Previously.... On The Big King
Leading Kane away from the ancients, Stella and Zachara encountered a new problem. Another ancient race known as wizards who are just second to elder witches sprung to life. While these were not known individuals, these two showed just powerful they truly were. Able to bend nature to their will while also able to control the planet's elements made the battle completely difficult. However, with the right coordination and Stella's enhancing magic the three eventually defeated the wizards. Over in the foreign swamps, Ermai and the elder witch Twilight form an alliance to stop Dawn who remains to be elusive. And finally, King Cathiolum shows a very unique spiritual ability as he clashes with an unknown wizard who demands answers about Kane's origins.
"MY KING! IF YOU DON'T STOP YOU'LL DESTROY THE KINGDOM!" The King's knight pleaded from a distance as it rained upon both King Cathiolum and the unknown wizard.
"I didn't expect a human to be so powerful... what is this called?" The wizard asked as thunder roared trembling the area.
"As I said before fool... never underestimate a human's spirit. Do you really believe we would be as far as we were just with cannons and swords? Now... FEEL THE WRAITH OF THE MIGHTY OLD ONES!" Cathiolum spiritual form completely took over his physical body making him take the look of a humanoid like creature with a squid face. He increased in size with more tentacles appearing from his back. "FEEL THE GROUND ERUPT FROM UNDERNEATH YOUR FEET!" With his massive hand he reeled it back conjuring a ginormous mass of green energy. Then, he launched it at the wizard who quickly dodged it before it collided and destroyed a massive chunk of landscape.
The wizard teleported instantly behind Cathiolum's head raising his hand towards the sky. "The mighty old ones huh? Let's put that body to the test then King Cathiolum!" From the thundering sky the clouds turned a dark red. "THAT BODY OF YOURS WILL ONLY HINDER YOU CATHIOLUM!" Lightning mixed with other elements rained down striking the king in various parts of his body.
"Nothing more then a nuisance!" King Cathiolum's tentacles sprouted in different directions towards the wizard. "GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY!"
In the middle of the desert, a great battle unfolds!
"By the gods..." Hardoy looked as he watched all twelve ancient giants were battling with their fleet. "Ancient giants... the strongest beings too ever walk on land are now here in the flesh..." Both Hardoy and his brother could only watch as modern giants looked nothing more than ants compared to these ancients. Even Grimmbaud, who was significantly larger than the average giant was tiny. These behemoths also moved at a impressive speed despite being 500 feet tall. "GAHH! I CAN'T SIT HERE AND WATCH THIS!" Hardoy stood up angered only to be sealed away in unbreakable barrier.
Goros could tell his words were not going to get through to Hardoy anytime soon. So, he turned his attention to Xix, his younger brother who had a more level head than him. "Maybe your words can get through to him Xix, please... we have to go, this was your king's orders..."
Xix nodded his head at Goros before looking over to his brother who tried everything in his power to break out of the barrier. Standing up, Xix stood in front of Hardoy's view placing his hand on the purple wall of energy. "Brother... we must go... you know what we must accomplish with this movement..."
Stopping all movements Hardoy simply dropped his head, the massive fist that held on to the sword relaxed. Picking up his head once more he locked eyes with Xix with a plain stare. "Xix, I am known for my temper and I get that. But..." He pointed his sword at that battle happening behind Xix. "There is something completely off and I can feel it. Remember that fight with the human over by the black sea? How none of us could even scratch him? Him using only bare flesh to block celestial attacks? Never bothering to dodge? However, when that golem showed up he actually bled from its attacks and was able to be harmed."
"That was indeed strange..." Xix commented, "I was questioning that myself."
Diamond and Hamitha also flown down floating by Xix's head to chime in on the conversation. "Diamond... tell me more about the elder witch and what separates them from a regular one?" Hardoy asked.
"Elder witches are beings with the most powerful and deadliest of magics known in the world. I have heard tales of how they can bring forth destruction with one wave of their hand. Whether it be creating supernatural monsters like the human, bringing down unthinkable forces from above, or even shooting black darkness across the sky that destroys everything it touches elder witches are extremely hard to kill. Not to mention that these witches are very clever... they know spells to conceal their presence making them hard to be sought out." Diamond explained, "So, what are you getting at Hardoy?"
"Celestial is a power that was passed down by the great ones. It was described to be the most powerful essence a living being could possess. Truthfully, not even a golem could best a great one... so what type of magic prevents that human or these giants from being harmed from even celestial? Is it possible that Dawn discovered some type of magic to imbue these monstrosities with impenetrable skin?" He questioned, "I am aware of what my king told me to do. But what kind of giant warrior would I be if I just ran away forever knowing that I left my king behind to possibly die?" Hardoy asked.
"We can run all we like but that won't these giants from chasing us. I am willing to also say that there are more beings that Dawn has spawned against us. What are we going to do when we run into them? Run again? What if we can't outrun them? We are just going to lay on our backs and die?"
Diamond, Goros, and Hamitha shared a glance with one another then focused back on the fight once more. "Shall I summon the golem?" Diamond questioned. Hardoy and Xix focused back on the fight as well while there was no casualties of the fleet both giants knew it would be only a matter of time till they grew tired. Hardoy was clearly angered that they would need assistance again however he did eventually conceded. Diamonds eyes glowed an oceanic blue as she began the ancient chant. From around the battlefield all rocks miles around to shake tremendously. Due to this trembling both old world and new world giants stopped fighting.
"Andimorak..." Grimmbaud whispered to himself, "Its coming! Brothers! Back to the others! Hurry!" Grimmbaud ordered.
From behind the the ancient giants rocks forming together. "I haven't seen your kind in many years. The strongest being to walk of their time!" A voiced echoed, "the ancient giant!" Andimorak grew to a size much taller than even the tallest ancient giant currently there.
One of the slow moving giants turned around only to be hit with a massive column directly in the face forcing it to be launched back. "Interesting..." The golem commented, "just like I have assumed." Almost immediately the giant that had been struck was right back on his feet. "That human, while injured got back up rather quickly.You however got up with not a single scratch. A true abomination of nature!"
Ancient giants had bodies of unimaginable durability and the scariest fact about them was, it was all physical. Many believed that these giants were created from an unknown element from another world. "Earthquakes will not be enough even with the ones I accumulated over the millennia."
The other eleven giants all attacked Andimorak at once using their strength and weight. Even with their combined mass the golem still stood strong. "SEISMIC RELEASE!" A powerful boom echoed around making all eleven fly away from Andimorak.
Raising its columns each one flew directly towards an individual giant striking them in various spots. "MOEEEEEEE!" Andimorak drew out making the ground beneath the giants feet rise forming pillars straight into the sky. Andimorak used its hands to maneuver the pillars causing them to form new shapes. Two giants were on top of the pillars holding on only for Andimorak to make the two collide with colossal force.
"They are still alive..." Diamond commented watching as the two giants fell from over 2000 feet in the air.
Once more, Andimorak manipulated the pillars in such a way that they pushed, lifted, and even slammed down on the giants only to have no long lasting effects. They only kept raising back up to fight again. Grimmbaud, and the rest of the fleet met up with the others watching the fight unfold. "Its unreal." Hardoy said.
"STARS LIGHT!" An unfamiliar voice yelled out shortly after a flash of light struck Xix in the back burning him immediately. An angered scream left his mouth as he turned around to see a small squad of wizards looked down with smiles on their face.
"Giants have really lost their size in the modern world. To these ancient giants they just look like bigger humans." A wizard commented, "Hmph, it seems this one little giant has some hostility towards me it seems. Did I strike your brother?" He says locking eyes with Hardoy who gritted his teeth. "What are you going to do about it?"
"RUAHHHH!" Grimmbaud swings his sword downward causing the squads of wizards to disperse. When his sword connected with the ground a wide ravine was created by his powerful attack.
"NOT TOO BAD THERE GIANT!" The lead wizard commented.
Diamond and Hamitha rose into the air to meet the lead wizard ready to battle. A smirk grew on his face as he began glowing a powerful light. "I've been enlightened about you grandmaster fairies. I don't think you realized just how outclassed you are."
"UNBREAKABLE BARRIER!" Goros signature move formed around the lead wizard while at the same time releasing Hardoy. "That is enough out of y-" Goros words were cut short, his face turned a deep purple. The lead wizard could only watch in satisfaction as another wizard from behind Goros levitated.
"Dawn warned us about your ability." He said watching Goros struggle for air. Diamond and Hamitha rushed over to their fellow fairy only for themselves to be sealed away in Goro's own spell. "Constriction..." the wizard whispered, "feels like the tightest squeeze in the world doesn't it? While I may not have the same destructive abilities as my brothers there is a reason why I earned my spot. I can constrict you to the very inch of your life while also taking your very unique ability for myself."
Suddenly, the ground trembled violently, "LET ME JOIN IN BROTHER!" Another wizard dropped into the mix. "I recall this location! YES!" The wizards eyes glowed purple, "REVIVE! REVIVE THE GREAT MONSTERS OF THE PAST!" From beneath, the ground crumbled and cracked. Then, erupting from the tall sand dunes were multiple gigantic three headed serpents. "DISCIPLES OF MEDUSA!" The wizard let out a hysteric laugh, "lets see how you fair now puny giants!"
The three headed serpent reered back, eyes going from orange to green. Lunging forward the serpent unleashed a six lined path of energy everything in the path turned to stone instantly. "Ancient serpents were never this powerful! However! Due to my revival magic I can enhance any being that I revive! It is my own creation after all!" Ancient giants, wizards, and now 100 foot long serpents were against the movement. The disciples of medusa all burrowed into the dunes towards the movement at an alarming rate. Two giants rushed forward swords drawn, "GO MY KING! WE CAN'T LET THEM GET YOU!" The serpents arose from underneath immediately grabbing one of the giants by an arm and leg and began to pull. "AHHHH!" The giant screamed as his limbs were detached forcefully. The heads chewed and swallowed the limbs before going back on the attack to rip apart the giant.
"By the..." The other giant could not even finish his sentence as he was lost for words. Shock had completely taken over at the worst possible time. He had never seen such a horrific death happening just a few meters away from him.
"BEHIND YOU!" Grimmbaud yelled. It had already been too late. The other serpent repeated the same process. This time much more gruesome then before only difference, fear and shock stopped him from screaming.
Hardoy sprinted past the other giants taking a massive leap into the air. "BESERK SLICE!" The sword was empowered with celestial magic. Hardoy swung down releasing a powerful wave of energy. Reaching its target, the three heads were all sliced clean off.
"HOW AMUSING!" The wizard responsible for bringing these serpents to life commented, "BUT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL SOMETHING THAT ALREADY DEAD?! ESPECIALLY WHEN I AM THE ONE PULLING THE STRINGS YOU INSOLENT CHILD?!" Almost instantly, the three serpents regrew all heads locking eyes with Hardoy.
Diamond and Hamitha were useless in this moment and they knew it. The fairies that came along also were of no use as they were easily killed off by the squad of wizards. Goros ability was being used against them and there was no way of getting out. "Interesting," the lead wizard said still trapped in unbreakable barrier. "Seems that you can still control your magic during constriction fairy." He compliments looking onto the battlefield. "Perhaps its for the best... if I were to join this fight would have already been over by now."
The fourth and final wizard only watched quietly not bothering to partake in this fight anymore. He has already done what he intended to do. His task? Kill all the fairies in the fleet besides the grandmasters. Was it accomplished? With ease.
Hardoy ran towards the serpent head on dodging its stone turning gaze. One of the heads lunged at Hardoy only to be decapitated. The serpent reered its body back regrowing yet another head instantly. "Celestial sword..." Hardoy planted his foot forward pulling back his sword ready for a horizontal attack.
The serpent hissed as its eyes glowed once more. "Cutting the heads seem to have no effect. I need to completely rid you of this world." The serpent unleashed its powerful gaze. Six beams of energy all focused on Hardoy who closed his eyes. "RYAHHHHH!" Hardoy screamed as he swung his celestial empowered sword the hit reflecting the beams back at the serpent turning it into stone immediately.
"WHAT!" The revival wizard was in disbelief.
Hardoy leaped into the air once more releasing a powerful wave of celestial magic to obliterate the serpent statue making it to have no possible way to regenerate itself. "YOU.... GET THAT GIANT SERPENTS!" He ordered. All serpents turned their attention towards Hardoy burrowing into the ground going towards him.
"Alright brother... I am tired of this pitiful resistance. Release me from this barrier."
"As you wish brother."
Unbreakable barrier was relinquished immediately releasing not only the fairies but the lead wizard as well. Goro's lifeless body had fell towards the ground and Diamond and Hamitha could only watch in silent shock as their comrade descended. "A once in a lifetime ability in the wrong hands. Had you actually trained properly, you alone would have been an difficult opponent. Well, at least there is no more suffering on your part."
Hitting the sand a cloud of dust rose. When cleared, Goro's head looked up towards the sky while his body was faced the other way. Diamond and Hamitha turned, fist clenched tightly to the lead wizard who only kept a satisfied smile on his face. "I believe this battle has gone on long enough. So, let us see how two grandmaster fairies fight against one supreme wizard."
"NOW HAMITHA!" Diamond spun around, shards of diamonds shot out towards the wizard. Instantly, he dodged with faster than sound reaction time. Just as he evaded he was already wrapped in Hamitha's vines.
He glowed orange beginning and as he did this Hamitha's vines sizzled, "YOU THINK THIS WILL HOLD ME?! NOTHING YOU TWO HAVE CAN COMPARE TO A SMALL PERCENTILE OF MY POWER!" From above the sun that orbited around the planet begin taking a change. Suddenly, it unleashed multiple beams of energy that shot down towards the planet at speeds faster than light itself. Eventually, he heated himself to such high temperatures that Hamitha's vines were now scorched in flames.
The two looked above themselves as did everyone else in complete shock. "GREAT WALL!" Great pillars of enhanced magical diamonds formed around the two fairies and the fleet of giants. There was an opening that which vines shot out and pulled Hardoy in so he wouldn't be killed. The heat beams slammed into the ground scorching everything it touched including the serpents and ancient giants. Neither of these behemoths were affected by the beams either. Eventually, the sun's heat slammed into Diamond's wall holding concentration to begin burning through. "This won't hold long!" More rained down beginning to chip away little by little. However, that wasn't the only issue the incoming beams changed trajectory weakening from all different angles.
Grimmbaud looked at Hardoy and Xix as they watched more and more of Diamond wall being chipped through. Diamond could have teleported everyone out of here but all her focus was holding this wall up as long as she possibly could.
On the outside the three wizards watched as their leader was only getting closer to penetrating through. Then, they turned their attention to Andimorak, the tremor golem who was now facing them. "Just what is that thing?" Behind the golem, it buried all the ancient giants deep under ground and constricted their movement to make it impossible for escape. "Brother... we have a new foe to face." The revival wizard said as he mentally commanded the serpents to face the golem.
The lead wizard turned around seeing that Andimorak was now moving closer. "I thought the ancient giants would overcome that goliath eventually. But it seems not even they could handle it." Raising both arms up the wizard conjured up focused energy instead of beams it was now a giant flaming ball of fire that he created from the sun above. "Then I'll scorch everything here! BROTHERS LET US RETREAT!" Performing a throwing motion the great ball of fire shot down from space at light speeds. At the same time they flew away from the area, the serpents slithering after them.
Andimorak looked up as the shadow alone from the great ball of fire engulfed it. There was no way for it to stop this attack, not with just earthquakes alone. Slamming its fist into the sand, it summoned giant walls of hardened rock to encircle the area until it closed off at the top. The overwhelming power of the golem caused Diamond's wall to shatter.
The ball of fire slammed against the fortress of rock, the flames were strong but weren't nearly enough to break through. Inside the fortress the remaining of the fleet took in a breath of relief. Diamond had been worn out by constantly keeping her walls enforced. But alas, no one here celebrated this battle. Despite not wanting to admit it they known it was by pure luck. Seeing the capabilities of these wizards and ancient giants made them all realize just how outclassed they were.