hey , it's my great holidays between these stupid boring of work days . How's gonna be all right for these holidays ?
Let me think .... How was my dear ' Hunter ' ? How about just go a jungle trekking and hunt some wilds . Oh no , my youngest brother won't lets .
Nah ..just sitting a while in a super fluffy coat . looking at the black and doesn't open of the window ..
Arg ... the most boring holiday I had . and stand steadily or can it be said for looking for a something interesting .
Wait .. is this a holiday's time ?? or I just sleep and dream for a sucks holiday ? oh , I hate that .
Wait , wait , and continue hold back for . what am I waiting for ?
And I almost feel sleepy like a lazy fat pig . my eyelid was almost closed and I felt someone calling my name ..
wait what ?! who's that ? Which mischievous little kid insulting me ?
I wish that was a little cute guy is standing or leaning on the wall then he or she will uses his or her colour in light blue of eyes looking at me . Oh my , how cute are they ?
I was felt highly expecting for the ' kid ' , and when I really endure the ringing of doorbell , I finally opened the wooden door and looking forward to the kid .
Where is he or she ? I can't even know where is the kid's sound from . Not at the door ? Then who's calling me and ringing the doorbell ?
" what are you looking for " the kid's voice was sounded again from my left ear .
I quick-witted to turn my head to the way of the voice .
oh ,it's my youngest brother uses his super tiny voice to shouted me .
oh , wait , I forget that . the whole family including me was arrived this rural as a travel . this journey was quite bad for me and I don't ever likes to stay at a wooden house at night and it smells just like a decayed and moist wood .
the most important is .. here doesn't have any network for me to looking for YouTube .
" oh my ... isn't you anything ? " replying with a extra fretful of words .
okay .. I think I have to take a nap again .
And I don't know why my youngest brother running so fast enter the door ? is this a prank ? he will thought I'm still sleeping until now . but.. whatever I would like to choose that choice for now .
by turning my head , a carpet was drop from a table in that second . wait .. did I saw a red carpet on the table ? arg , I felt sleepy just now . hah , that's why .
I go through the carpet , and I slow-witted forget to close the door .
Using my precious hands to take it up . nah , it just a simple and common with a word 'welcome ' . nothing important and it just let me felt as sleepy as I'm just wake up .
throwing it back on the table . it just wiped the food residue on the floor by the way.
Something almost let me become a somnambulist , and keep on walking to the toilet .
nah , I really appreciate that carpet could let me sleep for a new while , although it just dropped on the floor by a full innocence . hah , forgive me and I need to have a sleep until tomorrow and tomorrow ..
oh ya , and I started to remember at the way to here . I had remembered that I could saw a billboard with a dim-sighted rainy day .
I could truthfully saw a boy with a word 'missing' on it .
whatever .. I couldn't know who is he . and I don't really remember his face looking for now cause of my little brain .
no no no .. I don't want something disturbing my sleeping time .
finally , I get to sleep another few hours . plenty of lazy dizzy mind I had for now .
And I felt something last second , an extremely long and quite rough sound knocked at the door .
em.... I think it's mom . along until the afternoon still sleep on the bed .. maybe my mom will call me with a wood .
oh no , I felt something when wrong , I quickly rush to the door , by the way , I was using my hands to comb my hairs .
ya , and then I open the door .
yes , that's not my mom . but a little boy shorter than me , with wearing a simple shirt and shorts and with a mushroom head .and he doesn't looking me but back to me .
wait .. this guy so familiar with the billboard guy ..
"hello , what can I help you ?" I fortunately could talk out with words by carrying a scared fellings.
he turned his body slowly towards my face .
ya , that's a kid that I thought just now . I mean before I slept.
I don't know why , my foot keep staying backwards and stay away from him .
yes , I still clearly saw his face , but unpleasant to look at .
I had already waited a few second for the response from the little boy . by that moment , I was looking at the back of the kid . a lie down guy was in injuries .
and .. I don't know who is it , and I'm just new in this village .
emm.... actually , I had heard some unreliable information about this trip , I mean this horrible-looking and looked old small village .
okay .. come back to the kid in front of me ..
the kid look inside the house . using few minutes.
I hope I could close the door now and he wasted my time much .
" can I have that red carpet ?? " the kid finally opened his mouth and came out with only 6 simple words .
and .... why he need that thing ? it just let me felt asleep and I throw it on the table but drop on the floor .
and ... why I supposed to give him that ??
nah , whatever , he's also a guest for me . I using a very very very slow speed and just like embarring with swiping my feet .
I was taking up the red carpet with full of hesitation . at the moment I forgive myself that I'm going to being a rock as hard and hard .
turning my stuck body through the boy .
yes , his face looking is very horrible and just like a gangster but fortunately , he's small .
I was passing the dumpling of threads . I mean the carpet .
he takes up the guy . oh no , I just know that the guy was a doll and with a few bleeding . he using the red carpet to wrap the "doll" .
the terror boy use a nefarious face to look at me .
I approval that I was felt more danger for me.
and I saw ... the doll finally move it's moves , and it moves in the final . it's just like giving me a notice with a full bleeding face .
what's going on ?