finding of some , when the rains come ...

yes , I think I was full of questions .

I wish I could be raised , and I know I'm a dreamer .

but it doesn't make sense , I almost use a rock to hit my head . this doesn't my dream , and I doesn't want this .

I hate the end of ' Annabelle ' . I don't want , I don't want , I don't want !!! nonono , I don't want any repeat of the scary ending .

dolls always make me afraid . and it lets me can't sleep at night .

I still standing beside the door , although the boy and the doll had departed by a few moment . and I dazed for many minutes . I almost debacle .

my mind still emerge the shadow of the doll and the boy repeatedly .

ya , I can't even know what am I doing now , I was just want to know what is happening for this village and this why I was chosen for this .

and.. I also imbecile for this moment , I still forgot to close the door and I just walking around in this small house .

so weird ..

what's happening for here ?

almost walk around for many times , I stupidly dropped into the coach . it really bounce me and let me fall heavily on the floor . I mean .. I was fooled playing with the floor and I was using my weight to hit it .

em... I also with a meaning of taking a rest for now .

hey , where's my family ? where are they going , they didn't came out before .

stand up steadily , running through the door , to look for my parents that make sure they are still alive .

by running the way , I hit the coach on my right leg . and I almost fall down but I still hoping with my left leg to the door .

finally my leg had been crushed into injuries and another leg was confirmed no more energy left . and the door also finally closed with a strong wind .

arg.. just a little bit then I could get rid of this house .

I felt few many of wind had blown on my face and the pain had almost directly rolling through my nerves . it lets me almost crying with tears split out from eyes .

and I can't even know where did I fell on , I just knowing that I'm on the rough wood floor . and I fell on a large amount of injuries .

haha .. of course , my mind was just like throwing to a very far place , just flying in the air . and nothing that I can be response .

ya , in the air . before that I just saw a extreme brown sugar thing dropped in front of me .

em... that actually not a brown sugar . it's a hat .

hm..... let me think .. oh no I can't think anything now , cause of my mind was far from me .

taking up that hat .. it's small for me and doesn't looks great .

it is the same thing that I saw in movies , it was felt from the top of cupboard . and still many small hats arranged there .

using my wet eyes that with few drops of tear to observe the hat on my left hand .

hm... this doesn't matter that it doesn't eats my hand .

the strong wind continues blow on me and doesn't surrender until I saw a leaf had came in the house from outside through the space between the door .

and it exact flow into the hat .

hey , it was a four-leaf clovers . my head was closer to the hat and looked at the leaf.

yes , it is . the green leaf was slipperry in the brown hat and keep turning it's position .

the wind has stopped , why does the four-leaf clover still whirling in..and .. the doorbell had rang again . and now it's near to me .

nonono , I won't open the door again , I'm really frightening to looking at the doll again .

just keep listening to the ringing ..

wait , just like a tiny thing hoping and hit the bell then drop on the floor , it seems the naive guy was short.

the doorbell continues being hit pitifully . and the crocking on the wooden floor , listening to the knocking of shoe pad roughly.

hm... it seems not like the boy just now.

by carrying full of questions marks and fall upon of curiosities , I was lending my braves to open the not really closed door .

I throw the hat on the floor with four-leaf clover . actually , I'm not really being irritable to the green leaf , but it really fall out from the hat .

quickly open the door ..

hey , was it a prank again ?? doesn't anything infront of me.

nah , it just a .. I just dreaaaamt ?? I guess ?

I just stupidly made a conclusion that I was tied from the tired .

I closed my eyes and keep kneading my eyelid .

yea.. after that ...

I think I was still sleeping ..

after that second , I finally could close the door by my hands . and..

fool !! I forgot I thought to visit my parents house that ..

ya , anyway , I'm a somnambulist I stupidly didn't get rid of this house . but I still struggle foolishly in this house .

what the **** I'm going on ?!

I'm sorry that , mom , oh no I mean dad , that I always likes to say something f*** to myself. as my hobbies.

ya , it still doesn't matter but should be injured my mind that I was quite a stupid . it's really hit me strongly .

haha , whatever ..

ya , and I bend my leg to take that hat again then lean against the floor , even the floor is not a bed nor carpets.

quite hard working to think about this hat . hm... let me analyse right now..

first , it should be a missing hat .. hm... although this would be not sure and any sense. let me think about it , the owner should be a kids or a baby ?? I think . but it doesn't make sense that there is a baby wearing hats . and it wouldn't be a girl.

second , or .. this will be a trap ?? and now I'm holding .. ya , without guessing ,I throw it away from me .

and now .. I'm thinking about that letter , that I received last night . and actually from my window .. and I had read the passage . that time I felt that it doesn't suits me . then I put it into a dustbin . for now , it doesn't disturbing me .

nah.. forgive me , I know that I had done wrongly .. please give me back that letter .

hm.. wait , or that letter doesn't involved this ??

but there's also a keyword 'hat' ..

and .. I still remember the main point for that letter .

the letter was just like

[ Hi , quite LAM ..

how's your ? quite long that not been seeing you and... I'm coming back , ya , it's quite long that I was there . ya, you know that I always likes to go church .. ya , and by the way I had gone there some days . then , I felt I had fall into the clock . I still remember that I was looking at your hat dropping on the floor .


yes , it's me . still me again.

please find a ....]

ya , the passage has end ..

forgive me that I couldn't remember what is about the second paragraph and what does it needs to find .

I don't know why that I was full of desire .

throwing the hat again on the floor , quite pathetically of the green leaf . I really step on it .

rushing to the garbage condenser , stupidly to find back the letter . on my steps , I was thinking that... who's name is quite LAM ?? it doesn't looks good .

dropping out from the house , I finally get rid of this house .

it was raining cat fighting with dogs . I don't know what idiom I was using ..

and... a extreme green than glowing . falling into the well beside the house...