the room.

Lowering a royal cup from his lips King Cathiolum smiled. "Well then spit it out boy!" He urged.

"Kane has killed the wizards!" Cathiolum's face grew with excitement rising up from his throne. With a quick spin of his heel he sprouted out his hands, "Kane never fails to amaze me! The man cannot be stopped by any means!" Grabbing a container full of pure rum he poured. "I didn't have to be there to know it was a straight slaughter... shows those wizards for thinking they can just do whatever they want..."

Prior to the battle with the three, the two wizards interrogated and even promised to take human territory after killing Kane. It was obvious why Cathiolum had rejoiced hearing about their deaths. "The path still the same then young boy?" He nodded, "hmmm... then he'll be forced to cross the unforgiving desert. Also, how are those giants and fairies? What is their current position?"

"As far as I know my king... they are still trailing the three. Going through the foreign swamps as of now."

Sitting down once more Cathiolum then asked about both Stella and his son. The knight responded with a simple yes making him smile once more.

Suddenly, the doors leading into Cathiolum's throne room busted open causing both large doors to fly off the hinges. Cathiolum didn't so much as flinch as the doors slammed into the walls. The knight drew his sword from his sleeve watching as a very tall individual appeared from with the dust. Standing up to his impressive stature of six feet eleven inches tall Cathiolum began walking down the stairs.

As the dust cleared an elderly wizard, taller then King Cathiolum by nearly two feet walked in. "I apologize for the rude interruption... but I believe we have important matters to discuss human..." The elderly wizard said walking further into the room, "as I am sure you know... that monster killed one of my own... I think we can both agree that isn't anyway possible. What kind of concoction did you brew up that could spawn such a being?"

"Kane is of unknown origins... Kane isn't even his real name. I couldn't tell where he came from truthfully, he just happened to stroll into my kingdom with a fairy by his side."

"To decimate any living thing in his way," the wizard finished, "brute strength is usually not enough to beat a highly skilled opponent. However, this Kane has used nothing but that. Who knows what else he could do? Possibly reveal a power that can rival the greats yet you stand proud? How long would it be before he turned on you?"

Cathiolum now grimaced looking over messenger who immediately knew what was going to happen next. Leaving the throne room it was now only King Cathiolum and the wizard by themselves.

"You truly are a fool. If he isn't taken down soon he can destroy the entire world. What can you do to stop him when he comes to your kingdom?"

A laugh was returned as the wizard grew even more frustrated with the king. "Do you not value your people lives? You pathetic human you seem to only care about your own gains. Hmph, now that I look back on your history you are nothing more than a coward!" Now only then had Cathiolum grew angry, the smile he had earlier was gone as he clenched his fist.

"Your selfishness to make an alliance with the werewolf tribe just to save your own hide!" From behind tentacles sprouted from Cathiolum's back with a green squid aura like face appearing. "You dare question my authority?" Green eyes replaced his original brown ones. "PREPARE YOURSELF!"

The wizard conjured up lava in his hand, "I already knew you would resort to violence you primate!" Reeling his hand back the wizard launched forward a mass of lava.

"Don't underestimate the power of one's spirit you ignorant fool!"

With tentacles being launched forward, Cathiolum clashed with the wizard's lava causing the roof to be blown away completely along with sudden weather change from a beautiful sun to a stormy night.